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Приватна трубка для плавання зі скатами, до 6 гостей

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Місто: Великий острів Гаваї
Sat 19 Oct
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $550.00
Sat 19 Oct
Починаючи з $550.00
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  • li>
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  • Гості повинні бути здатний розмовляти англійською, щоб розуміти усні інструкції та інструктаж з техніки безпеки
  • Ваша безпека є нашим пріоритетом! Якщо ви або хтось із вашої групи бажаєте отримати рятувальний жилет, зв’яжіться з нашою лінією бронювання.
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  • Не рекомендується для мандрівники з фізичними обмеженнями або обмеженнями мобільності
Політика скасування
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (38)
Oct 2021
Manta Rays galore! Excellent service top to bottom. Family with 3 teens enjoyed the exciting ride out at dusk on a small boat. Prepare to sit on the gunnels and hang on! Riding in a boat in the pitch dark in the ocean is for the adventurous. Captain was experienced and our in water guide, Mike, was fantastic. Great value for time, tour and service. Benefit of small boat is easy to maneuver and get to best spots. The mantas showed up and came so close they brushed up on our kids who found that super exciting. Educational and interesting, we watched them feed and fly through the water. The company went over and above and allowed me use of the GoPro and I kept the SD card (small fee) when I left mine charging at home. MAHALO guys!
Відповідь від хоста
Oct 2021
Thank you for joining us. It's great to read that your family was able to experience this thrilling adventure from our new Honokohau departure location. Hopefully you were able to capture some great memories with the GoPro rental. I'll be sure to pass the kind remarks back to our captain and crew. It was a pleasure having you out with us. Mahalo for the high recommendation and we hope to see everyone again. Aloha.
Oct 2021
Just got finished with the night snorkeling trip with manta rays. WOW! What an absolutely awesome experience. The staff was courteous and extremely helpful. They explain what to expect and what you may encounter, but it is beyond words. We were outfitted with snorkeling equipment and wetsuits, hopped in the boat and were taken to a point that has several HUGE manata rays. After getting in the water, you hang on to a modified surf board outfitted with LED lights to attract plankton. The manta rays are gliding around effortlessly, coming within inches of you, swirling around doing loops as they eat the plankton. Several times the rays were almost brushing up against us. The rays ranged in sized from 10-15 feet wide. The trip concluded with a ride back to were we started. If I had one complaint, it would be the parking. Not enough spots for all the tours that leave from that ramp. Highly recommend this trip and this company.
Відповідь від хоста
Oct 2021
Thank you Carlos. It was a pleasure sharing a night out with you and your family. We're glad to hear that you had a great time. Mahalo for the review and we hope to see everyone again. Aloha.
Oct 2021
They were great with our 6 year old who was nervous about the snorkel. We saw over 13 manta rays! Wonderful experience and great company.
Відповідь від хоста
Oct 2021
Thank you. 13 Manta rays is an incredible night! I'm glad that we were able to share this experience with everyone...including your 6 year old. Mahalo for the review and we hope to see you again. Aloha.
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