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Оренда мопеда в гавайському стилі на день

Наш стандартний мопед із кошиком дозволить вам бути готовим до будь-якої активності під час знайомства з О'аху. Багато місця для зберігання вашого шолома, пляжного спорядження чи сумок для покупок. Стандартний кошик — це наш найпростіший у їзді мопед із чудовою продуктивністю для дослідження південного та східного узбережжя.

Легко пересувайтеся нашими мальовничими прибережними дорогами до Даймонд-Хед, Hanauma Bay, Blowhole, Sandy Beach, Waimanalo та Kailua.

Наш персонал навчить будь-якого водія, тому не хвилюйтеся, якщо ви вперше їздите на мопеді на Гаваях.

Місто: Оаху
Sat 21 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $43.60
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $43.60
Що включено
Шолом (не вимагається законом)
Уроки (для перших водіїв)
Користувацькі карти
Додаткова інформація
  • Неподалік є зупинки громадського транспорту
  • Не рекомендовано для мандрівників із травмами хребта
  • Не рекомендовано для вагітних мандрівників
  • Підходить для будь-якої фізичної підготовки рівні
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (148)
Jan 2020
When your teenager says "my face hurts from smiling so much", you know it was a good time! We purchased the Go Oahu card, which is how we heard about Hawaiian Style Rentals. The two person scoot coupes are not actually included with the Go Oahu card, but we were able to use the cards with an upcharge in lieu of renting the mopeds that were included with the card. Because we traveled around the holidays, I made a reservation several weeks in advance. Our rental time was from 1:30 to 4:30 pm, and it sounded like we may have gotten the last 2 available scoot coupes. I recommend arriving at least 20 minutes before your rental window begins because there are forms to fill out that can only be done in person, as well as safety videos to watch. You must have a valid drivers license and a credit card to put down a safety deposit. This sign-in process took longer than I had anticipated and cut in to our 3 hour rental time, as we had a hard-stop time because the scoot coupes are due back by 4:30 pm. They provide safety helmets and we brought along our own sunglasses, which we were happy to have. I must admit, I was a little nervous about driving the scoot coupe. However, we watched a safety video, instructional video, and received in person training. We also took them around the block as a trial prior to setting off. By the end of the combined training, I felt 100% comfortable driving. My husband and 11 year old daughter were in the first coupe and our 14 year old daughter and I were in the second coupe. We had no trouble keeping up with each other and navigating through downtown traffic. Do yourself a favor and use your turn signals each and every time you turn or change lanes - the scoot coupes sit low to the ground and you are on the road with every day traffic. There are certain routes that are recommended for scoot coupes and certain roads that are specifically off limits. Check the map out before you arrive, so that you have a good idea of where you are going to go. We chose to take the route up to Diamondhead Crater. We went past several beach areas and then began the climb. We stopped at a scenic overview for a birds-eye view of some surfers. We were able to park within the crater and enjoyed a pineapple smoothies from a food truck. There was probably time to hike to the top of the crater, but our group was perfectly content to enjoy the inside of the crater from the park area. For the most part, other drivers were considerate in sharing the road. However, we did encounter two impatient drivers that did not appreciate us obeying the speed limit. Two different drivers illegally passed us in no passing zones going up to the crater, and oncoming traffic was forced to stop to avoid a collision. Our guess was that it was a local resident who was more than tired of seeing these scoot coupes on their local roads. We'd totally rent these again, and did not feel unsafe, but just be sure to be a defensive driver and be conscious of the vehicles on the road.
Відповідь від хоста
Jan 2020
We're so happy to read that you and your 'ohana had a blast cruising around Diamond. Mahalo for such a detailed review. Our future customers and the Hawaiian Style crew appreciate the aloha. Hopefully we see you again soon.
Tabitha F
Nov 2019
Great place. Friendly and cast. Make sure you have what you need and are comfortable with what you rent.
Відповідь від хоста
Nov 2019
Mahalo for the review and rating Tabitha. Hopefully we can serve you again soon. Aloha!
Nov 2019
Employees were very helpful and renting and return process was very easy. We returned the scooters after the checkout time, however it was a part of the insurance plan. We kept the scooters until about 10pm and since it was a Friday night we were able to view the fireworks at the Hilton. When putting on the lock, place the chain on the opposite side of the exhaust so you don’t burn yourself. Other than that, I would definitely rent again.
Відповідь від хоста
Nov 2019
We're so happy to read that you rented mopeds and took advantage of our Hawaiian Style Coverage promotion. The Friday fireworks are a must see when in Waikiki and we're happy to read that you used the mopeds to experience them. Hopefully we see you again soon. Aloha!

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