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Місто: Napa & Sonoma
Sat 21 Sep
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Починаючи з $412.00
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $412.00
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (30)
Enoch L
Mar 2021
Napa Native Tours was a fabulous and phenomenal experience. Tyler, a Napa native, had the inside scoop on all the wineries. He even had exclusive information on wineries that I'm a member at. As a driver/owner, he really cared about making sure we were comfortable. He even had a cooler in the back, just in case we needed to chill wine for dinner. As I was picking up my wine allocations, I already had my own own itinerary this time around, I can't wait to let him take charge and let him take us to his favorite spots. Tip: Don't sleep on his private label wine. It's amazing and exclusive.
Sep 2020
Excellent service and knowledge of the area as well as wonderful wineries off the beaten path ..good job Tyler !
Robert M
Jun 2019
We had an exceptional experience with Tyler on the Wine and Wellness tour. After we booked, Tyler called to ask about our interests and customized a really special day for us. We were looking for something geared more towards wellness and winemaking, less towards wine tasting. We started with a morning hike through some lush Napa forests where we saw all kinds of redwoods, creeks, cliffs and wildlife. All the while, Tyler educated us on the history of Napa and winemaking in general. We then had a lunch and tasting experience at a small (but well known) Oakville vineyard. We ate separate from the restaurant crowd in the Vineyard and the owner of the Vineyard sat and visited with us the whole time. We felt like rock stars! Last stop was a private tour of Tyler’s family Vineyard. Really top notch experience, well worth the cost. There is more to Napa than just following the herd from wine tasting to wine tasting at the best known/marketed wineries. This was really special.

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