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Гарлемська хіп-хоп пішохідна екскурсія

Take a guided tour through Harlem to the sites that inspired and nurtured hip-hop culture. New York is the birthplace of hip-hop and this walking tour allows you to take a hip-hop look at New York's famous Harlem neighborhood. See it as the pioneers of hip-hop see it by way of their exclusive anecdotes.
Місто: Нью-Йорк
Wed 02 Apr
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $55.00
Wed 02 Apr
Починаючи з $55.00
Що включено
Гід-історик хіп-хопу
2-годинна пішохідна екскурсія
Hip-Hop historian tour guide
2-hour walking tour
Hip-Hop historian tour guide
2-hour walking tour
Hip-Hop historian tour guide
Додаткова інформація
  • Public transportation options are available nearby
  • Not recommended for travelers with poor cardiovascular health
  • Suitable for all physical fitness levels
  • Tour is operated in rain or shine
Чого очікувати
Хіп-хоп тури Hush
Ви не можете побачити найкраще з Гарлему з-за вікна, тож поставте його в парку та побийте бруківку під час цієї 2-годинної хіп-хоп-екскурсії по Нью-Йорку. Перегляньте мультимедійну подію, щоб дізнатися історію Нью-Йорка в оцифрованій 3-екранній постановці, яка розповідає про те, як місто перетворилося на найбільший міський центр у світі. Потім надіньте зручне взуття, щоб неквапливо прогулятися під хіп-хоп Меккою хіп-хоп культури. Перегляньте сайти Dip Set, найстаріших магазинів платівок Гарлему, легендарного театру Apollo, численних клубів, а також дізнайтеся про багату музичну та політичну історію. Приєднуйтеся до своїх гідів і поділіться своїми думками про життя у Великому Місті та Вийдіть! Ця пішохідна екскурсія Гарлемським хіп-хопом підходить для будь-якого віку, ентузіастів хіп-хопу, тих, хто цікавиться Основою культури та тих, хто повертається до Нью-Йорка. Це справді єдиний у своєму роді досвід із перспективою та фокусом, які можуть продемонструвати лише великі майстри хіп-хопу. Пішохідна екскурсія Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour підходить для всієї сім’ї та чудово підходить для будь-якої вікової групи та культурного середовища з оцінкою старої та нової шкільної хіп-хоп музики.
Театр «Аполло».
зал слави
Хіп-хоп пішохідна екскурсія Гарлемом
Музей міста Нью-Йорка
Переглянути актуальну виставку
Hush Hip Hop Tours
You can't see the best of Harlem from behind the window, so put it in park and pound the pavement on this 2-hour New York Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour. View a multimedia event to learn the history of New York City in a digitized 3-screen production telling the story of how the city grew into the world's greatest urban center. Then put on some comfortable shoes to take a leisurely hip-hop stroll through the Mecca of the hip-hop culture. Check out the sites of Dip Set, Harlem's oldest record shops, the legendary Apollo Theater, numerous clubs, plus learn the rich musical and political history. Join your guides and share your thoughts about life in the Big City and Walk it Out! This Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour is suitable for all ages, hip-hop enthusiasts, those interested in the Foundation of the Culture and return visitors to New York City. It is truly a one-of-a-kind experience with a perspective and focus which can only be shown by the Grand Masters of hip-hop. The Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour is family friendly and great for any age group and cultural background with an appreciation of old school and new school hip-hop music.
Apollo Theater
Hall of Fame
Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour
Museum of the City of New York
View current exhibition
Hush Hip Hop Tours
You can't see the best of Harlem from behind the window, so put it in park and pound the pavement on this 2-hour New York Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour. View a multimedia event to learn the history of New York City in a digitized 3-screen production telling the story of how the city grew into the world's greatest urban center. Then put on some comfortable shoes to take a leisurely hip-hop stroll through the Mecca of the hip-hop culture. Check out the sites of Dip Set, Harlem's oldest record shops, the legendary Apollo Theater, numerous clubs, plus learn the rich musical and political history. Join your guides and share your thoughts about life in the Big City and Walk it Out! This Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour is suitable for all ages, hip-hop enthusiasts, those interested in the Foundation of the Culture and return visitors to New York City. It is truly a one-of-a-kind experience with a perspective and focus which can only be shown by the Grand Masters of hip-hop. The Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour is family friendly and great for any age group and cultural background with an appreciation of old school and new school hip-hop music.
Apollo Theater
Hall of Fame
Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour
Museum of the City of New York
View current exhibition
Hush Hip Hop Tours
You can't see the best of Harlem from behind the window, so put it in park and pound the pavement on this 2-hour New York Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour. View a multimedia event to learn the history of New York City in a digitized 3-screen production telling the story of how the city grew into the world's greatest urban center. Then put on some comfortable shoes to take a leisurely hip-hop stroll through the Mecca of the hip-hop culture. Check out the sites of Dip Set, Harlem's oldest record shops, the legendary Apollo Theater, numerous clubs, plus learn the rich musical and political history. Join your guides and share your thoughts about life in the Big City and Walk it Out! This Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour is suitable for all ages, hip-hop enthusiasts, those interested in the Foundation of the Culture and return visitors to New York City. It is truly a one-of-a-kind experience with a perspective and focus which can only be shown by the Grand Masters of hip-hop. The Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour is family friendly and great for any age group and cultural background with an appreciation of old school and new school hip-hop music.
