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Історичний круїз з вечерею до затоки Кеалакекуа

Відпливіть на західне узбережжя острова Гаваї у 3-годинний круїз до пам’ятника капітану Куку на вечерю, а місцевий історик поділиться історіями та легендами про місця, які ви побачите по дорозі. Перший коктейль за рахунок будинку! Слухайте живу гавайську музику та насолоджуйтеся чудовим заходом сонця, повертаючись до Кони. Не забудьте про фотоапарат і стежте за дельфінами та сезонними китами.
Місто: Великий острів Гаваї
Fri 25 Oct
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $170.81
Fri 25 Oct
Починаючи з $170.81
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Безкоштовне паркування 75-5629 Kuakini Hwy., Kailua Kona, HI 96740 - приблизно в одному кварталі ходьби від пірсу.
Живі коментарі на борту
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  • Ця пригода відбувається на острові Гаваї в Кайлуа Кона.
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  • Відмова від відповідальності має бути заповнена всіма гостями перед посадкою.
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  • Відмова від відповідальності повинна бути заповнена всіма гостями до посадки.
Чого очікувати
Пірс Кайлуа
Посадка за 30 хвилин до вильоту. Гостей зустрічають острівним пупусом (закусками), безкоштовним коктейлем, історичною оповіддю та живою гавайською музикою.
Затока Кеалакекуа
Круїз довжиною 24 милі туди й назад вздовж Золотого узбережжя Кони, вивчаючи історію, історії та легенди Гавайських островів. Оповідач вкаже багато орієнтирів на шляху до затоки Кеалакекуа, які не видно з суші. Розповідь закінчується після прибуття до бухти та подається вечеря. Круїз назад до пірсу Кайлуа включає живу гавайську музику, чудові краєвиди узбережжя Кона та захід сонця.
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (586)
Dec 2019
Great crew, good food and drinks, nice narration on island history, live music, lively sunset, AND whales, porpoises, and manatees. What a wonderful evening! The water was choppy so low heel sensible shoes are best. A light jacket or shawl along with sunglasses and sun hat. Sunscreen was provided. The crew helped people carry food and drinks as the motion of boat made it challenging. The crew was also extremely efficient.
Відповідь від хоста
Jan 2020
Aloha WireWrapGems2, Thank you for joining us on the Historical Sunset Dinner Cruise! Our Captain and Crew a tight, but fun, ship together to ensure that everyone aboard has a safe and amazing time while on the way to the Captain Cook Monument. We cannot always control how the waters are going to fare each day, but our crew is more than equipped to handle any issue that arises! In the mean time, it is just like you said: sneakers or flip flops are great for this tour! Such a lucky find you had during your trip! While our other cruises focus on these sightings, to be able to have dinner and a show is nothing short of a rare treat! Hope to see you again soon! Mahalo, Derek Williams @ Body Glove Adventures
Dec 2019
We really enjoyed our cruise this evening. Boyd presented historical context, while the captain pointed out wildlife. We were lucky and got the trifecta... whales breaching and spouting, spinner dolphins playing, and 2 mantas! Then Eric Lima provided a very enjoyable musical interlude! His covers of Bruddah Iz as well as more pop/contemporary artists held up well...I normally don’t like covers, but I’d listen to Eric’s voice all night. And the food! For how quickly everything was brought on board, the pupus and the meal were delicious. We were also really impressed by the staff going out of their way to help people who did not have their sea-legs. The staff was bringing them drinks, food, whatever they needed. Excellent service. I’d highly recommend this cruise to anyone,and will probably do this again on future trips.
Відповідь від хоста
Jan 2020
Aloha kimhW7939HJ, Thank you so much for joining us on the Historical Dinner Cruise! We love being able to provide a fresh and different perspective of the Big Island of Hawai'i for all our guests that join us on the Kanoa II. Boyd is an excellent story-teller with an affinity for going into depth on the story! And I believe you mean Derek Kalima! He is a brilliant musicians who pours his soul into each song that he plays no matter where he goes! Such a special treat to get with your dinner cruise! Not only that, but to see whales, dolphins, and mantas? Such a lucky find! We cannot possibly plan such a brilliant evening even if we tried! I am pleased you were able to see the dedication of our crew towards assisting our guests. Whether the ocean lives in your heart or you are just trying out your sea legs, we make sure everyone is attended. It is important that your safety and security is paramount. We hope to see you again soon! Give us a call and we will try to book you on another night with Brother Derek! Mahalo, (Other) Derek Williams @ Body Glove Adventures
Jeff W
Dec 2019
For an entirely different dinner experience, we chose a Body Glove dinner cruise. The major highlight was not the appetizers, full buffet dinner or dessert, which are fine but nothing special. It was the scenic trip to Kealakekua Bay and the island history lesson we tried to absorb as we slowly cruised down 12 miles of the Kona coastline. We’re told this is the only dinner cruise on the island. Our guide and history orator on the comfortable two-story boat kept the passengers entertained with humorous asides and supplied us with local knowledge that most tourists didn’t know. We got a full report on English explorer Captain John Cook, who on January 18, 1778 became the first European to discover the Hawaiian Islands. Initially welcomed and honored, Cook was killed on a return trip a short time later when relations with the islanders became strained. Cook was immortalized with a statue at Kealakekua Bay, where the cruise stops while dinner is served. It was here that we observed a highly-entertaining pod of spinner dolphins leaping out of the water, which we were told is not an unusual sight. The trip back to the Kailua Pier was a fun journey that included some music and dancing.
Відповідь від хоста
Dec 2019
Aloha Jeff, Thank you so much for your review! And I really do appreciate the summary of the information the Historian provided! As a lover of history myself, I enjoyed aspects of the cruise for that very reason. There are so many gems to be discovered in Hawai'i regarding its rich and beautiful history. I find the best way to visit and experience any place you are traveling to is to learn its history. A fresh perspective can go a long way! We have several Historians aboard who all focus on the same aspects of the narrative but also provide their own insights or even some knowledge that may not be shared! In any case, each dinner cruise is a fresh and exciting experience. I am glad you were able to experience that! We hope your travels bring you back to our shores. Mahalo, Derek Williams @ Bodu Glove Adventures

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