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Втечіть у насичений веселощами день на рафтингу. Поряд із захоплюючою білою водою ви відчуєте теплу річку Салмон з її прекрасними басейнами для купання та відпочинку. Слухайте відомості про річку та історію від наших професійних гідів-любителів під час подорожі 20 милями «Ріки неповернення». Дозвольте безтурботності каньйону та гострим хвилюванням білої води відвести вас і вашу родину від буденності. Насолоджуйтеся веселими іграми на пляжі, купанням або прийняттям сонячних ванн, поки ваші гіди готують вишуканий обід на одному з пляжів з білим піском.
Місто: МакКолл
Sat 21 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $120.90
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $120.90
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  • Не рекомендовано для мандрівників із поганим серцево-судинним здоров’ям
  • Не рекомендовано для вагітних мандрівників
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (144)
Aug 2014
This was our first rafting adventure, so we did not know what to expect. We fell into MRO because there was a screw-up in reservations with the first place we contacted....What Luck!! We did a 2-day adventure with Heather & George running the rafts. We were pampered with excellent service and hospitality from start to finish. The meals were fantastic, and scenery unmatched. We tried our hand at kayaking, and we are now members of the Salmon River Swim Team!! I can't recommend Brenda and her 1st class staff enough......You can't go wrong with MRO!! Thank you all for a GREAT time!!!
Aug 2014
This review is for a full day trip on the Salmon River. Brenda, one of the owners of Mountain River Outfitters (MRO), was our first contact when scheduling the trip and she was courteous and helpful. She got us booked quickly and the check-in was done via internet forms, so when it was time to go we just showed up and signed in. I had wanted to come earlier in the season so the higher flows would make for a more exciting trip, but as it turned out, early August was a good trip to get my wife, who is mildly apprehensive with water activities, reacquainted with rafting. The rapids were exciting but not scary, and the water was warm, especially at Fiddle Creek Hot Springs :-), so we could get a wave in the face and not be too cold. Also, with the lower flow, I was allowed to get out of the boat and swim through one of the rapids. It was a fairly clean train of several 4-5 foot tall waves, but I was questioning my decision about halfway through. In the end, I was glad I did it. We came the day before and stayed overnight in one of the rooms that MRO has behind their office. It was very clean, with kitchen and bath. I thought it was a good value for the money. We ate dinner at a dive (good sandwich, but dirty, loud, and slow), then walked across the street and down to the Seven Devils Steak house (where we should have eaten!) to listen to an excellent musician on the outdoor patio. Next day, we loaded up our drinks in a small cooler (you can bring your own beverages as long as they are in aluminum cans) and loaded up on buses for the short trip upriver to the launch point. We sat up front and were able to get to know our guides, Ryan and Molly, a bit during the drive. They were both friendly, smiled a lot, and one was very sweet and one was a real character. They provided the right balance of both conversation and quiet to allow you to enjoy the rugged beauty of the canyons. There were a few hours of rapids and floating, followed by a delicious lunch. My wife is a self proclaimed cookie snob and only tried one of the cookies because I had brought it to her. She ate it, mine, our friends' and went back for more. She even said Brenda's cookies rivaled her own! After lunch, back on the water for a water fight (be sure you are in the raft that has "the weather gage" before you start anything) some larger rapids, fun floating, the swim through one of the rapids, and some practical jokes. At the take out point there was some funny smell, which a guide said was a group of people upwind, trying to agitate some type of "river skunk"; thus, they quickly hussled up the loading to get us out of there before the smell got on our clothes. I hope the skunk didn't hurt anybody. I heard someone say those skunks are more plentiful in Washington and Colorado, but they appear to have a foothold in other areas as well. Back into the van for a short trip back to town, a few goodbyes to the guides and it was over, but what a great day!
Aug 2014
Mountain River Outfitters is an excellent company. My experience was outstanding from start to finish. Brenda, who took our reservations, was conscientious and professional. She was responsive and attentive, and followed up consistently. We did the full day trip down the Salmon. Steven our guide was outstanding. Do yourself a favor and ask for him. He was incredibly knowledgeable about the Salmon River and its history as well as the history of the region. He sensed when my teenagers were getting bored and engaged them in games and fun diversions. On a scale of 1 to 10 this group is a 12. If you want excitement, go in May or June when the water is high. If you are looking for a tamer experience, go in August. You won't be sorry!

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