This was the worst tour I have ever been on!!!!! I will say the first 15 minutes were fine, then they had to change busses and drivers, the bus intercom broke. Our next driver, I won’t mention his name but he did bring his dog, that was not the problem, 5 minutes in he turned his music up loud then he stopped and got himself a pizza, then he started sharing his political views, starting with F..k Biden, then he talked negatively about all of the gay guys in San Francisco, he talked about Scottish men in kilts to make it easier for sheep, he said the roof of the low bridge coming back from the golden gate had black marks on the top from Afro’s with jerry curls hitting it, I could go on and on. I could not believe the offensive things he was saying, I felt like I was on a political party bus, NOT what I paid for, I wanted to see and hear the history of the city, Didn’t get any of that. I called twice to complain asked for a refund and was denied. Stay away from his company!!!!!