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Досвід рафтингу по верхній річці Піджен

Ущелина річки Піджен проходить зі сходу на захід через гори Смокі від Північної Кароліни до Теннессі. Як одна з найпопулярніших рафтингових подорожей в Америці, Верхня частина річки Піджен пропонує гостям найкраще знайомство з білою водою будь-де.
Місто: Гартфорд
Thu 26 Sep
Обрати дату можна вже на сайті бронювання
Починаючи з $43.00
Thu 26 Sep
Починаючи з $43.00
Що включено
Спорядження входить: рятувальний жилет, шолом і весло
Додаткова інформація
  • Не рекомендується мандрівникам із травмами хребта
  • Не рекомендується мандрівникам із поганим серцево-судинним здоров’ям
  • Мандрівники повинні мати принаймні помірний рівень фізичної підготовки
  • Потім гості зустрінуться зі своїм особистим гідом і отримають необхідне спорядження, зокрема: рятувальний жилет, шолом і весло.
  • Після того, як ваш гід ще раз перевірить, чи все спорядження встановлено належним чином, гості заскакують. наш автобус за коротку 10-хвилинну поїздку до місця відправлення вашої подорожі.
Чого очікувати
Голубина річка
Ущелина річки Піджен проходить зі сходу на захід через Смокі-Маунтінс від Північної Кароліни до Теннессі, пропонуючи веслярам панорамний вид на Грейт-Смокі-Маунтінс, охолоджуючись від літньої спеки.
Політика скасування
Щоб отримати повне відшкодування, скасуйте принаймні за 24 години до запланованого часу відправлення.
Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (470)
Aug 2019
This was my first time white water rafting. I was extremely nervous having my daughter there with us as she is only 10 years old. She is a great swimmer but as a dad, I know how things happen. We went through the basic course training and our guide was issued to us. Wayne was our guide and from the second I saw him, I felt safe. He takes his job extremely serious but is all about fun and knowledge. He asked me if it was ok to put my daughter at the rear of the raft with him. I’m over protective to say the least but I felt comfortable with him and made sure she was ok and allowed it. My wife and I were watching and Wayne’s ability to give his undivided attention to the members of the raft while never taking his eyes off my daughter was impressive. It allowed me to enjoy the ride while knowing she was in good hands. During the slower portions of the ride where the rapids decreased Wayne offered us so much information on the area, the river and the history behind it. It was like living a National Geographic episode on white water rafting in Tennessee. When the rapids hit we took instruction from him in a loud clear voice and rode like champs. This was by far my families favorite activity on the trip despite the fact that we had an extremely full agenda from zip lining to horseback riding, Dollywood etc....I truly feel like Wayne has a lot to do with this. I can’t say enough great things about him and the facility. If you want an experience with no bull crap involved.. check this place out. It is beautiful to say the least. I very rarely take the time to write reviews but this place earned it!!! Thank you Wayne for the experience and education! I almost forgot.. the pictures they take are uploaded to a flash drive. We NEVER buy pictures from anywhere we go but check these out. They are cheap and the photos they capture are priceless.
Відповідь від хоста
Sep 2019
Wow! Thank you so much for taking the time to let us know about your trip with Wayne. He is such a huge asset to our team and returns to guide for us season after season. We are lucky to have him on our team because his passion for the outdoor world surrounding permeates through his guiding. I am not shocked to hear of the excellent care that was paid to your daughter. Our guides tend to go above and beyond in regard to the safety of our guests. We're grateful that you allowed us (and Wayne!) to be a part of your Great Smoky Mountain vacation and are delighted to hear that your rafting experience was your family's favorite activity and we hope you will come back and visit us again. You're welcome to always request a specific guide by calling us at 877.642.7238
Aug 2019
This is a copy of an email we sent to the company. So far our email has been ignored. I wanted to reach out to you to tell you how disappointed we were with our rafting trip with your company. We have done a number of rafting trips around the country and have always had a great time. Unfortunately this was not the case with your company. Our biggest issue was with how disappointed we were with your guide. Here we were ready to enjoy the beauty of Tennessee and spend some time on the water and our time was ruined by your guide's continually spitting tobacco juice into the river and occasionally hacking up a lung which he also spit into the river. Not sure why he thought we would be interested in jumping into the river to enjoy a swim after seeing him engage in this disgusting practice. In addition we also tried on several occasions to engage him in conversation to learn more about the area. On past trips our typical guide is usually full of interesting facts and corny jokes and is more than happy to talk about the area. He was completely uninterested in any conversation and we eventually gave up. In addition while I realize you cannot control the water on the river, your tour was touted as a class 3 & 4 rapids trip which required life vests and helmets and ultimately seemed to be shorter than advertised. We did not time the exact trip but we do know we were in our car before we should have been. Of all of our trips this was by far the most tame and some of our prior trips were presented as class 2 & 3 rapids. Other than maybe insurance regulations there was absolutely no reason we were required to wear helmets. We did appreciate you setting up our trips with horseback riding and zip lines. Their guides and our experiences with those companies was much better.
Відповідь від хоста
Aug 2019
Glenn, Here at Big Creek Expeditions, we pride ourselves on having an experienced, professional staff that puts our guests safety and enjoyment as their top priority. I have identified the guide that you had on your trip and consequential actions will be taken for this behavior upon further discussion. As far as the time of your trip is concerned, we advise all guests to expect to be with us for a total of roughly 3 hours. This time includes your check-in process, safety talk orientation, meeting your guide, gearing up, shuttle ride, rafting adventure, returning your gear, picture viewing and departure. River trips last about an hour to an hour and a half depending on the water levels, which is explained on our website and over the phone by our reservation team. Additionally, the Upper Section of the Pigeon River is classified as a Class III-IV river by nationally recognized whitewater organizations like American Whitewater and the United States Geological Survey. On the day of your trip, the river was running 1,400 cfs, which is the standard flow for the Pigeon River and provides paddlers with a Class III-IV rafting experience. Our apologies if your perspective of the rapids and hydrology of the Pigeon River was different. We value our guests. Without you, we would not exist as a company and your satisfaction is of utmost importance. I only wish you would have spoke with us directly about your disappointment on the day of your trip, as I would have been able to remedy the situation sooner. I would like to personally apologize for the lack of response to your email, which was on my to-do list for today, as I am returning to the office from a sickness. Feel free to reach out to me with any further issues or to discuss your disappointment further. Best, Amanda Clampitt [email protected]
Aug 2019
We experienced the white water rapids tour. We had a great time with the friendly staff and great customer service. We look forward to visiting again in the future. A great place to visit if in the area.
Відповідь від хоста
Aug 2019
Thank you for taking the time to leave us a review. We hope you can make a trip back to the Smokies to visit us again soon.

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