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Голлівуд, Беверлі-Хіллз і екскурсія по будинках знаменитостей

У нашому турі ви дізнаєтесь про Голлівуд, побачите десятки будинків знаменитостей, почуєте історію та справжні історії Голлівуду та Беверлі-Хіллз. Перегляньте визначні місця, зокрема: знак Голлівуду, китайський театр Граумана, голлівудську «Алею слави», знак Беверлі-Хіллз, Родео-драйв, Whisky A Go Go, готель Beverly Hills, Sunset Plaza та Sunset Strip; включно з ресторанами та клубами, де знаменитості обідають щодня та тусуються щовечора. Тривалість туру становить 2 години, надані Ultimate Hollywood Tours. Включено фільми та місця зйомок у Голлівуді та Беверлі-Гіллз.
Місто: Лос-Анджелес
Sat 19 Oct
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Починаючи з $45.00
Sat 19 Oct
Починаючи з $45.00
Що включено
Досвідчені та обізнані гіди
Оглядова екскурсія
Додаткова інформація
  • Підходить для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
  • Залежно від сприятливих погодних умов. У разі скасування через погану погоду вам буде надано можливість вибрати іншу дату або повне повернення коштів. Це дуже рідкісний випадок у Південній Каліфорнії!
Чого очікувати
Китайські театри TCL
Історичний китайський театр Граумана та головне місце для більшості кінопрем’єр у Лос-Анджелесі!
Знак Голлівуду
Подивіться на історичний знак Голлівуду з Малхолланд-драйв.
Сансет Стрип
Сансет Стріп – це колекція історичних музичних закладів, барів і ресторанів, а також місцевих гарячих місць для знаменитостей.
Родео Драйв
Розкішні магазини в Беверлі Хіллз
Малхолланд Драйв
Відома каньйон-роуд у Лос-Анджелесі, де проживає багато знаменитостей.
Голлівудська алея слави
Голлівудський бульвар — популярна туристична пам’ятка з табличками зі зірками для знаменитостей індустрії розваг. Ми пропонуємо додаткову зупинку тут наприкінці екскурсії.
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Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (535)
Gary F
Feb 2013
My daughter was only interested in an open top bus tour as we have been down the sightseeing tour drill before. We have much experience in both open top and enclosed vans and know the difficulty one can have when riding in enclosed buses. My daughter had her own agenda of people and places she wanted us to see and to her credit see spent a gigantic amount of time planning the trip. She researched trip advisor for almost all of our adventures including our Star Home tour. Ultimate Hollywood Tours is the highest ranked open top tour on trip advisor so we began working with them. Seventeen emails later we reserved our seats and could not be happier that we made that choice. We asked for a specific guide and got him. We asked to be picked up at our hotel and a Lincoln town car showed up to get us. The tour guide (Matt) met with my daughter for 10 minutes before the tour departed and they went over the couple of places she had requested that were not part of the regular tour. We went there! We were not on a private tour and it ran about 20 minutes long, but the other passengers were informed by Chris before we started and they were all fine. Needless to say the entire experience was a 5 Star plus. If you are looking for a Beverly Hills Stars Home tour this is the one.
Відповідь від хоста
Feb 2013
Thank you for your kind review. Let me start by saying I remember your daughter and still have the email correspondence saved, in fact I went back to look at it after your review. She was always a pleasure during our correspondence. I believe you were the first official pick up we made in the Lincolns' as we switched over from using shuttle buses, I'm glad our first experience worked out well for you. We attempt to carry on conversations with everyone getting on board prior to departure just in case there are any special requests that we can insert that aren't part of the tour route. I remember a couple of your daughters requests and I'm glad we could satisfy them. We were happy to inform the balance of the passengers that we had a couple extra locations that we were going by and generally no one ever minds, but I'll thank them for you. Again thank you for your time in sending off such a nice review.
Mark B
Dec 2012
We just got back to our hotel off Tour #1 a great experience, so here it goes. It really started with the reservations person who couldn't have been more helpful and patient, we're on our first trip to Los Angeles. He was so helpful all the way down to giving us super tips on parking. We took the Stars Home Tour and it was terrific, the guide/driver was a world of information, not just about sights on the tour, but Hollywood and Beverly Hills in general. He pointed out a couple of the restaurant hot spots where celebrities dine on the Sunset Strip, so we ARE going back to see who we can find. I can't remember the number of Celebrity homes we saw there were so many. Michael Jackson and Dr. Phil our favorites and we stopped to take photos at each. Rodeo Drive was amazing, saw a Bugatti! We got out at the Hollywood Sign and climbed the stairs for the best photo spot. When we returned to our starting spot Chris who was working the podium used the company computer to look up several "stars" locations on the Walk of Fame for my kids. We would recommend this company to everyone, they were quick to respond regarding our reservations by email and the tour itself was the best!
Відповідь від хоста
Jan 2013
Mark, Thank you for the review. We are always happy to help with anything we can. I'm glad you had a great time with us.
Judy L
Oct 2012
I literally just got off the tour bus. We took a 2 and one half hour tour of Hollywood and Beverly Hills. Our driver knew more than TMZ and E Entertainment combined, including todays most up to date news. Derek loves this job....he knows every home, restaurant, nightclub and car that the Celebrities own, visit and drive. Well in advance of the upcoming estate he would say look in the driveway if the red mercedes is in the drive Dr. Phil is home Watch for Tom Cruise on his red motorcycle, Katy Perry drives her own black mercedes sedan. Today we spotted Ryan Adams in his black porsche, quite the thrill for us mere mortals especially my 15 years old daughter. This is more than a tour it's like you came to Los Angeles to visit your family and they took you out to show you EVERYTHING in the town. If you come to LA and want to see how the rich and famous really live don't go out with anyone else. There vehicles get right up to the Hollywood Sign and into the neighborhoods of the multi-million dollar homes. Watching E will never be the same.
Відповідь від хоста
May 2013
Thanks for the feedback, Judy! Many of our guests tell us that their favorite part of the tours are looking for celebrities as they pass in their cars. Our drivers are very observant, and know the make and models of many cars driven by famous celebrities, so chances are you won't miss anyone who happens to drive by during your tour. We hope you will come back someday soon and take another tour with us!

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