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Manta Magic - нічна трубка для мантових скатів у селі Манта, Кона, Гаваї

Уникайте натовпів інших «човнів для перевезення великої рогатої худоби» в Коні та насолоджуйтеся снорклінгом у невеликій групі з максимальною кількістю 12 пасажирів.

Цей тур відправляється з гавані Кеахоу в Південній Коні та займає короткі 5 хвилин. -хвилинна поїздка на човні до нашого місця для підводного плавання, села Манта.

Ваш капітан і гід розкажуть вам про знаменитих скатів Кона та обговорять наш безпечний і гуманний підхід до спілкування з ніжними велетнями.

Після входу у воду ви будете триматися за наш світловий щит, а ваші ноги будуть спиратися на плавучі пристрої, а манти гратимуть під вами витончений балет. Фільтр мант харчується планктоном, який природним чином збирається на поверхні перед заходом сонця, а потім накопичується під нашим світлом. Це можливість насолодитися вечором на воді та здивовано спостерігати, як манти ковзають і танцюють для вас.

Ми пишаємося тим, що є компанією, внесеною до Зеленого списку, і використовуємо екологічно обережний підхід до наші взаємодії з мантами.
Місто: Великий острів Гаваї
Sun 06 Oct
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $125.00
Sun 06 Oct
Починаючи з $125.00
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Гідрокостюм (опціонально)
Використання спорядження для підводного плавання
Місцеві податки
Додаткова інформація
  • Не рекомендовано для мандрівників із травмами хребта
  • Не рекомендовано для вагітних мандрівників
  • Не рекомендовано для мандрівників із поганим серцево-судинним здоров’ям
  • Мандрівники повинні мати принаймні середнього рівня фізичної підготовки
  • Повинен вміти плавати без допомоги плавучого пристрою.
  • Квиток потрібен для всіх пасажирів, незалежно від віку та чи є вони входити у воду.
  • Максимальна вага 280 фунтів на мандрівника.
  • Не рекомендується для мандрівників із проблемами шиї.
  • Обладнання для трубки проходить санітарну обробку між використаннями.
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (858)
Feb 2020
Took my family on the Manta Magic trip with Hawaii Oceanic Feb 17 2020. Try to arrive a bit early. We had a bit of trouble finding the marina and our guide. We needed directions to drive down to the marina instead of parking in the dirt lot up the road. Look for a small placard on the ground illuminated with a single light bulb near the rest rooms. From then on, we had a great experience. The guide and boat captain were friendly and knowledgeable. The boat was small, which was a big plus compared to the big boats with a crowd of people. We had prepared for a long boat ride to the viewing site (took dramamine), but the ride was a mere 5 minutes on calm water. Once at the site, we simply floated on our stomachs, hanging onto a surf board with lights afixed to the bottom. After a few minutes, we could see mantas hovering along the bottom below us. Soon after, we got the full barrel roll from several of the mantas, literally coming inches from our mask. Sooo graceful! Another big advantage of the small number of people was that our guide was able to drag the board to where the mantas were! After about 40 minutes, we were pretty chilly (even with shorty wetsuits) and were happy to board the boat. Highly recommend Hawaii Oceanic!
Feb 2020
these guys were awesome , especially mica. she knew exactly what she was doing as was very reassuring. barely 30 seconds after we got into the water , the mantas were there! everything was smooth and efficient. the location of the harbour has changed to further down south right next to the Sheraton hotel and this is great becoz u get onto the boat and 5 min later ure exactly where the mantas are and you don't need to sail in the dark which u previously had to do.
Feb 2020
First of all, everything you’re reading here is right, this trip was absolutely amazing for us and I scored lots of Cool Mom points for booking it. Captain Jack and Aaron the guide are genial, accommodating hosts, ready with the jokes, snacks, Manta Ray fun facts and stories. They clearly care deeply about the ocean, the rays, your safety, and the quality of your experience. As a mom who arranges all family trips, here’s some reality check notes for other moms trying to decide if this is right for your family. I booked this early in our week in Kona, in case we did not see rays and needed to schedule another trip out. We didn’t need it, though, we saw 7 rays! And they came up repeatedly, passing within inches of our bodies. My 12 year old daughter and I nearly hyperventilated from wonder/fear/amazement. That said, I think 12 is probably the bare minimum age I would consider for this activity, and that only with some experience snorkeling and good swimming skills. There’s a fair amount of instruction to follow, and as a mom, I was very grateful I only had one kid to look after and that she is very good about following instruction, a very strong swimmer, and not fearful. It is one thing to snorkel in shallow water during the day, another to don snorkel gear and climb off the back of the boat at night, jumping into dark water and swimming 20-30 feet to an LED lit surfboard. There were a couple of adults on the tour who had never snorkeled before, who demonstrated that it is doable, and certainly Aaron had lots of tricks and methods for helping them, but this is definitely an Adventure in the dark ocean. So for your own enjoyment, if yours are the kind of kids that need lots of encouragement, not strong swimmers, not much confidence in the water, leave them at home with someone else. All that said, if you have teens who are Way Too Cool for typical vacation activities, book this and they won’t stop talking about it. Just be prepared with a Scopalamine patch or some other method for dealing with motion sickness, and don’t plan dinner before. The ocean wasn’t exactly peaceful and calm the night we went out, and if you’re lucky, you will be spending a lot of time staring down into the depths, hanging on to the surfboard going one way, the waves going the other. And for heavens sake, please don’t let this be your first time snorkeling, that’s trial by fire. Quinn’s Almost By the Sea is open until 11pm, and was perfect for after-Adventure dinner. Allow some extra time to get there and bring a flashlight (or phone!) as it’s not as obvious how to get from the parking area to where the boat is docked at night. I’m sure it’s super easy and obvious to follow the directions given during the day, but there’s very little safety lighting there at night and it took us 10-15 minutes to navigate the 2 or 300 yards from parking to check-in because it was so freaking dark.

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