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Рафтинг на цілий день

Втечіть у насичений веселощами день на рафтингу. Поряд із захоплюючою білою водою ви відчуєте теплу річку Салмон з її прекрасними басейнами для купання та відпочинку. Слухайте відомості про річку та історію від наших професійних гідів-любителів під час подорожі 20 милями «Ріки неповернення». Дозвольте безтурботності каньйону та гострим хвилюванням білої води відвести вас і вашу родину від буденності. Насолоджуйтеся веселими іграми на пляжі, купанням або прийняттям сонячних ванн, поки ваші гіди готують вишуканий обід на одному з пляжів з білим піском.
Місто: МакКолл
Sat 21 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $120.90
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $120.90
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  • Не рекомендовано для мандрівників із поганим серцево-судинним здоров’ям
  • Не рекомендовано для вагітних мандрівників
  • Підходить для всіх Рівень фізичної підготовки
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  • Будь ласка, повідомте будь-які конкретні дієтичні вимоги під час бронювання
  • Доступний вегетаріанський варіант, будь ласка, повідомте вчасно бронювання, якщо потрібно
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (144)
Jul 2013
$89 for adults, $78 for children for the all day whitewater rapid excursion starting at 9AM and ending around 5PM. Bring sunscreen, hat, water shoes, water camera and sunglasses. You may want to also pick up a cheap sunglass strap and hat strap to ensure your beloved items don't blow away. Saw a guide's hat blow off his head but another guide rescued it. You'll leave your keys with the shop and retrieve at the end of your journey. There is a dry bag on board for any must have items but I would limit them. I would most definitely recommend the all day adventure. The rapids were a fun, exciting experience, just wish there were more and wished the river was a bit wilder!! There were about 4 really exciting batches of rapids, one of which I felt like I was going to flip out! 😃 The guides were very entertaining singing songs, suggesting the kids do little (but safe) stunts like standing on the front of the raft while the guide spun the raft. These "stunts" were all performed in calm water with life vests on. The kids were able to "ride the bullet" by sitting on the front of the raft while going over rapids. The rafts were also equipt with water guns so you could torture other rafts!!! My 8 year old loved this!! Our guide was a little more conservative when it came to the "activities" on the raft which slightly disappointed me because my son missed out on some of the playfulness I saw on other rafts. The rafts are stocked with drinks and snacks, ours had soda and water, gorp (trail mix), granola bars, and homemade cookies. A delightful lunch on the beach. Our lunch consisted of taco salads with all the fixings, prepared fresh by our guides. I am vegetarian so they accommodated me and prepared me a separate meat free variation. It was delicious and plenty of it for seconds. Other sides included chips and salsa, tortilla shells if you wanted to make an actual taco, pasta salad, fresh fruit, water, soda and homemade cookies. I was thoroughly impressed with the rigged hand washing station and available hand sanitizer...I am a germ freak so this put my mind at ease. While the guides prepared the delicious lunch the kids were entertained with volleyball, bocce ball, and even a "water slide" by flipping over one if the rafts and squirt water in it with squirt guns. The kids loved it and even had a belly slide competition. We even got to jump out into some rapids, per the direction of our guide, and was able to free float down the river-don't miss trying it! Probably my best memory! Professional photos are taken during the trip at one area where the rapids are bustling. Your guide will prepare you to be picture ready! You are able to purchase the photos online after the excursion. Absolutely no obligation to buy. Pick up the business card of the photographer and decide, in the privacy of your own home, if you wish to purchase. The picture were well done, therefore we did order our CD for I think $25. Be careful to keep water out of your mouth. Our guide told us giardia was in the river. I told someone else, in the boat, that giardia was a parasite in which causes diarrhea and the guide said "giardia was not a parasite, it just causes 4-5 days of diarrhea". I work in the medical field, giardia is indeed a parasite AND it can be acquired from drinking contaminated water from rivers!! I am not sure if the guide was making reference to another waterborne illness but I would certainly try to avoid swallowing the water in the river!!!! Great day!! Highly recommend!!!!
Dennis O
Jul 2013
Went out in June with my 2 sons, another father and his son and we all had a blast!!! The guides were tremendous and the scenery, fishing (4 Sturgeon caught on a 3 day trip) and camping at night on the river is something myself and my kids won't soon forget. I hope to get back again next year.
Stephanie S
Jul 2013
My SO (significant other) & I received a 1/2 day raft trip with MRO (Mountain River Outfitters) from his kids for Christmas & finally got to use it, deciding to invite another couple of friends! 2 words- LOVED IT!! We all wanna do it again....except longer & wilder! We had an afternoon of laughs, fun, beautiful scenery, yummy homemade (by MRO) cookies with our informative, funny and knowledgeable guide Austin W.....Excellent trip Austin, much thanks and appreciation!!! The MRO guides may choose to do this because its a awesome job, but MRO obviously choses their river guides, because they're not only knowledgeable & smart but because they are really good and care about what they do and it shows! We will recommend MRO and Austin to anyone without a doubt or 2nd thought!! From booking the trip until we were stepping off the bus through our return trip from down the river, a truly amazing time!

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