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ПРИГОДА НА ПЛІТУ - На Палі 1/2 дня підводне плавання

Під час 5,5-годинного туру ми познайомимося з високими морськими скелями та незайманими пляжами узбережжя На Палі. Наш капітан і екіпаж поділяться історією, легендами та знаннями про місцеве морське життя. Зустрічайте грайливих дельфінів, зелених морських черепах і багато іншого. Мігруючі горбаті кити (грудень-березень). За сприятливих умов ми проведемо вас у морських печерах, під водоспадами та підводним плаванням на одному з найкращих рифів Кауаї. Виберіть ранковий або денний виліт; обидва включають обід, напої та спорядження для підводного плавання. Опис діяльності

Екскурсії на рафтингу можуть бути фізично важкими, пружними, вибоїстими та дуже веселими. Учасники повинні бути у фізичній формі вище середньої. Ви повинні вміти піднятися по міцній вертикальній драбині, щоб повернутися на пліт після підводного плавання. Цей тур дуже авантюрний, Wet, Wild & Wow! Будьте готові до насиченого дня! Усі водні види спорту та/або Na Pali доступні за наявності умов.
Місто: Кауаї
Fri 11 Oct
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $194.60
Fri 11 Oct
Починаючи з $194.60
Що включено
Ліцензований капітан і досвідчений екіпаж, який пройшов реанімаційну реанімацію та безпеку на воді
Сік, газована вода та вода
Індичка або вегетаріанські обгортання в індивідуальній упаковці (вкажіть свій варіант)
Обладнання для підводного плавання та професійні інструкції
Додаткова інформація
  • Неподалік є зупинки громадського транспорту
  • Мандрівники повинні мати високий рівень фізичної підготовки
  • Індичка або вегетаріанська їжа, будь ласка, повідомте під час бронювання, якщо потрібно
  • li>
  • Будь ласка, не забудьте взяти з собою рушник, сонцезахисний крем, фотоапарат і сонцезахисні окуляри, одягніть купальник і покривало.
  • Вагітним жінкам і серйозним проблемам зі здоров’ям заборонено.
  • СКАСУВАННЯ ПОЛІТИКА: щоб змінити, перенести або скасувати БУДЬ-ЯКИЙ тур і отримати повне відшкодування, ВИ ПОВИННІ ЗАТЕЛЕФОНУВАТИ ДО KST за 24 години до реєстрації.
  • Екскурсії на рафтингу можуть бути фізично важкими, стрибкими, вибоїстими та дуже весело. Учасники повинні бути у фізичній формі вище середньої. Ви повинні вміти піднятися по міцній вертикальній драбині, щоб повернутися на пліт після підводного плавання. Цей тур дуже авантюрний, Wet, Wild & Wow! Будьте готові до хвилюючого дня!
  • Усі водні види спорту та/або Na Pali доступні за умов.
  • Без вагітностей, хворих на спину, тих, хто нещодавно переніс операції, тих, хто має будь-яку рухливість. проблеми
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (858)
Aug 2019
I have no idea how this company has such high ratings. My family, three well-bodied, active girls age 20-25, and parents who are in their 50s went on the raft tour offered by this company. It was advertised as a relaxing "cruise" to go snorkeling and see sights in Hawaii. We left around 8 a.m., and it took about 4 hours to get to our snorkeling destination, where the water was super cloudy, and we weren't given good instruction on how to even snorkel. A few members of our family got seasick after this. On our way home, the water became extremely choppy and bounced us up and down extremely hard and constantly, while water from the ocean battered our eyes and faces making it impossible to see. Our captain also told us this was usual, and that the water is that choppy every day. Ok, so why would you keep taking people out in it...? It became pretty much like a full body workout to even try to hold on to the dumb ropes they make you hold on to during the raft tour. Did I mention the only thing keeping you on the boats is the ropes you're holding onto? You also slip your feet under a rope on the ground to keep you in the boat, which also is extremely painful, like constantly being rug burned. The raft is wet during the choppy conditions too which means you're slipping around on the wet rubber sides of the raft, so now me and one of my other sisters have terrible rashes/bruises on our backsides from the wet rubber rubbing against us for the, pretty much, hour and a half long ride back. We brought sunscreen to apply, but never had the opportunity to apply it since for the whole ride it's pretty much impossible to apply it since you can't let go of the stupid ropes, so we were all TERRIBLY sun burnt, especially from the ride back where the sun was beating down on us while we held on for our lives. One of the girls in my family now has second degree burns on her back as well as huge blisters. Also, they didn't provide us with life jackets to wear during the ride where you sit on the side of the raft and nothing is holding you in which makes absolutely no sense. I have no idea how nobody has died or gotten SERIOUSLY injured on this raft tour. The rest of our trip to Kauai has been ruined by this trip because all of us are still in so much pain from this tour, whether it be because of sunburn or bodily/back pain from the awful ride home. I would never take anyone under the age of 18 or over the age or 55 on this tour. Seriously, there are so many people I know who wouldn't have been able to hold on as we were. Also, definitely need a back adjustment after this experience. I'm honestly just surprised we all survived. DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY ON THIS!!!
Відповідь від хоста
Aug 2019
I'm really sorry that your trip was not to your satisfaction. We have addressed this with our Captain and Crew. I hope we can make it up to you and your family when your back in Kauai. I can offer you a discount of 20% on any of our future Catamaran tours. Please accept our sincere apologies.
Aug 2019
On a day that the water was calm, we boarded our raft with captain Evan and BJ and set out on an adventure of a lifetime. From the moment the captain pulled the throttle down, cranked up Hawaii Five-0 as we zoomed out of the harbor I could not stop smiling. The ride was exhilarating as we held onto the rope and everyone on that raft had a great time. We did the beach landing and also stopped for a quick swim before we hit the beach. The beach landing is where we snorkeled and saw so many beautiful fish! The walk was informative about the ancient village that was once there. After lunch we started exploring sea caves. Due to the calm seas, we got to enter all of them!!!! Very cool. On the way back we encountered a pod of spinner dolphins that was pure magic. Our crew was great! Very skilled and when it came to cranking tunes and having fun? Our raft was “lit” as my kids would say. We brought 3 teenagers who all had the time of their lives. You do need to be able bodied to do this event. You hold on to a rope and skim across the water. Even on a calm day we bumped around and were air born a few times. The crew stops for breaks which is nice. There is a rope ladder you climb back up into the raft on when ever you get out, and that’s 2-3 times. If you’re looking for adventure? This is it! On a not so fun note my husband lost his wedding band we think snorkeling on the beach landing, my best tip is to take your rings off, the water is cooler and your hands shrink. On the off chance future rafters find it, please message me. We’ve been married 25 years and of course it’s special.
Aug 2019
It was an amazing tour! Our captain, Shawn and Jamie were such beautiful stewards of the Hawaiian culture. They truly cared about showing us the best of Kauai. We got to zip around the Napali Coast. Such a site to see. Jamie and Sean explained all the history of the land as well as which movies were filmed where. We also smirked in a perfect spot and saw 4 sea turtles and a ton of fish. Amazing experience!

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