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Полярне коло пригод на цілий день від Фербенкса

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Місто: Фербенкс
Sat 21 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $270.00
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $270.00
Що включено
Вода в пляшках
Трансфер з готелю (лише в деяких готелях)
Додаткова інформація
  • Не рекомендується мандрівникам із поганим серцево-судинним здоров’ям
  • Підходить для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
  • Транспортні засоби регулярно дезінфікуються
  • Посібники повинні регулярно митися руки
Чого очікувати
Оглядовий майданчик трубопроводу Alyeska
Погляньте на знаменитий трубопровід зблизька та дізнайтеся цікаві факти про період проектування та будівництва.
Yukon River
Пройдіть прямо до краю найвідомішої річки Аляски. Він вразить вас своєю величчю та історією.
BLM Полярне коло Пам'ятник знак
Сфотографуйтеся на Північному полярному колі та отримайте свій сертифікат полярного кола.
Політика скасування
Усі продажі остаточні. У разі скасування бронювання кошти не повертаються.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (70)
Feb 2018
Just a business that provides a great experience. I chose the Arctic Circle as the adventure but we used 1st Alaska Tours for quite a few adventures. We of course did the Arctic Circle. We did the hot springs, town tour, dog sledding, and aurora viewing. All the activities were just fantastic. I was tired as all get out because the activities we chose all begun later in the day; but well worth it. 1st Alaska Tours were on time picking us up every day. They provided a decent meal during the Arctic drive. Both vans we rode in were clean and as comfortable as a van could be for the arctic drive. We had Randy and Dave as guides. 1st Alaska hires some great tour guides. This isn't a job for them. Both our guides had extensive knowledge of everything Alaska. Every question was answered with informative details. Just amazing how well versed these guys were in their knowledge and how awesome it was that they shared their experiences living in the wilderness. In closing the review I'll say this: If you want a nice relaxed tour in Alaska choose 1st Alaska Tours. Just a fantastic experience.
Jan 2018
So-get ready for a wild ride from Fairbanks down the Dalton Highway to the Arctic Circle Sign! Yeah-that's pretty much it. But-for bragging rights you gotta do it if you're here. After all you'll never be closer. So be prepared for about a 1230 pickup and then hit the road. There are plenty of stops along the way to stretch your legs, read about the pipeline or stopping at the Yukon River Camp. He's on the lookout for anything and we managed to spot a lynx jumping across the highway. Anyhow's the trip is long, there are a lot of get bundled up, jump out, get back in, unbundle, repeat. But-our driver/guide was Aaron. He's a great guy-and a secret Aurora Borealis seeker society member. Seriously-we stopped, he looked at the sky and said "I see potential" And an hour later we had dancing light shows going crazy. Sometimes you get the Northern Lights, sometimes you don't. It is a show sponsored by Mother Nature. They provided SubWay sandwiches for the day trip. We were dropped off back at our hotel at 3:15am. Oh yeah-when you see the gas gauge hit empty, don't worry-there's a 5-gallon jerry can for reserve.
Tony W
Jan 2018
We went on the northern light tour with Cassie, she is amazing, best tour guide ever. She is very patient and kind.

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