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Місто: Napa & Sonoma
Sat 21 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $412.00
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $412.00
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (30)
Nicole K
Aug 2021
Ok I finally have a moment to process the last 5 days.. I first want to thank Napa native What an incredible trip this was very special and one I won’t forget. the wineries and vineyards you picked for us were exactly what we were wanting.. so thank you for all the work you put into our trip. Both drivers were phenomenal 🙌 super engaging answered all our questions we had. Thank you for having such exceptional staff. We do have to say Chris from the moment he picked us up made us feel like we we true royalty❤️ we never had to ask for anything he was always a step ahead of us and provided what we needed before we even asked.. We will definitely be back and will definitely be calling you again😊.. I have to say joining 4 wine clubs and buying 26 bottles shows how perfect our time was.. thanks again.. until next time😊 and yes there will be a next time..
Jul 2021
We spent an amazing three days in Napa with Napa Natives. We had Tyler on day one and two days with Chris. Tyler arranged everything in advance by listening to what we were looking for and set up an amazing three day itinerary. It sounded like most if not all wineries required advance reservations and we had everything pre-arranged for a seamless itinerary. The organization was impeccable, Tyler’s knowledge was over the top and Chris was a great guy and very eager to please. Bottom, line, book here. You won’t be disappointed. If you’re lucky enough to try the Napa Native wine as well be prepared to have your mind blown!
May 2021
If you are traveling to Napa and want a stress free way to enjoy your day Napa Native is the way to go! We had two great days with Tony. We visited Napa with our two adult children. Tyler was great to work with from the start. He communicated often with all the plans he was working on. Tony picked us up from our hotel and took care of all the details of our day. Tony came with a box ready to hold 12 bottles of wine and he was able to ship them to us after. It was a great experience. We highly recommend Napa Native!

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