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Який кращий спосіб завершити ідеальний день, ніж блискучий мальовничий вечірній круїз уздовж мальовничих річок Індіан і Сент-Люсі – найкращі види на Стюарт відкриваються з води!

(цей тур не озвучується)
Місто: Вест Палм Біч
Thu 13 Mar
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Починаючи з $47.50
Thu 13 Mar
Починаючи з $47.50
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Додаткова інформація
  • Немовлята та маленькі діти можуть їздити в колясці або колясці
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  • Регулярно дезінфікувати місця з інтенсивним рухом людей
  • Регулярно дезінфікувати транспортні засоби
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  • Безконтактні платежі чайових і надбавок
Чого очікувати
Втока Сент-Люсі
Який кращий спосіб завершити ідеальний день, ніж блискучий мальовничий вечірній круїз мальовничими річками Індіан і Сент-Люсі. Насолоджуйтеся повним розслабленням під час двогодинного круїзу. Насолоджуйтесь улюбленими коктейлями в нашому барі з повним набором послуг. Наш доброзичливий персонал тут подбає про те, щоб ваш коктейль був ідеальним. Ви не захочете пропустити чудовий захід сонця у Флориді вздовж берегів Стюарта – найщасливішого приморського міста Америки за версією Coastal Living. Не забудьте зробити багато фотографій на приголомшливому фоні річки, над якою низько сідає сонце. Посадка на човен за 15 хвилин до часу відправлення, тому не забудьте прибути вчасно. Забронюйте круїз на заході сонця зараз – найкращі види на Стюарт відкриваються з води!
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (17)
Apr 2022
The Friends made the trip fun. The boat was more derelict and beat up than we expected. We were ordered back to the dock and to stay by their tan umbrella, for check in. They would not allow us to even bring a small bottled water on board. So, upon boarding, our pregnant friend had to ditch her water. Once on board we asked if they could get us some water for her: they said "No". However, after 20 minutes underway, they were happy to sell us a bottled water. A bottle of warm water, because, they said their electrical system was broken and wouldn't run/cool their refrigerators/coolers. Likewise, for that reason, all the beer was about as cold as if you'd have left it out in an air conditioned room. (they'd have sold a lot of beer/beverages if the fridges worked properly). NO Food. Just a few snacks. The "snacks" consisted of two sleeves of Ritz, a bag of rice crackers, some thin slices of cheese, a few chunks of pineapple, and just one of those large mixed nut jars you can buy at Sam's. They did have a popcorn machine with humidity/soggy popcorn. And, they charged $3 for an amount of popcorn about the size of a paper hotdog bun holder. That's for at least 60+ PEOPLE! There are two restrooms at the stern. One was out of order; then other would not flush and was full of TP and "stuff" because it wouldn't flush; the women WERE NOT HAPPY; many said it was worse than most Portolets! AND, the sink/water in it would not WORK! The crew said they were also having "water Problems". The rails to the second deck were yucky and sticky. We derived some entertainment because every 20-30 minutes the Captain would open a lower deck hatch and jump down to bang on something to get the water or electric to continue working. Overall the cruise/view was nice: the views ; what made it a fun time was the friends, NOT the boat nor the amenities.
Відповідь від хоста
Apr 2022
Thank you for your review and it is disappointing we were unable to deliver the usual five star experience shared by the majority of our guests. By a twist of fate there was an unforeseen electrical issue the Captain was dealing with that did unfortunately affect the coolers and water system. But pleased to read you were entertained and understanding. You are correct that you are not allowed to wait on the dock before boarding, but rather we ask that everyone congregate and line up off the dock. You would have been politely asked to wait in line for boarding similar to the rest of the +60 guests. And no we do not allow outside food or drink due to our liquor license requirements. Thank you for highlighting that overall the cruise was nice. Sorry you felt that so many items detracted from your experience and we would be happy to discuss further on 772-225-2100.
Donald W
Feb 2022
Went in the 2 hour sunset cruise in two different Saturdays and first one was great. Second one went down the river to Jupiter island and rocky point. Very boring and terrible music station. Due to wake zone areas all the way boat was very slow
Відповідь від хоста
Mar 2022
Thank you for your feedback. We are always looking to improve our product and will pass along your concerns about your 2nd experience. Hopefully we can sea you again!
Nov 2021
This is our second Sunset cruise with Island Princess. It’s always a fun time with family and friends. The crew is friendly, helpful, and professional. The entire experience is very relaxing. The Captain picked a few select spots for amazing sunset views. We also got to see some beautiful homes along the river. We look forward to another cruise soon!
Відповідь від хоста
Nov 2021
Hello and thank you for taking the time to share your detailed feedback! We are thrilled to hear that you have nothing but amazing things to say about our team at Island Princess Cruises and what we offer.

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