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Лос-Анджелес Прибуття Приватний трансфер: аеропорт LAX

Вас зустріне професійний водій, який без клопоту доставить вас якнайшвидше до місця призначення. Автомобіль буде розкішним седаном або позашляховиком залежно від кількості багажу та пасажирів.
Місто: Лос-Анджелес
Mon 09 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $230.00
Mon 09 Sep
Починаючи з $230.00
Що включено
Milliage включає 10 миль від аеропорту LAX. Кожні наступні 5 миль 25 USD.
Приватний трансфер в одну сторону
1,5 години після приземлення з урахуванням кожні наступні 30 хв 55 USD
Податки і паливо
Додаткова інформація
  • Доступ для інвалідних візків
  • Немовлята та маленькі діти можуть їздити в колясці
  • Дозволено перевезення тварин-поводир
  • Поруч є громадський транспорт
  • Доступні спеціальні крісла для немовлят
  • Доступ для транспортних засобів доступний для інвалідних візків
  • Підходить для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
  • Ціна вказана за особу
  • Тривалість трансферу приблизна, точна тривалість залежатиме від часу доби та умов дорожнього руху
  • Кожному мандрівнику дозволено максимум 1 валізу та 1 ручну сумку на особу (додатково багаж 15 USD). Великі розміри багажу (наприклад, дошки для серфінгу, ключки для гольфу або велосипеди) можуть мати певні обмеження. Будь ласка, зв’яжіться з оператором перед поїздкою, щоб підтвердити, чи прийнятний ваш наднормативний багаж.
  • Дитячі сидіння в автомобілях не надаються. Ми можемо організувати дитячі крісла за додаткову плату в розмірі 17 доларів США на день, або ви повинні мати власне автокрісло для немовляти. Ми не будемо їздити без дитячого крісла, оскільки це небезпечно та протизаконно в Каліфорнії.
  • Будь ласка, надайте нам свою електронну адресу та номер мобільного телефону після бронювання. Тож ми можемо організувати все, щоб ви забрали в LAX.
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Відгуки (7)
Sasha H
Apr 2017

If you have never been to LA before this is a good idea as the driver was there waiting for you at arrivals and were very professional and friendly. He told us about local information which was important and if we had hired a car we would have never found where we were going as the roads there are madness!!

Jan 2017

Transfer was good, new clean Suburban, on time, and straight to cruise pier. Watch for additional fees for travel outside of 20 miles. We were hit with a 50 up charge dockside in San Pedro for additional miles. Transfer only covered first 20 miles.

Dwayne H
Oct 2015

Apart from the ridiculous cost it is impossible to fault this transfer. The driver was on time and immaculate in his service. Whether this provides value for money is another matter. The trip from LAX cost us an additional 25 fee to get to Hollywood Boulevard, with no traffic delays from a flight that was early. The driver informed us of this at pick up and this was advised in the voucher information. However it was unexpected that we would have to pay an extra fee for a trip that is a stock standard LA tourist transfer. After this fee and tip the 40 minute drive cost 123! Lucky that our flight was not delayed or that the traffic was not a nightmare as the company charges 55 extra for this as well. As much as the experience was faultless I would not use this company again as the cost is double the standard taxi fare. This is especially misleading as the transfer intitially presents on the Viator site as from 29!

Відповідь від хоста
Oct 2015
Thank you for your feedback, we have received the following response directly from the supplier:

Thank you for your review of our private transfer from LAX to Hollywood in a luxurious SUV. We are happy to hear that you were very satisfied with the professionalism and customer service provided by our driver. As for the price, we are sorry that you were surprised by it, but it must be pointed out that $123 for a speedy transfer from LAX to Hollywood (a distance of almost fifteen miles) in the middle of LA rush-hour traffic for three people in a luxury vehicle is actually a very good price, if you shop around. Due to his driving expertise and knowledge of the city, your driver was able to deliver you to your hotel in a mere 40 minutes, which is remarkable. Honestly, most drivers would need an hour in those conditions.

In addition, you mention that the cost was “double the standard taxi fare.” However, it is very unlikely that a taxi would get you there in 40 minutes, as taxis get paid on a ticking meter and have no incentive to bend over backwards to avoid traffic or take the shortest route. So, the taxi fare would have likely been for an hour or more.

In addition, please consider all the other perks that you received by using our service versus a taxi. You got to skip the airport taxi queue, you received excellent customer service by a very professional chauffeur who provided bottled water and mints and concerned himself with your comfort, and you rode in style in a brand-new luxury vehicle.

The comment made that it was lucky your flight wasn’t delayed as our company would have charged an extra $55 per half hour is incorrect, as we don’t start the clock on the included hour and a half until whenever the plane lands.

Finally, the Viator ad does say that it starts from $29, but this is per person with a three-person minimum. Since it was written on the voucher and the driver confirmed the price with you at pick-up as well, we aren’t sure what we could have done differently to ensure your satisfaction. We offer a very professional product, which our customers find to be a very good value for money in a luxurious transfer. But we sincerely thank you for your feedback and for giving us a chance to respond. In this way, we can clarify the details of our service and make sure that expectations are met in the future.

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