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Південний край Гранд-Каньйону з Лас-Вегаса

Подорож до одного із семи чудес світу під час цього денного туру з Лас-Вегаса. Зібравши з більшості готелів на бульварі Стрип, ви вирушите на 3 години до прекрасного Саут-Ріму. Ваш гід надасть вам запропоновані маршрути, щоб максимально використати час тут. Екскурсія здійснюється тільки по понеділках та середах.
Місто: Лас-Вегас
Tue 24 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $102.00
Tue 24 Sep
Починаючи з $102.00
Що включено
Плата за національні парки
Денний тур
Обід у стилі гастроном
Зустріч і висадка з готелю
Перекус на сніданок
Додаткова інформація
  • Доступ для людей на інвалідних візках
  • Дозволено тварин-поводирів
  • Поруч є громадський транспорт
  • Немовлята мають сидіти на колінах у дорослих
  • Вибір транспорту доступний для інвалідних візків
  • Мандрівники повинні мати принаймні помірний рівень фізичної підготовки
  • Ціни для дорослих застосовуються до всіх мандрівників
  • Діє в усіх погодні умови, будь ласка, одягніться належним чином
  • Великий багаж не дозволяється перетинати дамбу Гувера через вимоги безпеки. За перевезення багажу стягується додаткова плата
  • Легкий ранковий континентальний сніданок включає кекси, батончики, банани та сік
  • Обід у стилі гастроном включає вибір із індички, шинки, вегетаріанської кухні або глютену Безкоштовний салат з м'ясом або без
  • Тур діє лише по понеділках та середах
Чого очікувати
Південний край Гранд-Каньйону
Після прибуття на автобусі до південного краю національного парку Гранд-Каньйон ваш гід розповість вам про найцікавіші моменти Гранд-Каньйону, щоб ви могли максимально використати свій час тут. У вас буде три (3) години вільного часу, щоб дослідити це диво світу у своєму власному темпі. Свій гастрономічний обід можна взяти з собою, щоб насолодитися ним на одному з оглядових майданчиків.
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (438)
Jan 2019
I would have given this review higher star rating if not for the driver. The shuttle picked up right on time, appreciated the boxed breakfast and lunch boxes as well as accommodating front area seats due to medical conditions. However, the driver, Luana was abrasive, condescending and short tempered. Yes, she may have worked with this company for 12 years, moved from paradise Hawaii and driven this tour numerous times in a week, and the end result is a person that hates her job, zero customer skills. No, she wasn’t this way to late passengers only, or motivated to keep to a tight schedule. If it was that, could have accepted it but from start, she appeared in a bad mood and this didn’t improve despite her attempt at rehearsed facts and pitiful jokes that she churned to get through the minimum that she was required to do. The entire atmosphere was cold and more apt for boot camp or a detention Center. Yes, she spewed directions, time line instruction etc , like a principal on a power trip, keeping her students in line. Anyone perceived to dare step out of line and she was ready to blast you to Hawaii. What was shocking was that she never once did a head count all day. I dropped my daughter’s expensive earphones in a small gift shop at Hoover Dam stop while a lady bumped into me there. Noticed the ear phones were missing as I boarded the bus immediately and asked her if can stop while I ask shop owner if anyone turned it in. She was driving past the shop anyway. Well, with an exasperated, annoyed look, told me to hurry up as we were running late. Took me 15 seconds to ask shop owner who did find them and gave them to me , to get back on bus. Well for dear Luana, that was too long and she promptly chastised me for not holding onto my things properly and to make sure I don’t lose anything else! I am a woman in my 50’s that didn’t need that kind of sarcasm on while I was on holiday. Stayed out of her way for rest of trip. Talked to other passengers on same tour and we agreed that Luana needed to switch career to perhaps border patrol where her attitude is welcomed . Too bad as the actual company was great. I had hoped to get Walter as driver as had read so many raving reviews.
Jan 2019
We experienced the Grand Canyon South Rim Tour with Walter and what an experience. He made the long ride a breeze with his personality and knowledge of the Tour. He was funny, pleasant and made sure all had a great time. His knowledge of Las Vegas, Arizona, housing, the wildlife, Hoover Dam, Route 66 and the Grand Canyon made the tour very interesting....not to mention his patience for those that did not follow instructions. Thank you Walter for a great experience, The Philly Group!
Pedro B
Dec 2018
We were picked up by a shuttle. The driver was James. He was great and gave us good advise on Las Vegas. He took us to a central station where we moved to the actual tour bus. There they gave us some fruits, cookies and juice for breakfast which was nice of them and helped us in our long journey to the Grand Canyon. Our main bus driver was Wally. He was brilliant. He gave us facts and history most of the way to the grand canyon. When he wasn't speaking there was a documentary on the TVs. We passed through the Hoover dam and stopped for some quick pictures but the stop was not the at the visitors center, but more to the side, sort of overlooking the lake I'd say. Not particularly spectacular view there. There were two more stops; each about 1.5 hrs apart. One was a gas station, where we were given our lunch (and picked up a 2nd bus driver), and the other was at a small antiques/souvenir shop on a ghost town that crossed route 66. We made it to the south rim of the grand canyon (bright angel) at about 1pm (we had a started our trip at 6:20AM). We were given 3.5 hrs exactly to walk, for sightseeing, shopping, eating, etc. Wally gave us a map and quick instructions on what he recommended we did with our 3.5hrs. That time was barely enough to do the Rim trail and to do some quick souvenir shopping. The trail was great, paved and with beautiful views, but definitely not recommended for elderly people or people with walking issues. We took the bus back to Las Vegas at 4:30pm. Wally showed 2 movies and one show with Las Vegas themes. We ended back at our hotel at 10:30pm. That was a whole 16hrs of trip. We were so tired, but so happy that we got to see the grand canyon. The bus behaved well, the TV gave some issues but usually was fixed with some fiddling of the DVD player. They always had plenty of water for anyone who asked. I'd recommend bringing some extra food, snacks and proteins with you for such a long trip. Also, if you are going to the grand canyon during the winter months, don't forget a jacket and warmer clothing.

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