Apollo Theater
Hall of Fame
Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour
Museum of the City of New York
View current exhibition
Hush Hip Hop Tours
You can't see the best of Harlem from behind the window, so put it in park and pound the pavement on this 2-hour New York Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour. View a multimedia event to learn the history of New York City in a digitized 3-screen production telling the story of how the city grew into the world's greatest urban center. Then put on some comfortable shoes to take a leisurely hip-hop stroll through the Mecca of the hip-hop culture. Check out the sites of Dip Set, Harlem's oldest record shops, the legendary Apollo Theater, numerous clubs, plus learn the rich musical and political history. Join your guides and share your thoughts about life in the Big City and Walk it Out! This Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour is suitable for all ages, hip-hop enthusiasts, those interested in the Foundation of the Culture and return visitors to New York City. It is truly a one-of-a-kind experience with a perspective and focus which can only be shown by the Grand Masters of hip-hop. The Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour is family friendly and great for any age group and cultural background with an appreciation of old school and new school hip-hop music.
Apollo Theater
Hall of Fame
Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour
Museum of the City of New York
View current exhibition
Hush Hip Hop Tours
You can't see the best of Harlem from behind the window, so put it in park and pound the pavement on this 2-hour New York Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour. View a multimedia event to learn the history of New York City in a digitized 3-screen production telling the story of how the city grew into the world's greatest urban center. Then put on some comfortable shoes to take a leisurely hip-hop stroll through the Mecca of the hip-hop culture. Check out the sites of Dip Set, Harlem's oldest record shops, the legendary Apollo Theater, numerous clubs, plus learn the rich musical and political history. Join your guides and share your thoughts about life in the Big City and Walk it Out! This Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour is suitable for all ages, hip-hop enthusiasts, those interested in the Foundation of the Culture and return visitors to New York City. It is truly a one-of-a-kind experience with a perspective and focus which can only be shown by the Grand Masters of hip-hop. The Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour is family friendly and great for any age group and cultural background with an appreciation of old school and new school hip-hop music.
Apollo Theater
Hall of Fame
Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour
Museum of the City of New York
View current exhibition
Hush Hip Hop Tours
You can't see the best of Harlem from behind the window, so put it in park and pound the pavement on this 2-hour New York Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour. View a multimedia event to learn the history of New York City in a digitized 3-screen production telling the story of how the city grew into the world's greatest urban center. Then put on some comfortable shoes to take a leisurely hip-hop stroll through the Mecca of the hip-hop culture. Check out the sites of Dip Set, Harlem's oldest record shops, the legendary Apollo Theater, numerous clubs, plus learn the rich musical and political history. Join your guides and share your thoughts about life in the Big City and Walk it Out! This Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour is suitable for all ages, hip-hop enthusiasts, those interested in the Foundation of the Culture and return visitors to New York City. It is truly a one-of-a-kind experience with a perspective and focus which can only be shown by the Grand Masters of hip-hop. The Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour is family friendly and great for any age group and cultural background with an appreciation of old school and new school hip-hop music.
Apollo Theater
Hall of Fame
Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour
Museum of the City of New York
View current exhibition
Hush Hip Hop Tours
You can't see the best of Harlem from behind the window, so put it in park and pound the pavement on this 2-hour New York Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour. View a multimedia event to learn the history of New York City in a digitized 3-screen production telling the story of how the city grew into the world's greatest urban center. Then put on some comfortable shoes to take a leisurely hip-hop stroll through the Mecca of the hip-hop culture. Check out the sites of Dip Set, Harlem's oldest record shops, the legendary Apollo Theater, numerous clubs, plus learn the rich musical and political history. Join your guides and share your thoughts about life in the Big City and Walk it Out! This Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour is suitable for all ages, hip-hop enthusiasts, those interested in the Foundation of the Culture and return visitors to New York City. It is truly a one-of-a-kind experience with a perspective and focus which can only be shown by the Grand Masters of hip-hop. The Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour is family friendly and great for any age group and cultural background with an appreciation of old school and new school hip-hop music.
Apollo Theater
Hall of Fame
Harlem Hip-Hop Walking Tour
Museum of the City of New York
View current exhibition
Show 29 більше зупинок
Політика скасування
For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (143)
Deborah H
Jun 2010
It was excellent to have our own guide and this made it a very personal experience. Our guide was not only knowledgeable, he had first-hand experience of the real roots of hip-hop, was funny and friendly. The places we visited were interesting - the Graffiti Hall of Fame, community gardens etc - and not touristy. We got to see some of the streets and sites of everyday Harlem with an entertaining guide. Two hours was perhaps a little long, but that may have been because it was 90 degrees !
Sep 2024
Super Interactive Tour (dance) about the history of hip hop and black culture. Great impressions to the legendary Apollo Theater. Highly recommended.
Aug 2024
Beautiful Sunday morning around Harlem with a Special Guide who introduced us to the history of the hip hop movement and many peculiar things about Harlem
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