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Оренда мопеда в гавайському стилі на день

Наш стандартний мопед із кошиком дозволить вам бути готовим до будь-якої активності під час знайомства з О'аху. Багато місця для зберігання вашого шолома, пляжного спорядження чи сумок для покупок. Стандартний кошик — це наш найпростіший у їзді мопед із чудовою продуктивністю для дослідження південного та східного узбережжя.

Легко пересувайтеся нашими мальовничими прибережними дорогами до Даймонд-Хед, Hanauma Bay, Blowhole, Sandy Beach, Waimanalo та Kailua.

Наш персонал навчить будь-якого водія, тому не хвилюйтеся, якщо ви вперше їздите на мопеді на Гаваях.

Місто: Оаху
Mon 23 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $43.60
Mon 23 Sep
Починаючи з $43.60
Що включено
Шолом (не вимагається законом)
Уроки (для перших водіїв)
Користувацькі карти
Додаткова інформація
  • Неподалік є зупинки громадського транспорту
  • Не рекомендовано для мандрівників із травмами хребта
  • Не рекомендовано для вагітних мандрівників
  • Підходить для будь-якої фізичної підготовки рівні
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (148)
Aug 2021
We did this on 2 different days while in Waikiki and it was fantastic! Wind in your hair, scooting around and seeing the sights. We had an absolute blast and would totally rent from them again. The staff was amazing and very helpful all while being completely slammed. Great staff.
Відповідь від хоста
Aug 2021
So great to hear you enjoyed your cruise enough to return! Thank you for visiting us again and trusting us to make your experience a memorable one. Aloha!
Aug 2021
Awesome staff and adventure! They were very thorough and patient with teaching and getting us set up!
Відповідь від хоста
Aug 2021
Aloha Ayanna! We're delighted to hear you had a pleasant experience with our team. Thanks for taking the time to rate us. We'll see you next time!
Aug 2021
Customer Service: My wife and I made a 4-day reservation on location with Kennedy (a wonderful young lady). However, when we arrived to pick up our mopeds, they had given our rentals to another group. Maybe this was because we didn't arrive at 8:30 sharp and it was our fault, but we didn't think that arriving 10 minutes late in Waikiki was a problem considering how most wait times at restaurants were between 1 and 2 hours (we were late because it took time to get into a restaurant). To their credit, they fixed the problem. But it was a little stressful because we thought our plans were now ruined. But once you get the keys, their service is great. Easy after-hour return if you get the coverage. If you don't get the insurance, you have to return at 5:00 prompt because they need to inspect damages. If you get the insurance you can return it after hours. You simply park the moped in their parking lot and drop off the keys. You must have a valid driver's license and be over 18 to rent and ride. Moped: We got to drive the basic basket and the LX Sport. In our opinion, they both felt the same. Same power, and speed. We preferred the basket better for space but we preferred the LX Sport for stability. We did the whole island except for the Westside (the West is forbidden). We went up through the center of the Island visiting the coffee farm and Dole plantation, to Hale'iwa Beach park, and then road 83 all around the scenic coast. We visited all the highlights of the Island. The Mopeds did GREAT in the city. They don't hold back traffic, accelerate fast enough to keep up with traffic, and are easy to park. Honestly, you can get on and off your ride faster on the moped than on a car because you can park them almost anywhere. However, they do not do so great in the countryside. They do not have the torque to get you up steep hills or fast enough to move at the speed limit of the windy mountain roads. Several times our mopeds would either automatically shut off (we think they overheated) or just lose power. We'd go from 40ish mph to 15mph. Gas For the four total days that we had the mopeds, my wife and I spent a total of 20 dollars on gas. They only require a gallon of gas and we only needed to refill twice (we did a LOT of driving). Note, the heavier you are the more the bike will struggle and use more gas. I weigh almost 200 pounds and my wife just over 100. We continually switched bikes because I was burning twice the amount of gas. Overall My wife and I enjoyed our trip. We would do it again for all the memories we made.
Відповідь від хоста
Aug 2021
Aloha! Thank you for your thoughtful and appreciated feedback. We're pleased to hear you were able to get on the road and enjoy your island adventure! Thank you for choosing our team to get you started, and we hope to have the pleasure of serving you and your family again in the future.

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