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Відчуйте виноробний регіон Сонома унікальним способом – на винному візку долини Сонома. Сядьте на борт цієї історичної копії канатної дороги Сан-Франциско та захопіть місце в особливій пригоді з дегустацією вин, яку ви ніколи не забудете. Цей тролейбус під відкритим небом дозволить вам познайомитися з мальовничими виноградниками, як ніхто інший. Під час цієї екскурсії ваш доброзичливий та досвідчений гід відведе вас до трьох виноробень для дегустації. Ви відвідаєте головні історичні пам'ятки Сонома та насолодитеся обідом під час однієї з мальовничих зупинок. Екскурсія починається о 10:00 і закінчується приблизно о 4:30.

У цю екскурсію має бути 21 рік або більше.
Місто: Napa & Sonoma
Mon 30 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $125.00
Mon 30 Sep
Починаючи з $125.00
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  • Мінімальний вік становить 21 рік.
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  • Провідники повинні регулярно мити руки
Чого очікувати
Долина Сонома
Ваш день у винній країні Каліфорнія починається, коли ви стрибаєте на борт винного візка Sonoma Wine Trolley, створеного за зразком знаменитих історичних канатних доріг Сан-Франциско. Насолоджуйтеся вітром, коли ваш досвідчений гід поведе вас до чотирьох видатних виноробень у районі Сонома, відомих як своїми винами, так і своєю гостинністю. Кожна дегустація вин відбувається на виноробні, і представники кожної виноробні пояснять різні сорти, які ви пробуватимете, і історію виноробень (комісія за дегустацію не включена, і ви можете розраховувати на оплату від 30 до 40 доларів). Під час цієї екскурсії ви знайдете чудові можливості для фотографій, і ваш доброзичливий гід із задоволенням зробить одну чи дві фотографії вашої групи, щоб ви могли задокументувати свій пам’ятний день у винній країні.
Політика скасування
Усі продажі остаточні. У разі скасування бронювання кошти не повертаються.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (614)
Dee D
Sep 2017
We met our guide Paul on the Sonoma Plaza in front of Sonoma City Hall. The instructions for pick up say Sonoma Courthouse so there was a bit of confusion even when I called the number listed on my reservation, so I was a little worried about the quality of the tour. No worries however it was very good and Paul was excellent. We really didn't need nor want the tour of the Mexican barracks across the plaza, anyone can do this on their own, but the winery tours and wine tastings were great. They take you to four wineries ( three would have been enough). The tastings at Imagery the first stop, were the best and it was free! They offered a nice selection of whites and reds.Next was Benziger which had a great tour of the actual vineyards and behind the scenes works, ($20 includes tour and wine tasting) which we really enjoyed. We tasted a white among the vines, but all they offered were reds in the tasting room. I'm a white wine drinker. Lunch from The Girl and Fig is included in trolley tour and was was offered here and was good except for the bees! The next two were Paradise and Maya but we were pretty " wined" out at this point. It was nice to see the countryside and our guide had a good knowledge of the area.
Відповідь від хоста
Sep 2017
Thank you for the comments and review Dee D. We are always looking to improve our tours. I will look into why it says court house. have had many people suggest that three wineries would be enough. however we have tried that and many more people have suggested that 4 was better than three. This is why we leave the tasting and fees up to each guest. There is no obligation to try the wine if you are wined out but we do encourage trying them all. Many of the locations and wines you try are not found anywhere else beside the winery. And this is a great way to stock your cellar with wines that cant be found at home. So very glad you enjoyed the tour. Cheers.
Rose g
Sep 2017
Sonoma Valley Wine Trolley is advertised as visiting 4 wineries. I took the tour on August 30th. Our wine tour only stopped at 3. I called and emailed the touring company that evening asking how I should go about getting a refund for only 3 tours instead of the 4 as advertised. September 1st, I received a call back from a manager. I explained the situation and his initial response was that “it was a crowded tour”. We had 9 people on our tour and it was mentioned by the Trolley driver how we had a small group. He proceeded to place the blame on the tour guide at Ravenswood that he had taken longer than the allotted time. I shared with him that the tour guide asked several times to clarify when he had to have us back. During the tour, I remember him asking several times, to the group, the time, to make sure he had us back in time. When his attempts at excuses failed, he finally agreed to a $17 refund after letting me know they actually saved me money by not stopping at Madrone winery that day, as promised by the tour guide. The $17 was calculated and explained to me as lunch from the Girl and Fig costing $28 (while delicious, I question a "gourmet lunch" that is a deli sandwich,potatoe salad and a brownie), leaving $17 for each stop. While I appreciate the refund, I did not appreciate the condescending tone I was given after my request. A simple apology and a refund for the 4th winery would have sufficed. I would also like to add, that the tour in between each winery was of very little history instead of the “ As you embark on a journey full of rich local history,” and “fun & historic narrative.” As advertised on your web page. Instead, it was filled with loud music that included music from AC/DC. (While I have no objections to AC/DC, I found it to be less than appropriate for a drive through the picturesque setting of Sonoma vineyards.) Should you respond to this review, hopefully the excuses will be less then what the manager had given and more of a simple apology. A $99 tour that required an additional $20 fee at 2 wineries for the tour and tasting and $8 for the final winery was not worth the price of this particular wine tour.
Відповідь від хоста
Sep 2017
Dear Valued Customer. Our sincere apologies for only having time for 3 tours instead of 4 as advertised. We are happy to have provided you a partial refund for the one stop. After speaking with the driver of the tour he explained that Ravenswood tour ran longer than expected which pushed us behind schedule and where not able to make the other stops on time so had to eliminate the one stop. This is not something that typically happens. In fact, in all of the time here I have never seen it happen. As far as the lack of narrative and choice of music, this is something we will address with the driver. We have a specific script that we stick to and music programming that should be played. Once again we are sincerely sorry for the lack of ability to get to all four stops. As you can tell from the other reviews we pride ourselves with the quality tour we have to offer. I ask if you are available to ride the Trolley again you go as our guest and let us prove to you that our tours are quite enjoyable for everyone.
Aug 2017
We live in Santa Rosa and had an awesome time! Loved our driver and learned so much about Sonoma and wine country. Its a great way to travel by just hoping off and on the trolley to our next destination. We went to four different wineries and loved each one. I would recomend this to everyone!
Відповідь від хоста
Sep 2017
We recommend the tour to locals as well as visitors. Its a great way to see the Valley and explore without driving.

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