This was my second Ghost Tour in San Antonio. The other was fourteen months earlier with a different group, but both times I was accompanying a large group of teenagers. As you would expect, there was a lot of the same territory covered on both tours.
RJA Ghost Tours did a better job overall, focusing more on the historic details and letting the atmosphere be created by the retelling. The other company did a great job of setting the stage ("San Antonio is one big burial ground, housing generations of dead Indians, explorers, Mexicans, Texans . . ."), while RJA went into an explanation of paranormal phenomena that was, frankly, dry.
But RJA's guide excelled in telling the stories of different eras and fielding questions. The stop at Menger Hotel, for example had information about more specific hauntings and their background. (The exception was the Emily Morgan Hotel, where the other guide provided an interesting tale of Emily Morgan's alleged spy activities.)
As the evening grew darker, the teenagers became captivated by the more macabre elements. The guide read his audience and played up the chilling aspects of the stories, finishing at the old County Jail that has been converted into a hotel. Since our group was staying there, some of the students were more suggestible at that point!
All in all, a fun outing, whether your interest is more in actual history or in ghost narratives. It is a walking tour with most of the commentary delivered on the streets in front of the buildings in question.