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Пішохідний тур Hidden Cascade у Грейт-Смокі-Маунтінс із Гетлінбурга

**Усі учасники повинні будуть носити маску в тих випадках, коли неможливо уникнути близького контакту. Будь ласка, візьміть із собою маски та дезінфікуючий засіб для рук. Вас також попросять підписати підтвердження ризиків і повідомити про будь-яку хворобу протягом 14 днів після туру.** Національний парк Грейт-Смокі-Маунтінс відомий своєю неймовірною різноманітністю флори та фауни, багатою культурною історією, каскадними водоспадами та приголомшливими видами. Під час цього 4-годинного походу з гідом ви отримаєте все це з невеликою групою максимум 11 учасників, уникаючи великих натовпів. Цей похід призначений для любителів пригод у душі, оскільки він передбачає напружений підйом і спуск по стежці, а також стрибки через струмки. Для вашої безпеки та душевного спокою всі гіди сертифіковані як особи, які швидко реагують у дикій природі та використовують нелетальні методи боротьби з ведмедями. Під час бронювання виберіть один із двох часів відправлення.
Місто: Гатлінбург
Sat 21 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $83.00
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $83.00
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (161)
Jun 2013
I was traveling solo in Tennessee and definitely wanted to experience the Great Smokey Mountains. I decided to go with A Walk in the Woods and was not disappointed. Sam was great at helping me decide which trip would best fit my ability level and interest. I ended up hiking the Mt. LeConte II hiking trip--13 miles. Michael, my guide, was great at providing interesting information on the native trees, plants, and the history of the area. It rained for most of the way up to Mt. LeConte but being prepared made the experience enjoyable. All the rain from the night before and that day made for roaring creeks and gushing waterfalls. I am a BIG SCARY CAT when it comes to bears and Michael was great at putting me at ease. By the end of the trip, I was disappointed we had not come across a bear. At one point, I had thought I had spotted a bear but was sadly disappointed when it turned out to be just a rock. :-( I was a bit nervous about being with a complete stranger (the guide) for about 10 hrs but Michael was easy to talk too. I would definitely recommend A Walk in the Woods.
Apr 2013
Mike took us out for a walk back in time and "Turning Back the Clock" was fantastic. We did this the first day in GSMP and we are so happy we did! Mike taught our entire family (ages 8-39) an enormous amount while having fun and experiencing the wonder and beauty of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. This helped us build on the rest of the hikes we did while we were there. For instance, my kids kept a sharp eye out for hemlock trees the rest of the trip and when we saw a giant one on the trek up to the top of Alum Cave Bluffs it was with a special appreciation. Mike caught a salamander and taught us why it is important to put them back exactly where you find them. We were also glad to learn squirrels were not armed with machine guns but continued to search out evidence of the yellow-bellied sapsucker for the rest of trip. We were able to see the difference between a new growth and old growth forest and felt like we walking through Middle Earth from Lord of the Rings! The bear facts were very interesting and Mike was able to identify all the bird calls we heard in the forest. It was also interesting to see the impact of man in the forest and learn why there were so many stone walls and to appreciate some of the buildings. Later, in Cades Cove, my kids knew exactly why they built cantilever barns and the importance of the mill because we had learned about all the corn that was planted by farmers. This experience was a great foundation for our trip and was money well spent. (Don't forget to bring extra for a tip!) I highly recommend it for families who want to really get the most out of their time in the Smoky Mountains. Mike even helped us dodge a crowded Laurel Falls hike we had planned the next day for something infinitely better and we were able to eat our picnic lunch by own private waterfall. WOW! To us, Mike's knowledge and help (and fun personality) really enhanced our trip and we are very appreciative and grateful.
Apr 2013
With guides Boyd and Charles setting the place, we covered 6 miles between dropping down to Baskin Falls then climbing back up. Just the right amount of interpretive comments delivered along the way, in conjunction with well-timed hike breathers. Seemingly a great representative Smoky Mountain hike.

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