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Crave Golf Club - одне поле для міні-гольфу

Ви коли-небудь мріяли пограти в гольф у реальному житті Candy Land? Здійсніть цю мрію та відвідайте Crave Golf Club! Тут ми пропонуємо унікальний міні-гольф для наших гостей, включаючи поле для гольфу на тему цукерок, яке перенесе вас на дах, і кондитерську, щоб задовольнити вашу тягу до солодкого!
Місто: Pigeon Forge
Tue 17 Sep
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Починаючи з $13.71
Tue 17 Sep
Починаючи з $13.71
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (256)
Jul 2019
Last summer we visited Crave and did BOTH courses. We knew that the outdoor course was HOT being on the roof with little shade so we decided to forego that course this summer. We decided to do Crave's indoor mini golf again this summer though since it was so terribly HOT outside in July. We were looking for some fun where we could COOL off. We pulled in to the parking lot, which was packed. So, we were pleasantly surprised to find that the indoor course was NOT crazy busy. We went to the ticket counter and were quickly taken care of. We then selected our putters and ball, grabbed a score card and headed for the indoor golf. Inside the course is candy themed. There are huge animal crackers, big ice cream cones, giant gummy bears, a life size gingerbread house, enormous milk shakes and other gynormous sweet treats placed throughout the course. Most of the holes were in great shape. Green were ingood shape. Characters and benches were in great shape. Between the holes they have chips of blue rubber which added some visual appeal other than just concrete & made it feel like an outdoor course brought indoors. Course was NOT terribly difficult but was good for little kids. They do have a spinner that you can spin before you putt to add a new challenge to each hole. We did NOT do this, as it seemed like it would be more time consuming to do some of these tasks in addition to taking turns spinning the wheel at EACH hole. After golf we decided to grab some ice cream from Crave's soft serve counter. Here it is self serve. You select the amount of soft serve you want in your bowl, add your toppings, have it weighed and pay. Simple concept. Ice cream soft serve flavors were standard: chocolate, vanilla and twist. Total for 3 ice creams was around $15. It was OK. Overall, we had a good experience with Crave Indoor Mini Golf this summer. We enjoyed the indoor course this summer. It was a nice way to have fun and beat the heat. We were a little disappointed to see the milkshake stand replaced with just standard soft serve. However, this allowed spaced for them to add 2 Escape Rooms. They also have a large selection of candy and TY toys for sale in the lobby. Place has a sweet candy smell pumped into the building to add to the candy land experience. There is a small mini bowling alley and arcade on location too, but we did NOT do either of them. Restrooms were clean. Staff was friendly. Prices were decent. TIP: Coupons found in the coupon books around town will allow you to buy one course and get the second one free IF that interests you.
Відповідь від хоста
Jul 2019
Thank you so much for taking the time to let others know about your experience. We are thrilled that y'all had fun and enjoyed your return visit with us!
Jul 2019
Our little guys had a blast. Sweet concept - pun intended. The staff was super pleasant. We definitely recommend.
Відповідь від хоста
Jul 2019
Thank you for taking the time to let others know about your experience! We are happy that y'all had fun!
Jon W
Jul 2019
Took the family and grandkids here for a round of mini golf. We did the indoor course as it was blazing hot outside. Mini gold with a twist. You spin a wheel before you putt that tells you how to putt. Between your legs, on one foot etc. So many laughs and memories. Definitely one of the better ones in town.
Відповідь від хоста
Jul 2019
Thank you for taking the time to let others know about your experience! We are thrilled that y'all had fun!

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