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Місто: Великий острів Гаваї
Sat 08 Mar
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Sat 08 Mar
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  • Поруч є громадський транспорт.
  • Мандрівники повинні мати принаймні помірний рівень фізичної підготовки.
  • Що робити, якщо ми не побачимо жодної манти? Це надзвичайно рідкісне явище, але якщо ми не побачимо ЖОДНИХ скатів манти під час нашого Night Manta Experience, ви можете повернутися з нами знову під час тієї ж відпустки, залежно від наявності, абсолютно безкоштовно. Переконайтеся, що ви негайно зателефонували нам, щоб ми могли перенести вас на інший час!
  • Кожен у моїй групі може плавати
  • Кожен у моїй групі має досвід підводного плавання
  • Кожен у моїй групі може піднятися по короткій драбині, щоб знову сісти в човен
  • Будь ласка, прочитайте та зрозумійте гарантію манти: Гарантія манти: якщо не видно скатів манти, ви Ласкаво просимо повернутися знову. Це так просто. Нам пощастило бачити мант майже щовечора, але в тих рідкісних випадках, коли під час туру їх не помічено, Sea Quest запрошує вас повернутися в іншу ніч без додаткових витрат для вас або взяти участь у підтвердженій пригоді для підводного плавання після обіду. додаткова плата. Відшкодування неможливе.
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (423)
Mar 2019
I truly cannot say enough good things about this company. The crew was amazing!! We saw Mantas, and they helped make the whole vacation one we will never forget. Thank you Captain Nick and Brandon, Jasmine, and the rest of the crew that night! I took my mother to Kona for her 70th birthday, and Manta snorkeling was our number one activity to do. We came in on a Monday, and went night snorkeling with another company on Tuesday. It was extremely physically difficult for my mother, I got seasick because we were on a boat too long, and we didn't see any mantas. Overall that experience sucked... So I was hesitant to try again later in the week, but it is a once in a lifetime experience and my mom wanted to. So we tried again the night before we left for good. A last ditch effort to see mantas. THANK GOD WE FOUND SEA QUEST! It was a completely different, and truly wonderful experience. My mother has had both her hips replaced, and has a hard time going up and down stairs/ ladders in a certain way. We told the Sea Quest crew, and Brandon and Captain Nick went ABOVE and BEYOND to help her get in and out of the boat, both on the deck and in the water. That behavior alone would have been enough to get them a 5 star review from me, but it gets even better! First of all, Captain Nick kept us close to the harbor because it was pretty rough further out. That's a plus for me, who gets seasick when rocking back and forth, and a plus for my 70 year old mother, who can't physically hold onto a board and float very well in rough waters. Captain Nick thought he found a good place to see mantas, and we all jumped in. Spent about 15-20 min floating around, waiting for mantas and none came. My mother and I started to get very despondent... it seemed like we were just destined to not see mantas on this trip. Captain Nick decided to go to a different spot in the bay, so we all piled back into the boat. Once we got to the new place, everyone jumped out again, but my mother wasn't sure she could physically do it any more. It just didn't seem worth it to her to go back in and freeze and not see any mantas. Well, Captain Nick wasn't having it. He promised her she would see some mantas if she got back in, and eventually convinced her to do it. WHAT A TRUE HERO! He was right! Two mantas came and fed around our floating light board for about 30 min. We are both so grateful to Captain Nick- not only for helping to find the Mantas, but also for convincing my mother to get back in. She really did have a once in a lifetime experience! Once we got back to the harbor, the tide had gone out. The boat was now floating almost a foot lower from the dock then when we left, and that kind of step is basically impossible for someone with 2 hip replacements. Captain Nick and his amazing crew to the rescue again- Brandon, Captain Nick, and Jasmine all helped actually lift my mother out of the boat and onto the dock. She was totally fine, and didn't hurt herself at all. When we got back to the shop, we got cookies and hot chocolate! What a great company! The hot chocolate definitely helped warm you up! Here's how it works with Sea Quest. The boats hold about 14 people- they are like rafts with a roof. Kind of feels like you are going on the Jungle Cruise in Disneyland. You get your wetsuit when you arrive, then they divide you up into two groups. Port side and Starboard side. You just always stick to your side. You get on the boat, head out for 5 min while they give you safety instructions and rules for interacting with Mantas. (you cannot touch them.) No chance to get seasick when you only have to go 5 min away! They have two trips each night. We did the 8pm one. Not sure if timing matters- both the 6pm and 8pm groups saw mantas. When you get to the manta spot, you have 2 helpers (we had Jasmine and Brandon) who work with your group on the floating light board. Probably had about 10 people on our board. You have a noodle at your ankles to keep them floating, and then you just look down while holding onto the PVC piping around the light board. The best thing about Sea Quest is that you're not stuck in one spot, waiting for mantas to come to you. They are super mobile, and will drag your light board to where mantas are so that you can see some. This is a major plus, as the other company we went with we were attached to the boat, and thus couldn't really travel to see mantas. You spend maybe 30 min the water, but if you need more time to find some, they will allow it. At least for the 8pm tour. We didn't actually come back into the harbor until almost 10pm. They wanted to give us the best experience, and they sure did. Mantas are truly beautiful creatures. I feel very fortunate to have seen 2 mantas that night. They are so graceful and gorgeous in the water. I would highly, highly recommend Sea Quest for the manta tour! It is absolutely worth your time!
Mar 2019
I can’t say enough good things about this experience! The entire crew was professional and courteous, they went above and beyond to ensure a fabulous experience. Thanks Capt. Nic, Brenden, Emily, Jasmine and Marleen!
Mar 2019
This was the second time my husband and I did the 8:15 PM night snorkel and both times were incredible! Tonight we were accompanied by Courtney, Brendan, and Captain Nick. They were very helpful, knowledgable, and made sure to make everyone on the boat feel comfortable. "Night Snorkeling" with Manta rays can seem intimidating but you should totally do it. It is a once in a lifetime experience. We were lucky enough to see MULTIPLE manta rays on each trip and they were visible almost immediately when entering the water! They serve hot chocolate and cookies after the excursion that fit the experience perfectly! We will be back for a third trip for sure!

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