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Автобусна екскурсія по будинках Голлівуду та знаменитостей

• Подивіться на Голлівуд, Західний Голлівуд і Беверлі-Хіллз на наших відкритих автобусах.
• Відчуйте всесвітньо відомий знак Голлівуду, відомі пам’ятки, будинки знаменитостей і місця зйомок.

• Відвідайте місця, де Celebrity's Live, Work & Play.
• Візьміть з собою фотоапарат, у цьому турі часто можна побачити знаменитостей.
Місто: Лос-Анджелес
Sat 21 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $39.00
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $39.00
Що включено
Додаткова інформація
  • Немовлята та маленькі діти можуть їздити в дитячому візку
  • Дозволено поводження з тваринами-поводинами
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  • Доступні дитячі крісла
  • Будь ласка, одягайтеся відповідно до погодних умов
  • Парковка доступна за 15 доларів США ЦІЛИЙ ДЕНЬ за адресою: 1400 Ivar Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90028
  • Маски для обличчя потрібні мандрівникам у громадських місцях
  • Дезінфікуючий засіб для рук доступний мандрівникам і персоналу
  • Спорядження/обладнання дезінфікується між використаннями
  • Транспортні засоби регулярно дезінфікуються
Чого очікувати
Екскурсії містом Голлівуд
Здійсніть 2-годинну автобусну екскурсію Голлівудом і Беверлі-Хіллз просто неба з нашими веселими та досвідченими гідами! Ознайомтеся з визначними місцями та будинками знаменитостей у цьому районі. Такі як Знак Голлівуду, Алея слави та Китайський театр. Слідкуйте за видами знаменитостей, проїжджаючи Беверлі-Хіллз, і дивіться на будинки Тома Круза, Тейлор Свіфт, Леонардо Ді Капріо та багатьох інших. Наш тур сімейний, дуже енергійний і справді дає нашим гостям справжнє глибоке знання місцевості.
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (1000)
Mar 2019
First all of, Eric (our tour guide) parked where he could look for us, as we were standing in front of the hotel, which was not an actual location he could stop to load us. During the tour, he gave very informative information on locations, houses and properties we passed. He was both funny and entertaining, but also very good at his job. He actually rearranged the start part of the tour based on where he picked us up. This may have thrown someone less knowledgeable off track, but not Eric. He was a trooper and provided an excellent tour which we will not soon forget!
Відповідь від хоста
May 2019
We are so happy to hear of your experience with us. Our goal is accommodate as much as possible and provide not only a great tour but amazing customer service as well. please keep us in mind for your future travels!
Mar 2019
We were at the tail end of our California trip and wanted to go to Hollywood and sights nearby. We only had a Friday and Saturday left and it was supposed to rain on Saturday. We booked on a Thursday night for a 9AM Friday morning. Received a confirmation email that told us where we should park and where tour would begin. We arrived at the location for the parking lot and it was a very shady lot with no attendant and an ATM at the entrance. We pulled in an park the car and just walked to the tour location. The email stated to be there 30 minutes ahead and that is what we did. At about 8:50 a black van without windows and seating for ~ 10-12 people pulled up. It did not have any signs on it to designate what it was. A guy got out an said "Are you here for the tour?" Being our first time in Hollywood, we were not sure what was going on. The building to the tour was locked up with bars on the front. Another guy all of a sudden came around the corner and opened the building. The driver of the van said his name was Jason and the tour would start shortly. They never took our name or any confirmation codes or anything. He did ask if we parked in the "shady" parking lot down the street. He informed us that we could pay when the tour was over. We were very skeptical about the whole thing but already paid and figured to give it a shot. Glad that we did as we got to see lots of the sights in the area. They took us past and pointed out filming locations. We were also informed of celebrity homes in Hollywood Hills. We drove through Beverly HIlls (Rodeo Drive) and down the famous Sunset strip and Hollywood BLVD. It was a great tour and the driver gave us a lot of insight on the whole area. When we got back to our car, it was still in the lot and a cone was behind it. A random guy came up and did not say anything but put his hand out for money. The tour website states $10 but the lot rate was $15. I was not going to argue being out of town and just went along with things. The tour was supposed to be 2 hours but was closer to an hour and half. As shady as everything was it was worth the money to be driven around areas where I would not have been able to see as much if I were driving. Just a side note is that on top of the money for the tour, they do have signs that their drivers "work for tips".
Відповідь від хоста
Apr 2019
Thank you for your feedback Sullivan, we appreciate your honesty and business. As to the parking lot we do business with, it is the only parking lot that is closest and has the cheapest rate available for our customer. We do not own the parking-lot and we have learned the attendant there comes in after 10 am but he has informed us that it is safe to park there and pay after you leave. As to the rates of the parking lot it is based upon telling the attendant you are with the tour company to receive a $10 rate, if you do not tell them they will charge their regular $15 price. Thanks and we wish to see you again in the future.
Kim F
Mar 2019
Enjoyed our trip around Hollywood and Beverly Hills. Comfortable. Our guide was fun. I definatly recommend this.

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