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Місто: Napa & Sonoma
Sat 21 Sep
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Починаючи з $412.00
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $412.00
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (30)
Sep 2021
Went to Napa for the first time for my 30th birthday. Tyler made the whole process seamless and all the wineries we visited were the perfect mix of cave/vineyard tours. All were very intimate and just what we were looking for! Can’t recommend enough!
Aug 2021
What a trip! First, a bit about our experience with Tyler because that's what really matters. A "Napa Native" himself, Tyler understands the nuances of all things wine, the valley and guest service. His responsiveness is amazing, his choices of locations were spot on, he could pivot when needed, he is a problem solver, and is incredibly polite, likable and kind. Eight of us spent 2 days with Napa Native Tours. We asked specifically for some "old world" type wines in more intimate settings. We got that PLUS! What we all loved the most was that while each stop fit the bill of personal and old world, each location was so different from the next. We sat in a church and on rode on UTVs... we had "breakfast rose" on the valley floor and breathtaking lunch in the mountain hills. The way he sculpted our trip allowed us changes of scenery so lovely, that when we got back in the car to the next location we couldn't wait to see what was waiting for us! With each winery, we got to know either the manager, the owner and/or the winemakers personally and left feeling like friends. We truly felt at home every where Tyler scheduled us. Thanks so much, Tyler
Aug 2021
We had the most wonderful time on our private wine tour with Tyler. He is very knowledgable about which wineries to visit as we had a large group and took care of all the restorations. He also has a wealth of knowledge about the area and answered any questions we had. I higher recommend Napa Native if you want the best!!

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