Мандрівники повинні мати принаймні помірний рівень фізичної підготовки
Наявність дезінфікуючого засобу для рук для мандрівників і персоналу
Регулярно дезінфікувати місця з інтенсивним рухом людей
Чого очікувати
Музей іспанського військового госпіталю
Дізнайтеся жахливу правду про минуле медицини людства!
Перший тур такого роду!!
Час в історії, коли в ім’я медицини застосовувалися найобурливіші, безглузді та відверто смертоносні методи лікування.
Політика скасування
Усі продажі остаточні. У разі скасування бронювання кошти не повертаються.
It was a well rounded presentation on the mishaps of medicine through the aged. Well explained, and very much engaging for a total of 1 hr. Though this subject matter is more for adults. The friend that was with me, also recommended the spanish military tour as well.
Відповідь від хоста
May 2022
Thank you. We're so glad you enjoyed the tour. Our staff work very hard to make sure your tour is entertaining and informative.
Mar 2022
Like most of these attractions there is a lot more than meets the eye. Wow, as a health professional I really appreciated the history and the knowledge of our guide and presenter. I learned so much about Spanish medicine, medical treatment and medical education for that era. This is one of those places that you would walk by a dozen times (I did) and not go in. Well, it is well worth it! They do a nice job!
Відповідь від хоста
Apr 2022
Thank you. We are so glad you enjoyed your tour. Our staff love it when we get health professionals on tour, and are able to teach them something!!
Mar 2022
Nick and his crew are stellar at customer service and storytelling. We did both the regular tour and Quackery event. Both are well worth the money and the Quackery is both OMG and funny at the same time, oh educational too. I recommend! We do this every time we vacation here and look forward to it.
Відповідь від хоста
Apr 2022
Thank you for your review. We are so glad you enjoyed your tours. The staff work very hard to make sure that all tours are both educational and entertaining. We'll be looking forward to your visit to St Augustine.