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Тури на байдарках

Компанія Fairweather Kayaks розташована в одному з найкрасивіших районів південно-східної Аляски. Маленьке містечко під назвою Хуна на Алясці. Потрапляючи сюди, ви не тільки відчуваєте себе вдома. Тут люди відчувають себе як удома. Важко залишити це місце після відвідин.

Основна мета Fairweather Kayaks - показати вам враження, які ви відчуваєте, коли ваша прогулянка закінчена. Ви не тільки підете щасливими та розслабленими після перебування на воді. Наша мета — показати вам такий гарний час, що ви будете думати про свій наступний візит ще до того, як ви підете.

Fairweather Kayaks перенесе вас у спокійні води, де катання на байдарках не надто складне і завжди є шанс побачити дику природу.
Місто: Хуна
Sun 22 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $150.00
Sun 22 Sep
Починаючи з $150.00
Що включено
Ми надамо рятувальні жилети, весла, байдарки та захисні спідниці. А також пончо під легкий дощ, якщо день дощовий
Додаткова інформація
  • Поруч є зупинки громадського транспорту
  • Підходить для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
Чого очікувати
Ми залишимо місто Хуна і поїдемо повз старий лісозаготівельний табір. Після цього ми вийдемо в місце, яке місцеві називають Лонг-Айлендом.
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (77)
Jul 2022
This was a great experience. Guides were very informative . Would highly recommend!!!! So friendly and nice.
Jul 2022
I can't even put in to words how great this adventure was for my husband and I, but I'll do my best; We travelled to Hoonah on a Carnival Cruise, and this was one of the few stops we made where we could book an excursion through local companies, and I'm so glad we did just that. It's the same price as the "kayaking" "experience" you can get through Carnival, but it's much more adventurous and you get a full tour from a local who was born and raised in Hoonah. We saw the group of kayakers from the ship, and not only did they take a direct route one way from the landing and back, but there was a group of about 8 kayaks (that's 16 people!!). Booking through Fairweather, it was just Cody our tour guide, and us. There were two others (let's call them lifeguards) and their absolute sweetie of a dog named Mocha in a boat that were out with us in case anything happened, but they stayed far enough away as to not disrupt the natural beauty around us, and Cody always had them in his ear checking in. PLUS! Michelle was taking pictures throughout our whole trip! When we got home, I received over 100 pictures of us tootling around. There were literally hundreds of salmon jumping all around us our entire trip as they were getting prepared to head upstream to spawn, bald eagles galore, we saw THREE jellyfish (!!! I didn't even know Alaska had jellyfish !!!), and my favorite part - they had a personal crab trap that they took us to, showed us how they worked, and I got to hold one of the crabs that was inside!!! It was the best part of our trip, and I will recommend this 100%. It was an incredible experience we'll never forget. Don't forget a raincoat!
Jul 2022
I recently had a 3 hour kayaking adventure from Fairweather Kayaks out of Hoonah with a terrific guide, Terri. We paddled upriver with the salmon run and explored many remote inlets all around the bay, usually with no other kayakers or boats anywhere nearby. Terri described some of the history of the area and showed off some of the beaches that only true locals would know how to access, and we checked out some crabbing activity. Besides the enjoyment of paddling, there was the beautiful setting in every direction, bald eagles in the trees, and we even got to see a whale spouting a few times. Terri was just a perfect guide and helped make this the highlight of my 10 day Alaska cruise.

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