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Південний край Гранд-Каньйону з Лас-Вегаса

Подорож до одного із семи чудес світу під час цього денного туру з Лас-Вегаса. Зібравши з більшості готелів на бульварі Стрип, ви вирушите на 3 години до прекрасного Саут-Ріму. Ваш гід надасть вам запропоновані маршрути, щоб максимально використати час тут. Екскурсія здійснюється тільки по понеділках та середах.
Місто: Лас-Вегас
Sun 22 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $102.00
Sun 22 Sep
Починаючи з $102.00
Що включено
Плата за національні парки
Денний тур
Обід у стилі гастроном
Зустріч і висадка з готелю
Перекус на сніданок
Додаткова інформація
  • Доступ для людей на інвалідних візках
  • Дозволено тварин-поводирів
  • Поруч є громадський транспорт
  • Немовлята мають сидіти на колінах у дорослих
  • Вибір транспорту доступний для інвалідних візків
  • Мандрівники повинні мати принаймні помірний рівень фізичної підготовки
  • Ціни для дорослих застосовуються до всіх мандрівників
  • Діє в усіх погодні умови, будь ласка, одягніться належним чином
  • Великий багаж не дозволяється перетинати дамбу Гувера через вимоги безпеки. За перевезення багажу стягується додаткова плата
  • Легкий ранковий континентальний сніданок включає кекси, батончики, банани та сік
  • Обід у стилі гастроном включає вибір із індички, шинки, вегетаріанської кухні або глютену Безкоштовний салат з м'ясом або без
  • Тур діє лише по понеділках та середах
Чого очікувати
Південний край Гранд-Каньйону
Після прибуття на автобусі до південного краю національного парку Гранд-Каньйон ваш гід розповість вам про найцікавіші моменти Гранд-Каньйону, щоб ви могли максимально використати свій час тут. У вас буде три (3) години вільного часу, щоб дослідити це диво світу у своєму власному темпі. Свій гастрономічний обід можна взяти з собою, щоб насолодитися ним на одному з оглядових майданчиків.
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (438)
Mar 2022
Amazing Grand Canyon tour.. views were stunning and the coach was very comfortable. Driver was very polite and friendly. Would definitely recommend
Feb 2022
Horrible! Steer clear from this package and Sweetours! I booked this specific tour and last minute they changed it to the west rim, calling it an upgrade due to weather however there was also snow on the west rim so i feel like this is part of their ploy to get you to upgrade and pay for extras and it goes straight to sweetours. The site says west rim tour time is 4 hours however my "upgrade" was 3 hours of canyon time, which they fail to mention until you get there becauze its no where on the website that once you get there you have to take a shuttle bus to the first point and shuttle bus to the second point. The driver described the first point shuttle being 10 mins and the second point being 15, so he says at least 2 hours and 30 mins of canyon time. However what he also fails to mention is that the time for the tour also includes the wait in line. We got there and had to wait an hour for the first bus as there was only one bus picking people up. I would think something this big has multiple shuttles but no it doesn't. Then they push the sky walk package, but what they don't tell you is no cell phones on the sky walk. Wait time to get on is about 40 mins. So once I finished the Skywalk I had 15 mins of time to take photos before the next bus and again only one driver at a time with a long line, there is no sense of urgency because they already have your money. So I didn't even see the second view point because the driver on the way there stresses multiple times about getting back on time or you will be left. So all of us on the bus are rushing around fighting shuttle wait time, and barely having time to see the Canyon. Spent over 2 hours in line which takes away from the time as advertised. Driver seemed to be in a rush the whole time more worried about getting to Vegas. Sweetours is a scam, and I encourage you to either use a different company or rent a car. If you chose this one make sure you get this one and if they upgrade you as a courtesy make sure it actually is an upgrade because this Didn't feel like an upgrade. Paying over 100 dollars for 15 mins of actual canyon time with a camera just doesn't sit right.
Відповідь від хоста
Mar 2022
Thank you for your comments regarding your tour. We are investigating every problematic phase of your tour that happened that day. First, Sweetours highest priority is to provide a safe, enjoyable and memorable tour experience for our guests, but unfortunately problems do occasionally occur, which every tour operator runs into. Second, there was no ploy for your South to West Rim transfer. The issue was safety! South Rim had far more snow and ice accumulation than West Rim, as well as hazardous driving conditions. That is why the switch to West Rim.......the snow accumulation there was minimal and presented no danger or hazardous conditions. For these reasons, Sweetours wanted to ensure that you had a Canyon experience. Third, we are well aware of the wait times that may occur at the Skywalk, which as you know, is the highlight of the West Rim. We are also aware that the shuttle bus system frequency sometimes is not timely. Every tour operator has presented these issues to the Management Team at West Rim and we hope for a resolution soon. Forth, if your driver hinted that customers may be left behind, please forward to me the driver's name and we will handle. This company works very hard to provide every customer an outstanding experience, and I am truly sorry this did not happen on your trip. Finally, I must assure you there never was, nor never is a scam with Sweetours. Perhaps you would like to discuss further this matter. Thank you again for your comments.
Feb 2022
Overall tour experience was great! Ran smooth, with light bfast, and lunch provided. Our driver Jackie was awesome!
Відповідь від хоста
Feb 2022
Thank you for your gracious words and feedback. Yes,Jackie is great and she loves what she does. So glad you enjoyed the tour and would invite you to come back and see us again, maybe a trip to the South Rim? Have a great day!

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