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Manta Magic - нічна трубка для мантових скатів у селі Манта, Кона, Гаваї

Уникайте натовпів інших «човнів для перевезення великої рогатої худоби» в Коні та насолоджуйтеся снорклінгом у невеликій групі з максимальною кількістю 12 пасажирів.

Цей тур відправляється з гавані Кеахоу в Південній Коні та займає короткі 5 хвилин. -хвилинна поїздка на човні до нашого місця для підводного плавання, села Манта.

Ваш капітан і гід розкажуть вам про знаменитих скатів Кона та обговорять наш безпечний і гуманний підхід до спілкування з ніжними велетнями.

Після входу у воду ви будете триматися за наш світловий щит, а ваші ноги будуть спиратися на плавучі пристрої, а манти гратимуть під вами витончений балет. Фільтр мант харчується планктоном, який природним чином збирається на поверхні перед заходом сонця, а потім накопичується під нашим світлом. Це можливість насолодитися вечором на воді та здивовано спостерігати, як манти ковзають і танцюють для вас.

Ми пишаємося тим, що є компанією, внесеною до Зеленого списку, і використовуємо екологічно обережний підхід до наші взаємодії з мантами.
Місто: Великий острів Гаваї
Wed 25 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $125.00
Wed 25 Sep
Починаючи з $125.00
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Гідрокостюм (опціонально)
Використання спорядження для підводного плавання
Місцеві податки
Додаткова інформація
  • Не рекомендовано для мандрівників із травмами хребта
  • Не рекомендовано для вагітних мандрівників
  • Не рекомендовано для мандрівників із поганим серцево-судинним здоров’ям
  • Мандрівники повинні мати принаймні середнього рівня фізичної підготовки
  • Повинен вміти плавати без допомоги плавучого пристрою.
  • Квиток потрібен для всіх пасажирів, незалежно від віку та чи є вони входити у воду.
  • Максимальна вага 280 фунтів на мандрівника.
  • Не рекомендується для мандрівників із проблемами шиї.
  • Обладнання для трубки проходить санітарну обробку між використаннями.
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (858)
Jan 2019
We did the night time manta ray snorkel with Dillon and Dusty. (hopefully names are correct) Had a great time. Didn't see a ton of animals but the ones we did see were amazing! They have all equipment needed to go on the tour, but you can also bring your own. My family didn't use wet suits, but they were also available for you to use if you wanted. Might be a good idea if you get cold while in the water. The water was a bit rough, so it took us longer to get to the dive area than they had hoped, but we still made it in time for the beautiful sunset and a thorough safety briefing/animal information talk. The crew made you feel like you were one of the gang and the small group of guests (12 total) made for a more personalized experience. There were even two guests on the tour who were not good swimmers and the crew helped them feel comfortable and able to get in the water and stayed close to them just in case. Both were certified ocean lifeguards, which made me feel a bit more at ease. Getting in the ocean when it is dark is not the easiest thing for many (myself included) But the guys made sure you were doing okay and were always attentive to their guests. The small group allows for the lighted platform to be moved around from place to place without having to move the boat. Dillon took the group to where the animals were feeding, the larger group tours have to keep the platforms connected to their boats. A definite bonus, we didn't wait for the animals to come to us... we went to them. Ride back was still rough and a bit chilly, but we wrapped up in our towels and it was comfortable. They also had a drink and snack for those who wanted. Not sure if other tours offer photos, but the pics taken during the tour are included with no extra charge... a nice thing to offer. Dillon and Dusty were a great team and made our trip out a fun time. Would love to do the tour with them again!
Jan 2019
My family of five did the Manta Experience on New Year's Day. We had a blast. Dusty was a great Captain and Chad was a fantastic guide. The trip out was smooth and Dusty and Chad know their Mantas. Hawaii Oceanic knows how to do it! We did the 4:30pm tour. We geared up quickly and professionally. Take the provided wetsuit. The water is comfortable, but my family agreed we were all happy we had them. We went to the southern viewing area, and after a quick and smooth ride, we were able to get into the water before sunset. That really let everyone get comfortable in the water. The Mantas showed up before it was even dark. Watching these amazing animals as they "flew" through the water was incredible. We had a great time watching the mantas swim in and out of the floating lights made for an exciting time. Having the manta black flip 6 inches from our faces was one of the highlights of our vacation. Even my teens agreed that this was a great experience and worth every minute.
Jan 2019
Honestly, I was freaking terrified to do this. I was extremely out of my comfort zone. I'm not a strong swimmer and I'm terrified of the ocean and all its creatures. I was also taking my 10-year-old daughter who is a beginner swimmer so there was a little bit of mama bear fear going on too. This was my 10-year-old's first snorkeling trip. She was still getting used to using the snorkel and felt a little timid about the ocean. I was actually really worried she might not get off the boat.  On the ride there we were given a whole bunch of info on the Mantas. Their knowledge, confidence and humor put us at ease. Most importantly, they told us everything we needed to know about Manta behavior, what to expect and how everything was going to go down. When we got to the location they had done such a good job at putting my 10-year-old at ease that she hopped right in after my husband without hesitation. Right as she hopped in the water a Manta Ray swam right up to our light board. My 17-year-old daughter and I hopped in right after and were immediately greeted by the Mantra swimming right under us.  I am so grateful that they explained in great detail how Manta Rays might do these amazing barrel rolls where they open their giant mouths and start doing somersaults to catch all the plankton and to not freak out if a Manta swims straight at your face with its mouth wide open. That Manta swam so close to my face with her giant open mouth that she practically gave me eskimo kisses and if they hadn't said anything, I would have been filled with such terror that I would have seized up and died right then and there. Instead, it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life! She continued to do barrel rolls right under us, coming in so close that I tried to levitate out of the water because I didn't want to remove her protective coating.  Such a wonderful experience and a great way to end our visit to the big island. I recommend this experience especially with this company 100%. There were 2 other boats out there and I preferred the vibe of our crew by far. It felt smaller, more intimate and overall extremely positive. They really seem to care about the ocean, the animals, our safety and providing us with a great experience.

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