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Втечіть у насичений веселощами день на рафтингу. Поряд із захоплюючою білою водою ви відчуєте теплу річку Салмон з її прекрасними басейнами для купання та відпочинку. Слухайте відомості про річку та історію від наших професійних гідів-любителів під час подорожі 20 милями «Ріки неповернення». Дозвольте безтурботності каньйону та гострим хвилюванням білої води відвести вас і вашу родину від буденності. Насолоджуйтеся веселими іграми на пляжі, купанням або прийняттям сонячних ванн, поки ваші гіди готують вишуканий обід на одному з пляжів з білим піском.
Місто: МакКолл
Sat 21 Sep
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Починаючи з $120.90
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $120.90
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  • Не рекомендовано для мандрівників із поганим серцево-судинним здоров’ям
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (144)
Megan M
Aug 2013
My friends and I (adventure seekers in our twenties) sought out a river rafting trip in Riggins, ID because we'd heard it is a great stretch of the Salmon River. It is indeed a great stretch of river - if you're looking for a leisurely jaunt rather than a wild ride. Mountain River Outfitters does list the rapids classification on their website (though really, even with the help of Google I was not clear what class III+ rapids might be in real life), so I do not blame them for the lack of rapids. My point for mentioning them is that although we were disappointed by the river, our MRO guide, Luke Moser, rose to the occasion. Luke was fun and friendly, and quickly surmised that we wanted to get the most excitement possible out of our 1/2 day raft trip. When there was a lull between rapids he devised stand up raft yoga competitions, had us stand on one foot on the stern while he spun the raft in tight circles truing to knock us into the river, let us jump out and swim after the raft, etc. He was also great about steering the raft over to picturesque spots for our photo ops. Oh, and the food was wonderful! The taste was no doubt amplified by the fact that Luke prepped it all while we frolicked in the river. Vegetarian options provided. Tip to save $7: You do not need to buy those straps to hold on your sunglasses - the rapids are not sufficient to dislodge them.
Aug 2013
We decided to do the full day trip, from about 9 o'clock in the morning to 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Being that this was in August, the rivers were lower than they were in the Spring and Summer. Even still the rapids that we went over were incredibly fun! The bus driver was funny and made the trip to the put in spot enjoyable. We had an incredible morning with our wonderful and informative guide Tyler. Lunch was delicious, chicken ceasar salad with pasta salad, vegetables and chips. There were also yummy cookies to top of the meal. All of the guides were fun and very friendly. The afternoon contained even more rapids than the morning and was exhilarating and exciting. There was a dry bag on board each of the rafts as well as pop/soda/water and granola bars for snacking. There were also inflatable kayaks for some of the more daring guests to try out and enjoy! A couple of the rafts were more leisurely where there was little to no paddling required by the guests in those rafts. The raft that my family was in had paddles that we used to go through the rapids, but our guide paddled us through the flat water. The coffee shop/meeting place on Main Street sold straps to keep glasses on which was convenient. There were also shirts and other gear for sale there. I would recommend MRO to anybody!
Kevin C
Aug 2013
I'm not a frequent commentator on TripAdvisor but felt the need to chime in. My 7 year old and I arrived an hour late for our half day outing, having driven over two hours from Lewiston Idaho (note: Riggins is located in the MOUNTAIN time zone, not PACIFIC...stupid me...easy mistake to make as it's only 3 miles from the timeline & our rafting trip actually ends in the Pacific timezone...FYI). But the staff said "no problem", and loaded us in a van, then dropped us off right near where the raft was. We jumped on & off we went. That would be enough for a 5-star review on its own, but everthing else was fantastic as well (wonderful guide, great service, wonderful people in the boat with us)...I can't say enough positive things. It was the highlight of our vacation.

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