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Луау Каламаку з вечерею "шведський стіл" і шоу

Луау Каламаку, яке приймає гостей на Кауаї з 2007 року, є єдиним на Гаваях луау-шоу, яке виконується «по колу», відкриваючи оптимальний вид на сцену. Станьте свідками викопування свині з традиційної іму (підземної печі) та насолодіться уроком хула. На розгалуженій галявині чекає ярмарок ремесел із унікальними виробами місцевих ремісників. Побалуйте себе смачним "шведським столом" із улюбленими місцевими та знайомими стравами та насолодіться Май Тай у відкритому барі. 45-хвилинний головний серіал розповідає дивовижну історію стародавньої гавайської легенди про Каламаку, «дитину нової землі». Через сміх, страх, зваблення та вогонь створюється нова спадщина, яка народжується з цінного насіння їхніх предків. Театралізоване шоу луау завершується фантастичним вогняним сном із вогняними кульками поі та традиційними танцями з вогняним ножем.
Місто: Кауаї
Sun 29 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $191.10
Sun 29 Sep
Починаючи з $191.10
Що включено
Відкритий бар (до початку основного шоу)
Вечеря шведський стіл
Шоу Луау
Кава та/або чай
Додаткова інформація
  • Доступ для інвалідних візків
  • Немовлят і маленьких дітей можна катати в колясці
  • Дозволено перевезення тварин-поводирів
  • Поруч є зупинки громадського транспорту
  • Немовлята повинні сидіти на колінах у дорослого
  • Підходить для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
  • Працює в дощ або яскраве світло; у критому павільйоні
  • Дезінфікуючий засіб для рук доступний мандрівникам і персоналу
  • Регулярно дезінфікуються транспортні засоби
  • Безконтактні платежі чайових і надбавок
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (432)
May 2022
It’s was amazing experience for our family. My kids had a great time, the show was great. Really recommend this show to any of our friends and family members. Great atmosphere!
May 2022
I very much wanted to enjoy this experience, but the quality of everything from start to finish was severely diminished by the massively overcrowded nature of this luau. There is nothing to forewarn you when you book this luau that there will be hundreds upon hundreds of people present, and in the time of a pandemic, this is vital information to have prior to booking, especially since vaccination proof is not required, masking is not required (despite the fact that the CDC has recently said Kauai is red-level risk and needs to be masking indoors due to cluster outbreaks), and temperature checks are not required. It is not an event that takes place outside. It is a massive crowd of tables inside a huge warehouse with no fans and no air conditioning. It was extremely humid and hot. I had to step out several times, because I was feeling faint from the heat, which is only increased when the show portion of the luau begins and there is a lot of fire brought into the warehouse. You are seated at tables with strangers within elbow touching distance from you, crowded together. People from all over the states and elsewhere, yet no one is required to mask or be vaccinated or have their temperature checked. I was extremely, extremely uncomfortable with this fact and would not have booked at all had I known it would be like this. There is a "craft fair" to explore prior to dinner, but really it is maybe four little booths of crafts--jewelry, photographs, dog collars and harnesses, and candies (we did get some absolutely delicious caramels). The drinks are free, which is nice. The dinner was more decent than I expected but still mostly average and a fairly small selection of foods, served buffet style. The lines move quickly, so you don't feel you are waiting forever to eat. The music is good, and the musical artists are all very talented. The actual story/dance show portion of the luau is the last thing to occur, and the cast is all very talented, and the show is good, but it's difficult to enjoy unless you are seated up front, because there are just far, far too many people. I couldn't see very well past the table in front of me. Our table was located at the back of the warehouse. It's difficult to follow the story when you're seated that far back and have people's heads in your way. Ultimately, I don't think it was worth the price, certainly not for the risk you're taking on by being in a massively crowded location with poor air flow with a ton of people you don't know and have no idea if they're vaccinated or not in the middle of a pandemic. This really needs to be made clear on the website and in their advertisements. I really couldn't enjoy it or engage with it, which was disappointing. I usually can appreciate having had an experience even if it wasn't all I'd hoped it would be, but with this, I'd have been happier skipping it altogether. Kudos to the performers though, who were really lovely and talented.
Відповідь від хоста
May 2022
Thank you for your praise for the performers and for sharing your comments. The level of detailed shared helps us continually make improvements. Mahalo!
May 2022
The show was excellent, cast and crew 5 star! Very organized, food was fair and drinks are limited. Parking actually painless and very close to Airport!

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