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Огляд визначних пам'яток ламантинів і екскурсія на човні дикої природи

Побачте ламантинів, алігаторів, бичачих акул, птахів тощо під час екскурсії на човні Еверглейдс! Для перегляду та фотографій надаються поляризаційні окуляри та лінзи для камер. Ні хвиль, ні високих швидкостей, на критому 6-пасажирському човні. Кілька човнів для великих груп. Єдина компанія, яка бачить ламантинів майже щодня в році! Понад 1000 постійних клієнтів щорічно.
Місто: Неаполь
Tue 15 Oct
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Починаючи з $59.99
Tue 15 Oct
Починаючи з $59.99
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Додаткова інформація
  • Доступ для людей в інвалідних візках
  • Неподалік є зупинки громадського транспорту
  • Доступ для людей в інвалідних візках
  • Підходить для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
  • Дрес-код – повсякденний.
  • Потрібно щонайменше 2 особи на бронювання.
  • Регулярно дезінфікуйте зони з інтенсивним рухом людей.
  • Дезінфікуйте спорядження/обладнання між використаннями
  • /li>
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  • Безконтактні платежі чайових і надбавок
Чого очікувати
Порт островів Марина
90-хвилинний критий тур на човні відправляється з пристані Порт-оф-Айлендс кожні 45 хвилин щодня 365 днів на рік.
Огляд визначних пам'яток ламантинів і пригоди дикої природи
Досвідчена берегова охорона, яка любить природу, надала ліцензію капітанам розповісти про екскурсію так, щоб вона резонувала з дітьми/дорослими будь-якого віку. Ламантини в дикій природі можуть бути в районі гавані, житлових бухт або в захоплюючих мангрових лісах. Ламантини підходять до човна понад 90% часу. Меценати насолоджуються співставленням птахів на деревах із наданою карткою птахів Еверглейдс. Максимальна кількість пасажирів на човні – 6. Сімейні групи з 7 до 42 осіб використовуватимуть кілька човнів, залишаючись поруч.
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (1000)
Kate G
Nov 2019
Went on Captain Rich's boat, he was very knowledgeable about all of the wildlife we saw, and was very happy to answer questions. We saw numerous manatees very clearly including a mother and calf. Captain rich got us very close to the manatees without disturbing them. I would definitely recommend this tour, you don't go far out of the marina but you can see so much wildlife you don't really need to. Worth every penny.
Rebecca Z
Nov 2019
We did indeed see manatee, birds, "sharks", and an alligator. However, we did not leave the Mariana--ever. We didn't go into the natural habitats and were basically next to a dock the whole time. Jim also did not know very much about the animals. He misidentified many of the birds we saw and dodged questions about the environment. I was very disappointed to have paid $80 to essentially take a trip around the marina, houses and boats insight the entire time. Instead of learning about the animals and our environment, we basically heard Jim's life story, which if you believe him is: he had 12 horses including a wild mustang, he brought a woman over from the Philippines and she left him once she got her green card, he has 8-9 children, he has a fiancee over in Thailand that he is trying to bring over, Mick Jagger rode on his (little) boat in secret, a Middle Easterner came with his harem and was fed grapes the entire time on his (again, ordinary) boat, he's the only naturalist in the area, and he knew a "nonfiction science fiction" author who had "cancer of the breast" and died. Every time a passenger on the boat mentioned a topic, Jim knew more and one up'ed you. When it was time to get off he said, "I don't want to tell you how much to tip me, but most people do $10 per adult." Also, a personal pet peeve of mine: he kept referring to women as "girls". Captain Jim is a manipulator that will say anything to get a tip.
Відповідь від хоста
Nov 2019
The review "4 star" below yours was on the boat with you. We think there was a personality conflict. You did not hear the other party asking him about his personal life.
Anna H
Nov 2019
My husband and I decided to take the 90 minute eco-tour on the coldest day to date in November. There were options of several timeframes to choose from; we took the one at 11:30 AM in hopes it would warm up...it didn't. Captain Jim is a pleasant and mild-mannered guy who took a total of 6 passengers out to find manatees and other wildlife. You do not have to go too far from the dock to find signs of life. There were sharks that touched the surface and a couple of varieties of fish. We went into a small channel where 8-10 resident manatees live. We saw about 4 of them. The first encounter was the best as a huge manatee surfaced right by the boat. Of course, that was the one time when no cameras were ready for his/her breech. We saw a few smaller ones off in the distance; usually about 15-25 feet from the boat. We then moved on to another small channel and found two resident alligators on the surface of the water. We got to within 25 yards of them and then they dove under the water. There were several bird species flying around or grazing such as Ibis, Blue Herons, and a pelican. It was quite cold so the boat was driven pretty slowly as to not have the wind pick up on the passengers. Captain Jim was thoughtful of not letting us freeze out on the water. The boat was very slow and this was a leisurely cruise around the waterways. We did get to see a few manatees; not as much as I would have liked. It was more due to the 57 degree temps and not a reflection of the tour itself.

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