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Тур Мілуокі

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Місто: Мілуокі
Sat 21 Sep
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Починаючи з $40.00
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $40.00
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Чого очікувати
Театр Пабста
Побудований Фредеріком Пабстом у 1985 році
Бронзовий Фонз
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Художній музей Мілуокі
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Третій історичний район
Подивіться на наймодніший район Мілуокі та громадський ринок.
Музей Harley-Davidson
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (484)
Sep 2013
We were in the Chicago area (from Texas) this August and wanted to take a day trip to Milwaukee. I have this thing that when we go somewhere, I have to see as many cities anywhere close to where we are based if I have never been there. After all, I may never get the chance to go again. We learned from bad experiences years ago that the first thing before going to a new city is to research the internet for an interesting city tour. It is such an easy and interesting way to see a city and you see so much more than own your own. That being said, I booked Chicago and then found Untapped Tours in Milwaukee which sounded really interesting so I called and talked to Mike and made the reservations. We really enjoyed the tour and Mike entertained us with informative and humorous information. I must say that that we were surprised that this business was so new and that it was owned and operated by such a young entrepreneur. Great Job, Mike! We wish you much success and recommend this tour to anyone visiting Milwaukee. By the way, we were impressed by Milwaukee. It is a beautiful city. It was a great escape from the Texas heat!
Sep 2013
Mike, the tour guide, is knowledgable, funny and gives you a very well rounded tour of Milwaukee. He covers history of the city, local attractions and architecture. Plus you get a mini brewery tour, stops for ice cream & cheese and lots more. Really a great value and fun way to spend a few hours while learning about the city.
Sep 2013
We recently moved to Milwaukee and when we started having visitors I looked for a tour to take them on since I was not up to speed on sightseeing. I looked at tours available and lucked out with Untapped Tours. Every group of visitors I took on the tour said they came away with an incredibly positive view of the city--"never knew Milwaukee had so much to do and to see," The benefit for me was that I learned a great deal about my new city. Mike both drives the tour bus and talks. He is very organized and you certainly get your money's worth as it includes a tour of a brewery (with samples!) as wall as stopping for samples of ice cream and cheese. I have been on many city tours previously and I can say that this is the best one I've every been on.

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New York City