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Чому варто вибрати Kenai Drift Anglers? З понад 200 путівниками у вас є багато варіантів на півострові Кенай. Ми спеціалізуємося на індивідуальних рибальських чартерах, щоб перевершити ваш досвід риболовлі на Алясці. Наш човен абсолютно унікальний з підігрівом сидінь, а планування спеціально розроблено для підтримки найбільшого «танцювального майданчика» для боротьби з лососем і фореллю на річці Кенай. Ми також використовуємо найвищий рейтинг для наших клієнтів. Kenai Drift Anglers не має будиночка з персоналом і багатьма гідами, ми вважаємо за краще бути невеликими, щоб задовольнити ваші потреби. Коли ви рибалите з нами, ви насправді рибалите з нами. Багато компаній погоджуються на поїздки, тому що ми дуже зайняті. Kenai Drift Anglers обмежує кількість поїздок, тому ми можемо гарантувати вам найкращий досвід риболовлі.
Місто: Солдотна
Sat 21 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $350.00
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $350.00
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Додаткова інформація
  • Доступ для інвалідних візків
  • Немовлята та маленькі діти можуть їздити в колясці
  • Дозволено перевезення тварин-поводир
  • Поруч є громадський транспорт
  • Немовлята повинні сидіти на колінах у дорослого
  • Підходить для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (52)
Jul 2020
We had a fantastic time and I highly recommend booking. Scotty was very experienced and knew exactly where to go to catch our limits of reds. I learned a lot from him, even though I’m a local and fish on my own, I found some professional advice very useful! He could tell you exactly where to stand and how to cast and a fish would be there. My tourists are still talking about how much fun we had and are happy to be bringing home salmon. It doesn’t hurt that it was a very scenic day on the river watching eagles and moose while we (Scotty) cleaned our fish. Before we had even returned, I had already made plans to take our next tourists out in a few weeks and will surely be sending more people his way. He is our go-to guide now!
Jun 2020
My family had an AMAZING TIME on the river with Scotty! If we could give more than 5 stars, we would. We had great communication from booking until our actual day on the water. Scotty answered all questions we may have had and checked in with us several times. He is very easy to talk to and is extremely knowledgeable about the river, rules/regulations, any wildlife we happened to see along the way and of course, fishing! You will feel like you are on the water with your fishing buddy. His boat is comfortable, we had plenty of room and his equipment was top notch. He even had at a heater at the front of the boat to warm you up on a chilly morning. Scotty put us all at ease and was great with our 9 yr old daughter - from helping her get into her waders to walking her through the steps of how to use the equipment and get her line in/out of the water. He worked hard the entire trip to put us in the right places at the right time and when she hooked her King Salmon, Scotty talked through every step of the fight until it was in the net! It was awesome! We are already looking forward to booking our next trip with him!
Christina C
Jun 2020
Scotty runs a superbly safe and enjoyable charter. He is knowledgeable and shares an enthusiasm about the river and it's dynamics with you. We fished for Kings and sockeye and landed both! He was quick to make adjustments and coach us on our casts. He took the time to explain the lures and stream flows. His timing and his adherence to the regulations for a sustainable fishery resonated with us. His boat is very comfortable and outfitted with additions that surprised us! He has a heater to warm up your breakfast sandwiches! Such attention to detail and his sweet natural ease has our group recommending him to our friends and out of town guests. Oh! And his photos are gorgeous! Wow!
Відповідь від хоста
Jun 2020
Thank you so much for the kind words, Christina & Josh! What a great day out on the Kasilof River! Sometimes the fish gods and King Salmon just know how to order up a great day. What a Birthday present that Wild King Salmon, beautiful hen provided for you and tons of Sockeye Salmon! Already looking forward to our next trip, aside from the fishing I really enjoyed talking with you all and learning about your recent travels, thanks for putting up with all my fish tales on our float down the Kasilof River! Until next time!

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