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Досвід рафтингу по верхній річці Піджен

Ущелина річки Піджен проходить зі сходу на захід через гори Смокі від Північної Кароліни до Теннессі. Як одна з найпопулярніших рафтингових подорожей в Америці, Верхня частина річки Піджен пропонує гостям найкраще знайомство з білою водою будь-де.
Місто: Гартфорд
Sat 21 Sep
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Починаючи з $43.00
Sat 21 Sep
Починаючи з $43.00
Що включено
Спорядження входить: рятувальний жилет, шолом і весло
Додаткова інформація
  • Не рекомендується мандрівникам із травмами хребта
  • Не рекомендується мандрівникам із поганим серцево-судинним здоров’ям
  • Мандрівники повинні мати принаймні помірний рівень фізичної підготовки
  • Потім гості зустрінуться зі своїм особистим гідом і отримають необхідне спорядження, зокрема: рятувальний жилет, шолом і весло.
  • Після того, як ваш гід ще раз перевірить, чи все спорядження встановлено належним чином, гості заскакують. наш автобус за коротку 10-хвилинну поїздку до місця відправлення вашої подорожі.
Чого очікувати
Голубина річка
Ущелина річки Піджен проходить зі сходу на захід через Смокі-Маунтінс від Північної Кароліни до Теннессі, пропонуючи веслярам панорамний вид на Грейт-Смокі-Маунтінс, охолоджуючись від літньої спеки.
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (470)
Sarah R
Jun 2013
We had our first white water experience at Big Creek. The guide did a nice job of explaining safety issues and protocol for the rafters while incorporating humor to keep the mood fun. This was my first rafting experience, and I was a little hesitant. However, I felt at ease once I met my raft guide, Elton. He was knowledgeable and skillful on the river as he lead the group through class III and class IV rapids. At one point, another raft behind us tipped. All of the Big Creek guides came together to help the swimmers get back to their raft. The "rescue effort" was efficiently done, and the guides were professional. Apparently, they drill for these types of events, and it was like watching a well-oiled machine. I was very impressed! We rafted the upper Pigeon, and I believe this was a good choice for us. If you're looking for a peaceful, non-eventful float trip, pick the lower Pigeon. My adventurous group wanted to get the adrenaline pumping, but we didn't feel like we were ready for class V rapids just yet. This was perfect for us! If you're a bit hesitant like I was, relax! You are in good hands. I would definitely pick Elton to raft with again. He evaluated the skill of my group (we had all adults in our raft) and gave us a great experience. He even asked it we wanted the next rapid "easy" or "rough". His skill on the river is what made the trip, and I really appreciated the fact that he wanted to give the customer a great rafting experience.
Jun 2013
This was our first white water rafting and its unforgetable! my family and friends even want to do it again ! the staff are very courteous and professional! they're very particular with safety! our guide, the "bearded" one, is very knowledgeable and even made my daughter (8yo) feel safe and enjoyed the whole upper pigeon river ride amazing! plus the photographer did an amazing job of taking our pics in that level 4 rapids! try it!
Jul 2012
My husband and I are experienced ww rafters. Just the month before we'd done an all day trip on the New River in WV with class IV's and two V's! So we were disappointed when friends who are not at all adventurous came to visit and insisted on nothing more rough a leisurely 1 1/2 hr float trip with Big Creek. Well, it was NOTHING like described or I expected but fortunately our friends liked it. Honestly,there were numerous class II1/2's and some III's!! Our guide even put us in a pretty good rapid where we had to really paddle hard to get in and out of it and he showed them how to "surf" the raft. Because we were expecting an easy float, there only 3 of us had brought paddles. So we had to work a bit! Ok for us but if you're expecting to just sit back and relax the entire run you're in for a surprise. It was WAAAY more than the float I'd done on the Snake in Wy and more than they'd wanted but we all had a ball. One note of caution.....because we'd been expecting nothing more than class IIs, we never thought we'd get wet. So despite being told to bring a change of clothes and towels, we dismissed that advice thinking it was advice geared towards white water rafters not floaters. Well, there were several big waves and we all got very wet. Do bring dry clothes, shoes and towels. Also, while we had great fun I think that potential floaters should be given a more realistic description of the run. We were told that the float was suitable for age 3 or 5, I can't remember, and up. I do remember thinking, boy, that's very young so I think it was 3. There was a little boy who had just turned 5 and his mom in our raft and honestly, I think even 5 is too little and too young for some of the rough water we went through. And as a reference point, you should know that as a Brownie scout leader many years ago I took my troop rafting on the Kern River in Ca. at age 7 on a tame run of 2 or 2 plus! At one point he lost his balance and tilted over towards the edge. His mom had to grab him. That young is just not safe. Maybe the water was rougher than usual. I don't know. It was July 21st, not high water level from spring run off. Other than the above, it was organized, efficient and fun. I've never had a guide, anywhere who wasn't fun and competent. This was no exception.

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