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Голлівуд, Беверлі-Хіллз і екскурсія по будинках знаменитостей

У нашому турі ви дізнаєтесь про Голлівуд, побачите десятки будинків знаменитостей, почуєте історію та справжні історії Голлівуду та Беверлі-Хіллз. Перегляньте визначні місця, зокрема: знак Голлівуду, китайський театр Граумана, голлівудську «Алею слави», знак Беверлі-Хіллз, Родео-драйв, Whisky A Go Go, готель Beverly Hills, Sunset Plaza та Sunset Strip; включно з ресторанами та клубами, де знаменитості обідають щодня та тусуються щовечора. Тривалість туру становить 2 години, надані Ultimate Hollywood Tours. Включено фільми та місця зйомок у Голлівуді та Беверлі-Гіллз.
Місто: Лос-Анджелес
Tue 22 Oct
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $45.00
Tue 22 Oct
Починаючи з $45.00
Що включено
Досвідчені та обізнані гіди
Оглядова екскурсія
Додаткова інформація
  • Підходить для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
  • Залежно від сприятливих погодних умов. У разі скасування через погану погоду вам буде надано можливість вибрати іншу дату або повне повернення коштів. Це дуже рідкісний випадок у Південній Каліфорнії!
Чого очікувати
Китайські театри TCL
Історичний китайський театр Граумана та головне місце для більшості кінопрем’єр у Лос-Анджелесі!
Знак Голлівуду
Подивіться на історичний знак Голлівуду з Малхолланд-драйв.
Сансет Стрип
Сансет Стріп – це колекція історичних музичних закладів, барів і ресторанів, а також місцевих гарячих місць для знаменитостей.
Родео Драйв
Розкішні магазини в Беверлі Хіллз
Малхолланд Драйв
Відома каньйон-роуд у Лос-Анджелесі, де проживає багато знаменитостей.
Голлівудська алея слави
Голлівудський бульвар — популярна туристична пам’ятка з табличками зі зірками для знаменитостей індустрії розваг. Ми пропонуємо додаткову зупинку тут наприкінці екскурсії.
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Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (535)
Jan 2021
I seldom leave bad reviews, but we were pretty miserable on this tour. In the tour company's defense we booked on a chilly day, but we were freezing and when it started to rain ended up soaked. I can't remember if there was no plastic pull downs or if they just didn't use them but it was cold! Not nearly enough ponchos and blankets and the driver went pretty fast which made it worse. Then, while I get that tour companies are limited to what can be seen from the road we really only saw one or two places that were notable - mostly the guide talked about people I'd never heard of and didn't give us much history or interesting facts about the towns with the exception of the hotel in Beverly Hills and that was noteworthy to me. I wouldn't do it again.
Відповідь від хоста
Mar 2021
Hi Daniarwen, January weather is one of the few times the weather can really put a damper on a tour. We're sorry you had a disappointing experience. When there is mist or light rain, we still operate, although we allow guests to reschedule for another day or, if they can't due to their travel schedule, will offer a refund. No one is required to go on a tour in the rain. If it starts to rain during the tour, the tour guides will generally ask for a consensus of the guests if they wish to continue or not. If the group is split, some guests may decide to exit the vehicle and make their way back to our office via Uber and request a refund (varies based on how much of the tour was missed). As well, in inclement weather, it is more difficult to see some sites and homes and the tour guide, to show the areas with the best views, may adjust their route. Safety as well can play a roll during inclement weather which will keep us from visiting some homes. Regardless of the reason, we want our guests to enjoy their time with us and wish you'd approached us at the time to accommodate you properly.
Sep 2020
Had a tour booked - cancelled due to COVID. Several emails ignored about a refund, (I see from their Facebook page they are ignoring others also). Their website has been hacked. Is personal data safe with them?
Відповідь від хоста
Mar 2021
Are you sure you were on our tour? Our site has not been hacked. Our online booking is inactive since we have not been able to take reservations during the pandemic. If you have not received your refund due to a COVID related cancellation, please contact us. All reservations made through our website (using the Bookeo.com system) should have been refunded. In most cases of missing refunds, the booking was made through a 3rd party service such as Expedia or Viator and must be refunded by that service. If that was the case in your refund, unfortunately, we have little control over their refund process. If it was made directly through our website, then please do contact us and we will process the refund as soon as possible.
Chris K
Jun 2020
Took this tour towards the end of our 2019 California Road Trip. First time in the US for our two sons (14 and 11) so we had to show them Hollywood. There are so many tours available, but we read reviews on here and booked it when we arrived in LA. After an entertaining cab ride from Hilton Universal we joined a tour, guided by Richard Lawrence, a fellow Brit. The tour was great, and not something you could replicate under your own steam. The weather was hot but the bus had plenty of shade. An actor himself, Richard was hugely knowledgeable - he's even been in Friends - and made sure we had time for photos, particularly of the Hollywood sign. We saw plenty of house (Bela Lugosi was my favourite) and I loved the part where we drove up into the Hills and around by Laurel Canyon - the tour is not just sitting in traffic, you get a really good trip around LA. Highly recommended.

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