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Підводне плавання з нашими прекрасними мантами Kona — це досвід, який ви не хочете пропустити. Ви ніколи не забудете, як ці ніжні гіганти так витончено плавали перед вашими очима. Цей приватний чартер до 6 осіб забезпечує особисту увагу вашої групи. Ми — сімейний бізнес, який пишається тим, що поділяє важливість піклування про нашу землю, океан, тварин і один одного.
Місто: Великий острів Гаваї
Sat 19 Oct
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $550.00
Sat 19 Oct
Починаючи з $550.00
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  • li>
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  • Гості повинні бути здатний розмовляти англійською, щоб розуміти усні інструкції та інструктаж з техніки безпеки
  • Ваша безпека є нашим пріоритетом! Якщо ви або хтось із вашої групи бажаєте отримати рятувальний жилет, зв’яжіться з нашою лінією бронювання.
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  • Не рекомендується для мандрівники з фізичними обмеженнями або обмеженнями мобільності
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (38)
Nov 2021
The experience with the manta rays was excellent! The crew was very friendly. I do feel that the description of the tour was very misleading. Our tour time was 7:00pm. Per the request of the tour company, we arrived 40 minutes before. We arrived at 6:20, did our orientation, did a 30 second boat ride and was in the water, floating with the manta rays for 20 minutes. We were back from out tour around 7:30pm. Given the duration of the tour, I would have choose a less expensive tour. All of the tours end up in the same spot in the ocean. You can hear all the other tour guides giving information about the manta rays and the surrounding environment.
Відповідь від хоста
Nov 2021
Aloha Cherie, Thank you for sharing. I'm glad to hear that overall this was a great experience for you and your group. I can bring your comments to the attention of our owners to see if the Private Tour Description needs to be re-worded or adjusted. It is not our intention for it to be misleading or misrepresenting of what takes place. That being said Private Tours start from the time you check-in til the time your back on the dock. Snorkel time is approximately 30 minutes. It's hard for me to determine what actually happened this night because I was not there and if the boat actually left earlier than 7pm it would explain why it was back by 7:30pm. Even with a 30 second boat ride to and from that still leaves 29 minutes of in-water time. What I can confirm is that we only took your group of 4 out on the boat this night. Because you booked early you were able to grab the cheaper private tour rate before the more expensive Thanksgiving Holiday rates were applied. During the Thanksgiving Holiday it is busy and many people visit the Big Island during the break. Most operators raise their rates or only sell their seats at full price. I'm sorry if the tour was not as intimate as you were hoping for but we do our best to still try and give guests a memorable experience whether its high season or not. If I can be of further assistance or you would like to discuss this further feel free to contact me via email at [email protected]. Sincerely, Ashlie
Nov 2021
These guys run a small 6 person tour. When the manta rays come, they cruise right to you. Ashley is fun and knowledgeable. The manta rays know her and thank her!
Oct 2021
Part of our group really struggled in the water. Neither of the staff members there even noticed there was an issue. We booked this tour because we thought we would get a personalized experience. It did not feel that way.
Відповідь від хоста
Oct 2021
Aloha Garrett, I'm sorry to hear that the tour was not what you had hoped for. Normally our private tours are even more personal and attentive towards guests. If there is something specific you would like to share or areas of improvement I can help address please feel free to contact me at 808-491-3412 or email me at [email protected] Attention Ashlie. I have reached out to my captain and crew and am hearing a much different version so I am a little unsure as to what the "issue" is/was or why your group was "struggling". At Hawaii Island and Ocean Tours we strive to give guest's a great experience and open to feedback and suggestions for future improvement. I hope the rest of you stay on the Big Island was full of fun and filled with great memories. Mahalo for joining us and for your time. Sincerely, Ashlie
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