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Спостереження за китами на байдарках і трубка на черепаховому рифі

4-годинний тур із спостереженням за китами з 2 зупинками для підводного плавання. Спостереження за китами гарантовано з січня по квітень, а за черепахами – цілий рік.
Місто: Мауї
Sat 21 Sep
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Починаючи з $109.00
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $109.00
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (106)
Jan 2022
We had a great time, saw about 15 whales including several who surfaced less than 100 feet away, and a handful of whale breaches We went out in early January, the beginning of whale season, and had the best outing of the season so far. We enjoyed being with Red, he's a great guide, very personable and knowledgeable. We also snorkeled with a few turtles but the whales were the highlight for us!
Відповідь від хоста
Jan 2022
Glad you had such a great time...LOVE those whales!
Dec 2021
The guides were excellent and went out of their way to make sure my kids (adults too) had a wonderful experience!
Відповідь від хоста
Dec 2021
Mahalos Mindy, glad you all had a great time!!
Aug 2021
We were SO disappointed with this company. From reviving a text when we were already en route to the beach that they were running 15 mins late, to arriving with our 4 children and my in-laws only to hear the lead guy cussing out the guides and throwing things at them as they prepared the boats to launch. Their equipment is old and dirty. I was so grateful we brought our own snorkeling gear! We waited a long time for them to launch, all the while listening to them disrespect each other and those of us who booked the experience. We were told we would see so many turtles at the “turtle cleaning station.” Most of us saw none and yet we’re left at the first stop for a long time to snorkel without the guides doing anything to help the group see turtles or experience something special. One of the guides fell asleep on his kayak at this first stop. Also, they dropped anchor right into the coral instead of the sand. This was terrible to see! As they moved us to the second location, a turtle popped up right next to us. That was exciting, and many of us were anxious to get into the water right away. The guides bickered as to where to drop anchor. This time, at least it hit the sand without damaging the reef! The coral in this area is gorgeous. We did experience swimming with a couple peaceful sea turtles. As our masks began to fog, we were told to ask for anti-fog drops from our guides. When i went to do this, the guide was again passed out on his kayak. I awoke him. He couldn’t find the anti-fog, even as it was obviously hanging off his kit. I’m not sure if they were drunk or high, but it was obvious these guides were not on their A game! When we headed back to shore, the lead pulled us in. He barked at us commands, and as he leaned in to hold the boat steady as I got out, the heaviness of alcohol on his breath was overwhelming. I have snorkeled and kayaked all over the world. I am well experienced in both, and love both, which is why I paid a small fortune for my husband, 4 children and my husband’s parents to have this experience. Thank goodness Hawaii is magic and the coral was gorgeous, as I could not have been more dissatisfied with the actions of this business. In my opinion, they failed at every possible step.
Відповідь від хоста
Aug 2021
Thank you for your critical review...this day was definitely not representative of a typical day on one of our tours!! We apologize that you did not have a Five Star experience and want to offer you a full refund!! The day started off poorly and seemed to get worse as things progressed...new gear was left behind at our boatyard and the employees were late just to start. The guides are fairly new and all involved have been reprimanded for their behavior and failure to meet our high standards We have re-trained all our guides on our standards and protocols! Please contact us by email - [email protected] for refund Sincerely, Roger Poel Owner
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