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Автобусна екскурсія по будинках Голлівуду та знаменитостей

• Подивіться на Голлівуд, Західний Голлівуд і Беверлі-Хіллз на наших відкритих автобусах.
• Відчуйте всесвітньо відомий знак Голлівуду, відомі пам’ятки, будинки знаменитостей і місця зйомок.

• Відвідайте місця, де Celebrity's Live, Work & Play.
• Візьміть з собою фотоапарат, у цьому турі часто можна побачити знаменитостей.
Місто: Лос-Анджелес
Fri 20 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $39.00
Fri 20 Sep
Починаючи з $39.00
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  • Парковка доступна за 15 доларів США ЦІЛИЙ ДЕНЬ за адресою: 1400 Ivar Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90028
  • Маски для обличчя потрібні мандрівникам у громадських місцях
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  • Транспортні засоби регулярно дезінфікуються
Чого очікувати
Екскурсії містом Голлівуд
Здійсніть 2-годинну автобусну екскурсію Голлівудом і Беверлі-Хіллз просто неба з нашими веселими та досвідченими гідами! Ознайомтеся з визначними місцями та будинками знаменитостей у цьому районі. Такі як Знак Голлівуду, Алея слави та Китайський театр. Слідкуйте за видами знаменитостей, проїжджаючи Беверлі-Хіллз, і дивіться на будинки Тома Круза, Тейлор Свіфт, Леонардо Ді Капріо та багатьох інших. Наш тур сімейний, дуже енергійний і справді дає нашим гостям справжнє глибоке знання місцевості.
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (1000)
Sep 2018
I did the 2 hour Hollywood tour and I would highly recommend it to anyone visiting LA! Especially if, like me, you only have a couple of days and want to try to see as much as you can in a short time. Since the Los Angeles area is so spread out it's difficult to try and get around to all the tourist places and see everything you want to see. Driving and parking is annoying, things are too far apart to walk to everything, so it's such a good idea to let someone else take the wheel and show you some of the highlights. It was amazing to ride around in the bus and just be able to look out all around me and take in the views and take pictures. It was a super hot day but driving with the open air bus was breezy and cool while still allowing us to feel the sun - way more fun than it would be taking a normal car along the same route. I was visiting from Canada so I really wanted to soak up the California sunshine as possible! The tour starts right on the Sunset Strip and then we weaved our way up through the Hollywood Hill's - which have totally incredible views of the city and surrounding areas. We stopped for 10 mins at a Mulholland Drive lookout point, but our guide also pulled off on the shoulder of the road a handful of times just to give us a better photo op or point out something really cool. We also went through Beverly Hills which is so beautiful and definitely a must-see. I felt that the tour was a great mix of celebrity homes, movie houses/info, famous city areas/landmarks, and amazing views. Our tour guide Jason was so fun and informative. He was great about warning us when something cool was coming up so we could have the cameras ready, he made an extra mini stop in Beverly Hills and let us hop off for a few minutes for pictures since there were only 3 of us on the bus that day, and he was just super entertaining to listen to the whole time. You can tell he enjoys the job and he has a great personality for it. The 3 of us laughed a lot and enjoyed all the info he shared. It's super easy to book your tickets online and see all the available time slots, I bought mine the morning of for a 2 pm tour. Just make sure you bring cash along with you for a tip for your driver - for some reason this totally slipped my mind when I headed out to do the tour, but I just popped into the hotel across the street and used the ATM there.
Відповідь від хоста
Sep 2018
Hello, We appreciate your positive review. Glad that you got to see all that you came to LA for. At Hollywood City Tours we strive to give you the most personable service possible. Thank you for your time to post this review.
Aug 2018
Brilliant tour. Took us everywhere we needed to see, giude was very funny and knowledgeable. Highly recommended.
Відповідь від хоста
Sep 2018
Hi Julio, We appreciate your time to write this review. Your review will help others make the right choice. Thank for recommending us. Enjoy your stay
Becky H
Jul 2018
Took the tour with family and had a great time! Jason was our guide and was a lot of fun and very entertaining. Had so much fun that I will be taking the tour again soon with some friends. Highly recommend!
Відповідь від хоста
Sep 2018
Thank you Becky for taking time to write this review. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. We look forward to you making your next visit with us. See you soon

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