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Екскурсія на кінні ферми Gypsy Gold

Gypsy Gold є домом для перших американських коней Gypsy Vanner Horses і найпопулярнішого туру на ферму у Флориді. Дізнайтеся про барвисту культуру британських циган і познайомтеся з десятками їхніх чарівних коней Gypsy Vanner Horses. Історія Джипсі Голд і коней Джипсі Ваннер — одна з найзахопливіших і найромантичніших історій в анналах історії коней.
Місто: Орландо
Mon 23 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $45.00
Mon 23 Sep
Починаючи з $45.00
Що включено
Можливість сфотографуватися з одним із наших коней Gypsy Vanner
Пішохідна екскурсія
Додаткова інформація
  • Немовлят і маленьких дітей можна перевозити в колясці
  • Дозволено з тваринами-поводинами
  • Не рекомендується мандрівникам із поганим серцево-судинним здоров’ям
  • Підходить для всіх рівнів фізичної підготовки
  • Діти повинні бути в супроводі дорослого
  • Діти до 5 років безкоштовно
Чого очікувати
Циганська золота ферма
наші перші сорок п’ять хвилин — це пізнавальна подорож, проведена Деннісом Томпсоном, першовідкривачем і засновником породи коней Джипсі Ваннер. Потім Денніс і Ерін познайомлять вас із жеребцем Джипсі Ваннер і пояснять передбачуваний вигляд і унікальні деталі породи Ваннер. Ваша друга година — це прогулянка серед загонів, заповнених конями, обсаджених стародавніми дубами, вкритими романтичним іспанським мохом півдня. Під час прогулянки ви зустрінете красивих жеребців і кобил, а також доброзичливих дитинчат коней Джипсі Ваннер. Ваш тур по фермі Gypsy Gold завершується можливістю побачити фото з неймовірним жеребцем Gypsy Vanner Horse і відвідуванням магазину подарунків Gypsy Gold.
Політика скасування
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (269)
Kimberly S
Jul 2021
I will leave the 5 star reviews to let you know the history and farm. Although I agree with all the 5 star reviews, I give it a 3 star for these reasons. 1. The oral presentation was 1 hour and 15 minutes. It is far to lengthy and seems to go off track several times about 45 minutes into it. Some of the young kids were yawning. Dennis is a fabulous story teller and very entertaining but we were surprised this 2 hour tour involved sitting on a hard seat for such a long period of time. 2. If you look at the pics or Youtube video, you see these beautiful horses. We were expecting to see at least 1 horse cleaned up and in show presentation We only were shown pics. All the others (although gorgeous) were in the stable stalls or pastures. Manes, tail and fetlocks were not as seen in the pics. Dirty and tangled. 3. On the walking tour, there was a mule with a large horrible sore on her left front leg. It was open to air and the flies were feasting on the wound. It was brutal to witness. My heart ached for her. Is this trip worth it. YES! Please go as it is nice to see these beautiful animals. You will get a very lengthy history of Dennis and this breed. Be prepared.
Відповідь від хоста
Aug 2021
Dear Kimberley, thanks for taking the time to review your experience. I have copied and pasted your review and will respond below each numbered segment. Kimberley: I will leave the 5 star reviews to let you know the history and farm. Although I agree with all the 5 star reviews, I give it a 3 star for these reasons. Dennis responds: Getting top reviews is everything to us, your happiness reflected in them is why we do what we do . Thanks for agreeing with all the five star reviews say ! Kimberley: 1. The oral presentation was 1 hour and 15 minutes. It is far to lengthy and seems to go off track several times about 45 minutes into it. Some of the young kids were yawning. Dennis Responds : The presentation is typically not that long, we try to keep it 45 minutes to one hour and to insure we do in the future we have a videographer coming to film the presentation so it is a specific time. We will do our best to capture the story telling , entertaining experience you had with it live. Kimberley: Dennis is a fabulous story teller and very entertaining but we were surprised this 2 hour tour involved sitting on a hard seat for such a long period of time. Dennis Responds : Now Kimberley, you have struck a chair nerve here ! When we initially started giving tours, we would get complaints about the chairs, we used (cheap folding chairs ) so we found 100 award winning chairs made by an acclaimed designer in the 40"s or 50"s ( The chairs can cost 2 or 3 hundred each on line, but of course, we didn't pay that) That was at least three years ago and Kimberley, you are sincerely the only complaint we have received in that time. I love my chairs and you will too if you return and I talk less so you sit less, deal. Kimberley: 2. If you look at the pics or Youtube video, you see these beautiful horses. We were expecting to see at least 1 horse cleaned up and in show presentation We only were shown pics. Dennis Responds: We try to have at least one horse fancied up and usually do but one of our employees has been sick, so that leaves my wife , myself and one employee. We are first a working horse farm, and second the least expensive place in Ocala to visit a working horse farm and learn about one of the most unique stories in the annals of equine history. We do have plans to make Gypsy Gold a permanent tourist destination and when that happens we will have no choice but to increase our employees and unfortunately the cost of the experience. Kimberley: All the others (although gorgeous) were in the stable stalls or pastures. Manes, tail and fetlocks were not as seen in the pics. Dirty and tangled. Dennis responds: Our horses all have manes and tails groomed regularly. There are two horses here owned by someone else who had a groom that quit,. My wife and I were just talking about how she needs to hire a new groom, you busy, Kim ? Kimberley : 3. On the walking tour, there was a mule with a large horrible sore on her left front leg. Dennis Responds: Thats called a summer sore, she gets it every summer, and it is treated regularly and aggressively. I typically explain what that is you must have missed the explanation ? She's fine ! Kimberley It was open to air and the flies were feasting on the wound. It was brutal to witness. My heart ached for her. Is this trip worth it. Dennis Responds: It is often wrapped with medicine both topical and internal so you can't see it and of course the flies. The danger to the wraps is that you can bow a tendon when you leave a wrap on a horse or mule. The wrap slides down when they walk and it damages a tendon. There is a lot to know in the horse business. Kimberley horses can get horrific wounds (really awful) when they heal and it happens fast you never notice they had a cut. Kimberley: YES! Please go as it is nice to see these beautiful animals. You will get a very lengthy history of Dennis and this breed. Be prepared. Dennis Responds: As you suggested, you agree with all the five star reviews. Those exist because the experience is unique and rare. I will do my best to control the length of my presentation while still keeping it unique and rare. Thanks Kim, Dennis
Jul 2021
This was a tremendous tour. We learned the history of the Gypsy Gold Vanner horse from Mr. Thompson and then toured the farm with the horses and other animals. I would recommend this for anyone who is visiting Ocala to have this tour as the number one item on your list.
Jul 2021
Phenomenal amount of knowledge gained. Wonderful hosts. The horses are incredibly beautiful. Lots to see for all ages
Відповідь від хоста
Aug 2021
Thanks for the great review ljfsbmw , curious , is that's life's a BMW , pretty cool if yes. Its not possible to absorb all you learn at Gypsy Gold and that a plan to have you return :) Cheers, Dennis and Erin Gypsy Gold
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