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Спостереження за китами на байдарках і трубка на черепаховому рифі

4-годинний тур із спостереженням за китами з 2 зупинками для підводного плавання. Спостереження за китами гарантовано з січня по квітень, а за черепахами – цілий рік.
Місто: Мауї
Sun 22 Sep
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Починаючи з $109.00
Sun 22 Sep
Починаючи з $109.00
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (106)
Sue S
Mar 2017
One of those days in our lives that I and my family will never forget, and will have memories to share and talk about forever. Roger (Red) loves whales, specifically humpbacks, with a great passion. He is extremely knowledgeable. He knows where they will be, where they are going, and to a great extent what they are saying and singing. If you do a tour with him, the possibilities for extreme experience are high. My family of three adults was enchanted. Baby humpback pups frisked and flapped and tail wagged in front of us for hours. The snorkeling (45 minutes) part of the trip was spectacular. If you set out in kayaks, with Roger, to get close to whales and to share in that wonder, he will bring you there, if it is possible to do so. His one man shop is also kind of rustic, in the sense he is one man filling many roles, and so substantially different than being on a big boat with smooth, well-trained operators. Roger is a dive master and highly qualified, from what I can tell, in all matters of water safety and rescue, so I would not expect people to be in real danger, but it needs to be said that there are waves, and currents, and weather, corals and turbulence, from which, in small kayaks and small tours, you have less protection than you would in larger boats. The kayaking does require a certain hardiness and upper body strength. I had a hard time getting back into the kayak after snorkeling, but Roger was right there, to help. I also travel solo, and the kayaks are doubles, so I'd advise you to speak to Roger about this so he can make accommodations. Be Frank about your limitations or disabilities, and you have a greater chance for happy accommodations. He tries to take good care of you but still, in many instances, there are possibilities for small scrapes or bumps or bruises. If this a deterrent, this kayaking expedition might not suit. No-one got hurt on our trip, far from it, but we had perfect conditions and smooth water, for the most part. Bring hats. With visors and neck flaps if you have it. Wear shirts. Bring sunscreen with you into the kayak and lather generously. Roger's manner is one of over-spilling enthusiasm for his subject. At times, it may be helpful to ask him to repeat an instruction, or to tell him you don't understand. He's not adverse to repeating these, but his manner is not one that checks, scrupulously, if everyone has heard him or has 'gotten' instructions. In all: the trip of a lifetime, if conditions are right and if you are okay with a somewhat 'hardy' style of adventure. Being on a kayak on the open ocean does expose you to the potential from ore discomfort than on a motored cruise, but it also brings you closer to Riger's amazing animal world. For which I, and we, truly thank him.
Melanie Y
Feb 2017
We got going about half an hour late. The water was extremely choppy and waves were big. My boyfriend and I really enjoyed the kayaking. Roger was extremely energetic, talking so fast we could hardly take everything in. We did not see any whales and many in the group began to get frustrated with Roger. It seemed like he was stalling to use up time rather than just call the trip due to weather conditions. We did get out to snorkel, and though I do know how to swim and had on a life jacket, I did not feel safe as the waves were so big. Roger said over and over again that he guarantees whale sightings and that we all HAD to come back to see whales free of charge. I am sad to say, I strongly believe our guide was not sober for this tour, and that is no way to see whales - particularly in a kayak. I need to be able to trust my guide is of sound mind for something like this. I have read reviews here that are great and I have read some that are not great - Roger said over and over that he never reads these reviews, but I do see he has responded to some of these. My guess is he will respond to this one in a very defensive way. Truth is, I worry about Roger and hope he is okay. My boyfriend did try to call Roger to discuss a make-up tour or a refund - somehow the call was disconnected on Roger's end. Please use caution before booking and going on this adventure. Roger is likely a great guy, but may not be well.
Dan s
Feb 2017
We had a whale breech near our kayak 3 times in a row as well as other photo ops. Red was a great guide excited about his job and informative. We definitely recommend this tour.
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