This was an awesome experience! We were staying in Eugene and made the 2-hour trip in the rain to get there and it was so worth it. I learned so much being there and getting educated on the history, migration, mating, ecosystem and lives of wolves—I am forever grateful for the time they took with us. We were able to hear all 7 wolves howl together and it was incredible to get to be there for that. Howling is guaranteed, but we got lucky! I fell in love with these sweet creatures and they have a permanent place in my heart now. We couldn’t touch them, but they were close through the chain link fence so it was up close and personal. My reluctant (to learn anything new) teen even loved it. Im so glad I dragged her there because she got to experience something she’ll never experience in her like again. Im so happy we did this tour and recommend 5+++ stars anyone who can do this tour to do it. It’s been a major highlight of our Oregon trip, and honestly a highlight of my life. Thank you all for your dedication to these beautiful, misunderstood, majestic animals. ♥️