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Місто: Великий острів Гаваї
Sat 08 Mar
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Починаючи з $127.10
Sat 08 Mar
Починаючи з $127.10
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Додаткова інформація
  • Поруч є громадський транспорт.
  • Мандрівники повинні мати принаймні помірний рівень фізичної підготовки.
  • Що робити, якщо ми не побачимо жодної манти? Це надзвичайно рідкісне явище, але якщо ми не побачимо ЖОДНИХ скатів манти під час нашого Night Manta Experience, ви можете повернутися з нами знову під час тієї ж відпустки, залежно від наявності, абсолютно безкоштовно. Переконайтеся, що ви негайно зателефонували нам, щоб ми могли перенести вас на інший час!
  • Кожен у моїй групі може плавати
  • Кожен у моїй групі має досвід підводного плавання
  • Кожен у моїй групі може піднятися по короткій драбині, щоб знову сісти в човен
  • Будь ласка, прочитайте та зрозумійте гарантію манти: Гарантія манти: якщо не видно скатів манти, ви Ласкаво просимо повернутися знову. Це так просто. Нам пощастило бачити мант майже щовечора, але в тих рідкісних випадках, коли під час туру їх не помічено, Sea Quest запрошує вас повернутися в іншу ніч без додаткових витрат для вас або взяти участь у підтвердженій пригоді для підводного плавання після обіду. додаткова плата. Відшкодування неможливе.
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (423)
Susan B
Jan 2019
This was a very unique and exciting experience. Upon check in, we were fitted with wetsuits and introduced to our boat captain. There were approximately 15-20 people on the boat with us. We motored out to the viewing spot (took about 2 minutes to get there) and were provided with snorkels, masks and water noodles. We were given some brief instructions and then hopped into the water. Immediately, we spotted a Manta Ray. It came very close to us and did a couple of rolls just inches from our faces. That was exciting. There were many other companies operating tours at this same spot and one of them had divers and lights on the bottom of the sea. This attracted the rays away from our lights and over toward theirs (they were much stronger lights than we had) so from that point on, we were only able to watch them from a distance, which was unfortunate. If I do this again, I'm definitely doing the dive versus the snorkel. Also, of note, if you are a person who gets motion sick, take a drammamine before doing this activity. Even if the waters are relatively calm, you'll be relatively motionless in the water, bobbing around for the majority of the time and that can tend to make a person queasy.
Jan 2019
I saw this online before I we went to the BI and then was sold when they did their resort presentation. This is a night snorkel and they provide everything including wet suit (best fit I ever had and it zips up the front), prescription googles (just wonderful for me) and snorkel. If you do not have a underwater camera, you gotta buy an Instamatic. I recommend this over snorkeling (chasing the Mantas). You are taken out into the bay on a raft and put on a floating light board. The crew tows you out and back so the most strenuous thing you have to do is hang onto the light board. Once in place and the spot lights (camp fires) turned on the Mantas come in to at the plankton (although huge, they only eat microscopic organisms). They are related to the skate, ray and shark so they have built in heat sensors so they will seldom bump into you. This was the first thing that we did on the BI and it just couldn't be topped--nor will we probably ever have this option again. Highly recommend. This raft was the easiest and safest one that I ever got on and off of. Since raft, the group was probably only 14 ppl, Well maintained and safety conscious. Since this was an night tour, the parking (free) was not a problem. There are public restrooms right next door.
Jan 2019
My husband & I as well as his brother went on a manta ray night dive Dec 17 2018. I apologize for not remembering their names, I believe one was James for sure as he was friendly and attentive. Staff are incredibly kind and make sure you are well taken care of, they made sure everyone was comfortable & safe. This was our first time and we love the ocean so to see these amazing creatures was beyond words, Big Bertha graced us with a visit and 5 other manta rays!! We were blessed to see such majestic beauty and Amanda loved to come say hello by rubbing our bellies a few times as she swam by us. To be that close to manta rays is just unbelievable!! We have to go back one day to do this again. Such a blessing!! Thank you Sea Quest!! Hands down the most amazing experience we have encountered so far, we swam with dolphins in Captain Cook area that morning so to end the day with the manta ray dive was spectacular!!. Kudos to the crew for being so wonderful and attentive to us. Blessings from Canada.

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