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Винний візок долини Сонома з обідом

Відчуйте виноробний регіон Сонома унікальним способом – на винному візку долини Сонома. Сядьте на борт цієї історичної копії канатної дороги Сан-Франциско та захопіть місце в особливій пригоді з дегустацією вин, яку ви ніколи не забудете. Цей тролейбус під відкритим небом дозволить вам познайомитися з мальовничими виноградниками, як ніхто інший. Під час цієї екскурсії ваш доброзичливий та досвідчений гід відведе вас до трьох виноробень для дегустації. Ви відвідаєте головні історичні пам'ятки Сонома та насолодитеся обідом під час однієї з мальовничих зупинок. Екскурсія починається о 10:00 і закінчується приблизно о 4:30.

У цю екскурсію має бути 21 рік або більше.
Місто: Napa & Sonoma
Sat 21 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $125.00
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $125.00
Що включено
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Додаткова інформація
  • Не рекомендовано для вагітних мандрівників
  • Підходить для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
  • Працює за будь-яких погодних умов, будь ласка, одягайтеся відповідно. У зимові місяці рекомендовано носити куртки та захист від дощу.
  • Мінімальний вік становить 21 рік.
  • ПОТРІБНО повідомити будь-які спеціальні дієтичні вимоги під час бронювання.
  • Не споживати у тролейбусі дозволено вживати алкогольні напої
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  • Регулярно дезінфікувати транспортні засоби
  • Провідники повинні регулярно мити руки
Чого очікувати
Долина Сонома
Ваш день у винній країні Каліфорнія починається, коли ви стрибаєте на борт винного візка Sonoma Wine Trolley, створеного за зразком знаменитих історичних канатних доріг Сан-Франциско. Насолоджуйтеся вітром, коли ваш досвідчений гід поведе вас до чотирьох видатних виноробень у районі Сонома, відомих як своїми винами, так і своєю гостинністю. Кожна дегустація вин відбувається на виноробні, і представники кожної виноробні пояснять різні сорти, які ви пробуватимете, і історію виноробень (комісія за дегустацію не включена, і ви можете розраховувати на оплату від 30 до 40 доларів). Під час цієї екскурсії ви знайдете чудові можливості для фотографій, і ваш доброзичливий гід із задоволенням зробить одну чи дві фотографії вашої групи, щоб ви могли задокументувати свій пам’ятний день у винній країні.
Політика скасування
Усі продажі остаточні. У разі скасування бронювання кошти не повертаються.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (614)
Jon Denise D
Sep 2012
Cable Car Christopher was our tour guide. He was OUTSTANDING!!!!!! Trolley was clean and neat. Trolley arrived on time to pick us up at our hotel. (Also dropped us off at hotel at end of tour.). We toured 4 wineries. One big and three small. All were great!!! Each winery had a host for our group and treated us well. We even had a tour of the vineyards at Berzinger. Quite fun. Explored wine (man made) caves and the tasting room was in the last wine cave. Our group of 11 was diverse and became friends by the end of the tour. Had a delicious lunch in a private picnic area supplied by the tour company. Food was excellent but unfortunately we were invaded by sweat bees. At one time 5 bees were walking on my fine sandwich. Didn't like that. EVERYTHING was excellent but the bees. Suggest having lunch in a wine cave or indoors at a winery. Besides that I give the tour and in particular "Cable Car Christopher" a 10!!!! Would do the tour again if we come back!!!
Відповідь від хоста
Sep 2012
Thank you for taking the time to review your recent Sonoma Valley Wine Trolley tour! We are please that you enjoyed your tour, lunch and tour-guide! Our management team is working with the Benziger Family Winery with regards to the bee issue. Several of our winery partners have also indicated that this year, the bees have been a bit more prolific than usual. Additionally, the pests in question are more active in the Summer and Autumn. (Which we are currently in.) Then, if you take into consideration the fact that our winery partners are in harvest, there are even more! In saying this, we are working on a fix for this situation and we hope to find a quick solution. Thank you for your feed back and we hope you will come back and visit with us again soon.
Simone H
Aug 2012
My friend and I were looking at ways to discover Somona for a day while our stay in Napa. Sonoma Valley Wine Trolley was the perfect choice. Chris, the driver met us at Sonoma Square, which is a wonderful place to shop and eat before or after the tour. Chris was really fun & super knowledgable about Somona & made us laugh the whole time : ). The wineries were wonderful and the provided lunch was delicious. Chris set everthing up at one of the wineries and we got to sit down and eat our lunch while enjoying a glass of wine of our choice after one of the tastings. Perfect day for a couple or girlfriends day out!
Aug 2012
JWe found this trip to be a major let-down. The disappointment began on arrival at the square in Sonoma where we were greeted by the driver of a "limo-bus" because the trolley had "broken down last night." Once on board it was explained to the group that this was a new route so there was none of the advertised commentary about the sights we would be seeeing on our tour, which was a shame for us as we know little about the area. The 4 wineries we visited were all different but we both got the impression that this was seen as a second-rate tour at each of the establishments and that they wanted us to try the wines as quickly as possible and then spend money buying bottles in the gift shops. The lunch was pleasant, but once again felt a little like we were in the cheap seats with the setting away from the main area of the winery buildings. The tour is advertised as having "friendly and knowledgable tour guides" which we did not experience. Overall, our experience was not worth the money paid.
Відповідь від хоста
Aug 2012
In response to your recent Sonoma Valley Wine Trolley trip August 7th, 2012: We are terribly sorry that you did not enjoy your experience on the Sonoma Valley Wine Trolley Tour. Due to an unforeseen situation, we had to substitute the Sonoma Valley Wine Trolley with a Limousine Style Tour bus, which came with Champagne, water and sodas. As indicated on our web site, confirmation emails, and your tickets, if we have to substitute any tour with a bus, we do credit you back $10.00 off each ticket. You are correct that the tour that you experienced is one of our new tours, and there are always a few details to work out in a new tour. And yes, that was also explained prior to the tour departing. There usually is a commentator discussing the route that we travel; however, with the changing of the vehicle, the electronic description was not able to be played. However, I do know that the driver was explaining the area that the vehicle was driving through. To address the feeling of being rushed, all tour companies have set times with their winery partners and with the tasting experiences. For a group of 10 or more guests, (Your tour had 18) the average tasting experience is between 30 and 45 minutes. The only way to prolong a winery tasting experience is if you took a private tour. The area that the gourmet catered lunch is served at is a private picnic ground over looking a pond set away from the hustle and bustle of other non-trolley guests. The Benziger Family specifically had the picnic spot built for our tour to make our guests feel special. It was by no means a “Lesser Location.” Again, we are sorry that you felt like your tour was not a special experience. As you can see from our other guest reviews, we take our tours very seriously and try to offer a fun experience. We will take your comments into consideration to strengthen our new tour route. In the event that you return to the Sonoma Valley, we would hope that you would come back and experience our tour again.

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