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Великий острів, Kona Manta Ray нічна трубка - невелика група

Узбережжя Кона на Гаваях вважається головним місцем у світі, де можна спостерігати за мантами після заходу сонця. Під час цього приблизно 2-годинного снорклінг-туру з досвідченим гідом спостерігайте, як ці надзвичайні істоти харчуються великою кількістю планктону, привабленого підводним світлом. З розмахом крил, що може досягати понад 20 футів (6 метрів) у поперечнику, манти не мають зубів чи зубців на хвості. Включає напої, закуски, гідрокостюм, флотацію, спорядження для трубки (маски Rx доступні в обмеженому асортименті та за запитом. Будь ласка, додайте примітки до розділу коментарів під час оформлення замовлення)
Місто: Великий острів Гаваї
Tue 01 Oct
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $139.00
Tue 01 Oct
Починаючи з $139.00
Що включено
Островні соки, газована вода, бутильована вода та легкі закуски
Спорядження для трубки, плавучі пристрої
Додаткова інформація
  • Не рекомендовано для вагітних мандрівників
  • Не рекомендовано для мандрівників із поганим серцево-судинним здоров’ям
  • Підходить для всіх рівнів фізичної підготовки
  • Обмеження ваги: ​​265 фунтів
  • Будь ласка, одягніть купальник
  • Візьміть з собою рушник
  • Візьміть із собою теплий одяг, щоб одягнути його після підводного плавання (на зворотному шляху може стати холодно)
  • Вагітним жінкам заборонено брати участь у цьому турі.
  • Дітям віком до 5 років заборонено.
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (411)
Apr 2021
Swimming with the manta rays has been on my bucket list for years, and Kris and “Buddha” exceeded my expectations for the experience!!! At one point we had more than 10 mantas around us. We had our 8 year old son with us and he enjoyed every minute of it. Paying extra for the smaller group is deft the way to go for this experience, they provided us with robes for the ride back, and snacks and drinks. This is one activity I would do over and over again! You won’t be disappointed!
Відповідь від хоста
Apr 2021
Wow what a compliment! Thank you for sharing your experience! We are so honored to have Kris and Buddha as part of our team.
Mar 2020
I’d like to start that I am a certified diver and I have realistic expectations when doing this type of trip. My issue wasn’t the lack of Manta Rays we saw, one very deep underneath the board, it was how the staff handled our adventure. Once at the site, we were asked to put on snorkels and wait to be told to enter the water. It was a cold evening and the weather was NOT perfect. There water was very choppy with intermittent rain. Neither staff member asked anyone what their swimming skills were prior to entering the water. No flotation devices other than the “noodle” to put under your legs to keep you flat. The “noodle” was NOT mandatory. Due to the current, the reason we went south of KONA, the board had drifted approximately 30-40 feet from the boat. Maybe an easy swim for some, but in choppy seas, not an easy swim for all onboard. Again, no discussion regarding swimming skills or flotation devices for personal buoyancy. We were lucky enough to see one Manta Ray within a matter of minutes. We then, laying flat, held onto the board waiting patiently. Approximately 15-20 minutes later were advised that we were moving to a new location and to return to the boat. Once in the boat, the captain, I believe Chris or Craig, told Buddha (I think that was his name) that he was “overriding his decision” and we would be returning to dock. He felt that the currents were too strong. Honestly, the whole in and out experience, had already made me to decide I was not reentering the water. Safety was a great concern for me. We returned to the dock where we were told that we would be able to go out another evening if we so desired. We did NOT return, as my entire party, 4 people, were concerned for their safety. We booked, based on reviews, so I’m not sure why this evening was any different. Maybe the trip should have been cancelled due to currents, which would have been understandable, but it wasn’t.
Відповідь від хоста
Mar 2020
Aloha Rainbow, I deeply apologize for your experience. As you said you booked upon reading all the great reviews. Our regular captain had to depart to the main land during the Corona Virus out break. Yes Craig was fill in captain. Please note Safety is our first concern and we hope that you give us that chance in the future.
Mar 2020
We were very disappointed with this company and entire trip. The trip should be 2.5-3 hrs. In water we should be 1hrs try to find Mantarays. The trip took only 2 hrs and we were in water only 1/2 hrs. Did not see anything. Also they don't care about your swimming skills and let you swim too far. After we get back on boat, the boat start going back right the way and did not give us any time to dry or change cloths.I don't recommend this company at all.
Відповідь від хоста
Mar 2020
Aloha Jiri, the snorkel adventure is approx 2-2.5 hr as advertised. The captain announced leaving quickly because of the strong rip current and weather coming in. It was purely a safety concern which is our top priority. There was only one manta that night and I know it was a bit of a short show. We do guarantee manta rays our you can come again for free. We did not receive a response from you, however you are welcome to join us again free of charge :)

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