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Екскурсія на байдарках і трубці Лахайна

Ця еко-пригода на заході Мауї починається в спокійних водах на південь від міста Лахайна. Веслуйте вздовж спокійних і мілководних вод під високими горами Західного Мауї. Снорклінг на красивих коралових рифах і вид на тропічних рифових риб. Гавайські зелені морські черепахи спостерігаються регулярно. Час від часу можна зустріти невловимого тюленя-монаха, дельфінів-вертух і скатів. Це чудове місце для спостереження за китами в сезон (січень-березень). Тур зручно розташований у нашому магазині за адресою 505 Front Street у центрі Лахайни.
Місто: Мауї
Mon 23 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $89.00
Mon 23 Sep
Починаючи з $89.00
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Використання спорядження для підводного плавання
Додаткова інформація
  • Не рекомендується мандрівникам із травмами хребта
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  • Підходить для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
  • Є купівля становить мінімум 2 особи
  • За умови сприятливих погодних умов. У разі скасування через погану погоду вам буде надано можливість вибрати іншу дату або повне повернення коштів.
  • Будь ласка, прибувайте за 15 хвилин до початку туру для реєстрації.
Політика скасування
Якщо ви скасуєте принаймні 3 дні до запланованого часу вильоту, ви отримаєте повне відшкодування.
Якщо ви скасуєте протягом 2 днів до запланованого вильоту, ви отримаєте 0% відшкодування.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (159)
Jul 2021
It’s okay. We had better snorkeling on our own. If I had it do over again I would’ve booked intro to scuba diving or the jet pack snorkeling twice before doing this, I definitely wouldn’t choose to do it again if I would’ve known the time (fun) we would’ve had before hand. Heck I would’ve taken the whole tour back and just snorkeled on our own even lol! It’s okay and worth the money I suppose but just not our thing.
Jul 2021
We went on this excursion July 2021 as a family of 4 with 11 and 14yo boys. My 11yo is on the small side and was provided a 1/2 paddle that was pretty useless in the water, but not our guides fault. I just would not recommend for any child younger than 11 or 12 as it is just too difficult for them to paddle the kayak. That said, the kayaking went fairly well and our guide was nice and friendly. We were able to snorkel with the sea turtles on our first stop (total of two stops to snorkel over 2.5 hours) which was really fun even though there were not many other fish. The second stop was very clear water but no fish there either. All went well until the end when we were kayaking close to shore. My son and I were at the back of the line and became stuck on a fishing line. We were encountered by a man and woman who were very upset and screaming at us for running over their fishing line and getting entangled. Our guide was nowhere in sight as we were at the end of the line of kayaks and they all continued on. The man we encountered was so upset that he flipped our boat to untangle the line and knocked us out while screaming four letter words at us. The water was shallow, but we were lucky not to land on coral. When I apologized to the couple, the woman threatened me and continued to scream four letter words at my son and I. While I understand that maybe this particular couple was having a bad day or just a$& holes, the fishing line was not visible and no one pointed it out to me to avoid. I did not appreciate being left behind to be yelled at as everyone else continued as I felt very alone and unsafe. When we were finally able to catch everyone, they were already getting out of the water. Unfortunately it really did put a damper on the entire experience. I would not go again.
Jul 2021
Excellent adventure ! Wish we had more time to snorkel was so beautiful and wanted to see more under water ! Went on a Tuesday at 7am and the Water was amazing and views were even more spectacular! Guide was fantastic & informative about the local life and history !

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