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Різдвяна країна чудес Бренсона

Все, що робить чудове святкування, можна знайти в цьому незабутньому шоу "Різдвяна країна чудес Бренсона". Надзвичайна та святкова сцена, разом із неймовірно красивими костюмами та приспівом, якому б Нью-Йорк позеленів від заздрості! Ви почуєте свою улюблену різдвяну класику, наприклад "White Christmas", "O' Come All Ye Faithful", "Silent Night", "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" та багато інших.
Місто: Бренсон
Mon 24 Feb
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Починаючи з $55.29
Mon 24 Feb
Починаючи з $55.29
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2701 W 76 Country Blvd
• Ваші квитки зберігаються в касі театру. Вам потрібно буде пред’явити цей ваучер разом із посвідченням особи з фотографією в обмін на квитки
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  • Ваші квитки будуть збережені в касі театру для отримання в день вистави
Чого очікувати
Театр King's Castle
Christmas Wonderland — це святкова традиція Бренсона. Найулюбленіша святкова вистава. Жодна святкова поїздка до Бренсона не буде повною без перегляду Різдвяної країни чудес, одного з найбільших святкових постановок Бренсона. Іскристий склад співаків і танцюристів перенесе вас у незабутню та чарівну поїздку на санях до грандіозної різдвяної феєрії. Не пропустіть цей незмінний фаворит, який звучить у дусі різдвяного сезону завдяки енергійним танцям, вишуканим костюмам, красивим декораціям, чудовим постановочним номерам і найвибагливішим хористкам по цей бік Північного полюсу. Серед пісень: «White Christmas», «Happy Holidays», «Silent Night», «Joyful Joyful,» «Santa Claus is Coming to Town», «Greensleeves», «Deck the Halls», «We Need a Little Christmas,» "Jingle Bell Rock", "I'll Be Home For Christmas" та багато інших.
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (41)
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Nov 2019
Branson's Christmas Wonderland at King's Castle Theatre is a Branson show circuit treasure in all respects. The staff, theatre & talent all left a strong impression, PLUS they have the *funniest* Santa in town! He had me in stitches. I even caught a "cor blimey" in there. The elves were so funny, I dig their comedy. They keep pulling faces & reacting to every little thing despite the concentration that their singing & dancing required. The cast are energetic and are clearly thrilled to be there performing for this lucky audience. The selection of songs consisted of all the classics with new flair that people will appreciate; and the choreography is lots of fun. I love the older style music most of all, I'm not sure what it's called, but it made me think of the Roaring 20's and both the dancing and music were really cool. The only thing that could possibly even remotely improve the show is a live band. Let It Go was so good that she should have done a mic drop & walked off the stage. Just, wow! The waiters sequence really floored us all. You'll have to pick your jaw up off the floor at the end of the show. I noticed the technical stuff, too: because it was so good. The lighting. Really, the best lighting of any of the shows I have seen in Branson & I live here. Last but not least, this is the only theatre I have been to in Branson where the coffee doesn't suck. Thanks for a great cup on a cold night and for a truly memorable show. It was flawless!
Jan 2019
I'm giving this show an average rating just because it was what I was looking for in that I wanted to see a Christmas show featuring music that I knew with glitzy costumes, singing, and dancing. HOWEVER, the costumes and dancing were not as polished as I would expect for a show at this price point. One guy was doing "the most" so he was always a half beat behind everyone else (lol)! My husband had to be the one that the lady sang to because the first guy refused! Poor lady! And they really laid the patriotic thing on A LITTLE THICK for my taste. I love my country but I went for a Christmas show, not for a "stand-up-for-the flag-we-love-America" fest. Oh, and we had first-row tickets so we got WET from the bubbles - I mean snow - TWICE. I had to cover my hair so my fabulous curls wouldn't die! And another thing: they could have warned us that intermission is your LAST OPPORTUNITY to visit the gift shop. What kind of place doesn't give you the opportunity to visit the gift shop AFTER the show?? Overall, we still had a good time because we were determined to enjoy it after all the money we spent.
Dec 2018
The music, the, dancing...loved every bit of it! The scenery, the costumes...beautiful! They all did a great job!

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