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Історичний круїз з вечерею до затоки Кеалакекуа

Відпливіть на західне узбережжя острова Гаваї у 3-годинний круїз до пам’ятника капітану Куку на вечерю, а місцевий історик поділиться історіями та легендами про місця, які ви побачите по дорозі. Перший коктейль за рахунок будинку! Слухайте живу гавайську музику та насолоджуйтеся чудовим заходом сонця, повертаючись до Кони. Не забудьте про фотоапарат і стежте за дельфінами та сезонними китами.
Місто: Великий острів Гаваї
Fri 25 Oct
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $170.81
Fri 25 Oct
Починаючи з $170.81
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Живі розваги
Захід сонця
Безкоштовне паркування 75-5629 Kuakini Hwy., Kailua Kona, HI 96740 - приблизно в одному кварталі ходьби від пірсу.
Живі коментарі на борту
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  • Безглютенові, веганські чи вегетаріанські дієти доступні за 48 годин за телефоном 800-551-8911
  • Ця пригода відбувається на острові Гаваї в Кайлуа Кона.
  • >
  • Відмова від відповідальності має бути заповнена всіма гостями перед посадкою.
  • Дезінфікуючий засіб для рук доступний мандрівникам і персоналу
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  • Безконтактні платежі чайових і додаткових послуг.
  • Відмова від відповідальності повинна бути заповнена всіма гостями до посадки.
Чого очікувати
Пірс Кайлуа
Посадка за 30 хвилин до вильоту. Гостей зустрічають острівним пупусом (закусками), безкоштовним коктейлем, історичною оповіддю та живою гавайською музикою.
Затока Кеалакекуа
Круїз довжиною 24 милі туди й назад вздовж Золотого узбережжя Кони, вивчаючи історію, історії та легенди Гавайських островів. Оповідач вкаже багато орієнтирів на шляху до затоки Кеалакекуа, які не видно з суші. Розповідь закінчується після прибуття до бухти та подається вечеря. Круїз назад до пірсу Кайлуа включає живу гавайську музику, чудові краєвиди узбережжя Кона та захід сонця.
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (586)
Jan 2020
Most of the tour was excellent; the crew did a great job, and the guide and musician were very good. But the seas were so rough that we were almost sick (and at least one other person was), and couldn't eat. The spread was nicely varied, and they did give us boxes to take some with us. We loved seeing the coast from the water, and the sunset, but feeling so sick made it less fun. How rough does the water have to be before they cancel, I wonder?
Jan 2020
Organised a trip to Kona as far back as March/April as part of a holiday. Chose to go to Kona for two reasons. One to visit the summit of Mauna Kea, the other to see the Captain Cook Monument at Kealakekua Bay. Being English and living only a few miles from where he was born, it seemed a must do thing whilst visiting Hawaii. If you are without transport there are not many other options to see the monument. Unfortunately unable to go to the Mauna Kea summit due to protesters. Whilst this is not the fault of Body Glove, It placed extra importance on enjoying this trip. There wasn't the " never mind at least Mauna Kea was good " scenario. The day of the trip was December 19th 2019. The trip started off very well with a pleasant cruise down to the bay, with interesting commentary and pleasant Hawaiian style music. On going down from the above deck for the buffet dinner, noticed the artist was selling a CD. Almost bought one, but so glad I didn't. It would have ended up in the trash along with the paper plates. The cruise went increasingly downwards from this point on. On board on this day was an ' artiste ' called Paul from Australia with a party celebrating his 50th. He was to play a song or two. Fair enough I thought, but this turned out to be a good 15-20 minutes of him satisfying other members of his party with his over-inflated ego filled miserable drones. I didn't notice anyone else enjoying it. However, worse was yet to come. The evening then descended into a nightmare Benidorm style booze cruise from hell. Blasting out at full volume against the pleasant sunset were a load of oldies. a request to play something Hawaiian was met with Don't Worry Be Happy. Not the Hawaiian the requester had in mind I think. It ended with a 70's disco session. YMCA as we arrived back at the pier. Everybody clap hands, woo yea ! How gross. It is not that I don't like 70's disco. I am of a generation that bought those records. This was not the time nor place for them. More Hawaiian or Hawaiian Christmas would have been more appropriate. Christmas was less than a week away after all. The experience on the way back completely ruined the atmosphere of the whole trip. I intended to have a word with whoever was responsible for the return journey, but couldn't wait to get off that boat. If I hadn't had such an early departure, I,d have marched up to your offices to complain. If you want to see the Captain Cook monument, do so by any other means you can. Do not go on this cruise. This review is late as I have just returned home from the holiday and needed to do this on my PC. Kenneth Lowe
Erin B
Jan 2020
There is no way to do this cruise justice in a review. The crew is fun, energetic, and attentive. The food was great with lots of variety to meet everyone's tastes. Boyd gave wonderful and interesting facts about the island's history which was followed by great music to bring in the New Year! We were lucky enough that the first mate Cameron spotted a humpback whale breaching followed by several dolphins wanting to steal the show. the views are breathtaking from start to finish. If you are looking for a dinner cruise that has something for everyone this is your only option! I have traveled a lot and done hundreds of tours all over the world and this is by far one of the best! Special thanks to Cameron and Jonah for grabbing my "virgin" margarita and helping with my lack of balance 😉
Відповідь від хоста
Jan 2020
Aloha Erin, Thank you for the stellar review! We hope that everyone walks away with the same experience you did during the Historical Sunset Dinner Cruise! While we do not guarantee dolphins or whales on this tour, what a luck find for you and your party! This is a great time of year to see whales out in the waters and the dolphins are usually getting ready for their work day too! I believe you mean First Mate Connor, but I have no problem calling him Cameron from now on! Connor has a keen eye for spotting aquatic life and he is always excited to help people out on the boat. And Jonah is always willing to assist and serve our guests with all of their needs. I will go ahead and let them know that they made your night extra special with your "virgin" margaritas! We do hope that you will join us on our dinner cruise again soon! Mahalo, Derek Williams @ Body Glove Adventures

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