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Тур Мілуокі

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Місто: Мілуокі
Sat 21 Sep
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Починаючи з $40.00
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $40.00
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  • Безконтактні платежі чайових і надбавок
Чого очікувати
Театр Пабста
Побудований Фредеріком Пабстом у 1985 році
Бронзовий Фонз
Зупиніться, щоб сфотографуватися з Бронзовим Фонзом!
Алея чорного кота
Пройдіться алеєю, щоб побачити гігантські фрески, розписані вручну.
Маяк Норт-Пойнт
Прогуляйтеся парком і насолодіться видом на Маяк і озеро Мічіган.
Художній музей Мілуокі
Швидко загляньте всередину Художнього музею, щоб побачити його приголомшливий скляний атріум з видом на озеро Мічиган.
Третій історичний район
Подивіться на наймодніший район Мілуокі та громадський ринок.
Музей Harley-Davidson
Подивіться єдиний у світі музей Harley!
Найкраще місце в історичній пивоварні Pabst
Побачте перетворення старої пивоварні Pabst на процвітаючий район.
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (484)
R Lenard J
Aug 2013
We recently took this tour in Milwaukee and was exposed to the secret gems of the city. The driver, Mike (owner) is a brilliant young entrepreneur that lead us out and transformed our view of this great city known for its "Beer Brewing"... From City Hall, to the Pabst Theatre, to the Milwaukee River Walk and a life sized replica of Henry Winkler (the FONZ)... Homes or areas named for the Cities Founding Father's Homes - Juneau, Kilbourn and Walker, to the historic Milwaukee Water Tower, and a Frank Lloyd Wright designed Home... To an in town Vineyard that is now a museum, the Villa Terrace Arts Museum, to the North Point Light House, the Oak Leaf Trail at Lake Park, the Lake Park Waterfall, and the Villa Terrace Arts Museum... From the Bradford Beach, Miller Park home of the Milwaukee Brewers, the Purple Door Ice Cream/Clock Shadow Creamery and the Lake Front Brewery and too many other stops and sights to remember... Wow, how could I forget the Milwaukee Art Museum and the Milwaukee Public Museum... SMH!!! This promises to be the highlight of your visit to Milwaukee - Real Talk!!! So the best thing to do, is to schedule a tour - you won't regret it - Mike Guarantees it... ;)
Aug 2013
We recently took this tour around Milwaukee based on the reviews from trip advisor and we were not disappointed! Its a great way to check out the city in a 3 hour tour. Mike took us to all the great spots in Milwaukee and was super knowledgeable about the city, sites to see, and even cracked jokes along the way! When we checked out the art museum the triathlon was going on and we could check out all the racers crossing the finish line -- how cool! We ended the tour by going to a small brewery and everyone was super friendly and even got samples as we were doing the tour instead of at the end. I highly recommend this tour -- Mike is awesome!
Cindy K
Jul 2013
A friend and I took our first trip to Milwaukee last week and took this tour on Saturday afternoon. We really enjoyed the tour and Mike, our tour guide. Having never been to Milwaukee before and only having a couple of days to see as much as possible, this tour enabled us to see many of the key attractions that make Milwaukee one of America's great cities! I especially enjoyed visiting the Lakefront Brewery whose tour actually demonstrated how their beer is brewed and Miller Park. Most of all, Mike, was an excellent guide sharing lots of good stuff about Milwaukee. I appreciated his "style" and knowledge of the city, its history and what is happening today. Well worth it for the first time traveler!

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