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19 років досвіду роботи на річці Кенай, не дарма ми визнані найкращими. Привітні гіди-ветерани, які можуть навчити початківців і навчити вас ловити рибу.
Місто: Солдотна
Fri 20 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $450.00
Fri 20 Sep
Починаючи з $450.00
Що включено
У подорож включено все риболовне знаряддя, вудки для шавлії та редінгтона. У комплект входять усі снасті для мух і куліки.
Додаткова інформація
  • Доступ для людей на інвалідних візках
  • Підходить для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
  • Дезінфікуючий засіб для рук доступний для мандрівників і персоналу
  • Регулярно дезінфікуються зони з інтенсивним рухом
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  • Спорядження/обладнання дезінфікують між використаннями
  • Регулярно дезінфікують транспортні засоби
  • Посібники повинні регулярно мити руки
  • Регулярні перевірки температури для персоналу
  • Політика оплачуваного перебування вдома для персоналу з симптомами
Чого очікувати
Національний заповідник дикої природи Кенай
Поплавкова риболовля нахлистом або спінінгом
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (19)
Aug 2021
My experience fishing with JJ Brown as my guide was the highlight of my recent 10-day trip to Alaska - a trip I have been dreaming about since I was a teenager (I'm 72). I had a private fishing trip with JJ Brown as my guide for a full day - from 7 a.m. to mid-afternoon. He picked me up at my accommodations in Cooper Landing and he was on-time and ready to fish. Aboard the boat, he demonstrated extensive experience handling the boat. Most importantly, he knew where the fish were. He took me to many pools, all of which were fruitful, and was communicative with me about our plans. He'd even position the boat so it was easy for me to cast. I caught dozens of fish that day - trout and salmon - all while taking a beautiful trip through Kenai Canyon and going through Class 2 rapids. JJ answered all my questions, was happy to take pictures of each and every fish I caught, supplied me with quality equipment (non-leaking waders), and I thought he was a good man who became a friend by the end of the trip. I'd recommend JJ to all - family, friends, strangers. He's the guy to call if you want to fish the Kenai River. Bob Jones Fayetteville, OH Took private fishing trip on August 19, 2021
Aug 2021
Our trip with JJ at Kenai River Trout Anglers on 8/17/21 was an absolute bucket list trip. JJ picked us up at our cabin and brought us to the Kenai River. He wasted no time in showing us a great spot to floss for Salmon and was incredibly helpful in teaching us the technique, while also sharing facts about the river, wildlife and the overall area. His compassion for the fish was very refreshing. We had 8 hours on the river and caught SO many beautiful fish. Alaska alone has been an enchanting vacation but this trip with JJ today was one the best adventures of a lifetime! If we return to Alaska, we will most certainly book another trip. We would give 10 stars if we could! Thanks again, JJ!
Aug 2021
While we enjoyed the trip and the guide (Matt), we felt like the opportunity for us to catch much more fish (especially salmon) was there but somewhat prevented by the guide's fish conservation/activist mentality. For example, my husband caught what Matt said was a "legendary-sized" Dolly, but didn't even allow my husband to touch the fish when it was reeled-in and had me take a photo of HIM (the guide) holding the fish instead. We were in a Salmon hole for maybe 5-minutes, caught one and he wanted to immediately move down the river instead of giving us the choice to try for another. Last, a very small dolly practically jumped in the boat as it was being reeled, and my husband and I laughed in shock... Matt shook his head and said "it's actually not funny, that a concussion for the fish". We saw photos online of customers holding their own fish and having their limits on fish-count. Though we know nobody can guarantee how many fish, we just felt like our guide could have been more accommodating in the way he provided/encouraged the possibility for more fish.

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